The Ministry of Health announced on Monday that there is one additional confirmed case of COVID-19. This brings the total number of confirmed cases to 84.
This newest case is a 64-year-old woman from New Providence who is in isolation at home.
There have been seven confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Grand Bahama, 68 in New Providence, one in Cat Cay and eight on Bimini.
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 10 months ago
How many people are tested daily? When are we going to start running antibody test on those who had the "flu" during the previous winter season, it's very likely those people had the China Virus, but we'll never know the answer to these questions because out country's preparedness and response to situations such as this and Dorian is somehow worse than a 3rd world country!!!!!
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 10 months ago
Never. There's never going to be any testing. Our policy is now officially herd immunity.
242wedo 4 years, 10 months ago
Maybe we should start seriously considering the myriad costs of this lockdown vs. a policy of cautiously opening up. With a population of 300K people, we essentially risk 7-10K hospitalizations on a rolling basis and 700-1000 deaths - if we were to do nothing at all. We are all already social distancing and wearing masks. There is a serious argument to be made for letting the young and healthy achieve herd immunity here, in the face of what joblessness and crime would bring from an extended period of lockdown and economic inactivity.
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