The Ministry of Health reported on Saturday that there are 133 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19.
This brings the total number of cases to 1,252 with 1,072 of those active.
The breakdown of the new cases is: New Providence 102, Grand Bahama 10, Abaco 13, Berry Islands two, Andros one, Inagua one and the details of the four other cases are pending.
Health officials are reminding the public to practice the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19:
• Wear a face mask when you leave home;
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and if soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 70% alcohol;
• Cover your cough or sneeze in your inner elbow or with a tissue; and
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as phones, remotes controls, counters, doorknobs, and keyboards.
mrsmith 4 years, 7 months ago
JESUS CHRISTOS Way to go Bahamas and NP. Sigh.
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago
Have you seen the lines at the food stores thanks to Minnis and his crazy lockdown orders? It seems this power drunken buffoon didnt learn from his mistakes many months ago when he introduced ABC shopping and had the D- population breathing on each other's necks thanks to the panic buying!
Minnis and his entire administration along with the crayon eaters at the Ministry of Health/Tourism MUST resign immediately... each and every one of them have been a disaster before and especially during this pandemic! The sooner these idiots are gone (ESPECIALLY CAT.5 MINNIS), the quicker we can steer this country back in the right direction!
PS: The peak of the record breaking Hurricane Season is nearing upon us and not ONE island is prepared to take on another Dorian!
tribanon 4 years, 7 months ago
Most Bahamians don't know that Sept 10 is the peak day of the hurricane season this year. And with the curse of Minnis upon us, it is not unreasonable to expect the very worse will happen. Penance is being imposed upon us for having allowed this very evil man to become PM and our country and our people will continue to suffer in most horrible ways for as long as he remains PM.
mrsmith 4 years, 7 months ago
Just a wild guess here that the mile long, 2 inch physical distancing grocery store, MWF shopping lines ain’t helping.
viewersmatters 4 years, 7 months ago
Let's continue to blame the government for the people to continue to host large gatherings and parties and having a zero care towards their safety and the safety of their family and friends
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
what large gatherings? I'm sick and tired of this y'all rude children don't know how to behave condescending tone. Dr Minnis decided not to do any testing, as Minister of Health he said it was UNNECESSARY, he decided that the borders could be opened. There was a collective clamour for the benchmarks for moving between the reopening phases, he gave none. Every week he just had another announcement that we'd gone to another phase. He shut down the COVID hotline. He closed the quarantine facilities. He said our contact tracing was stellar only for Renward Wells to announce that at a few hundred the system was overwhelmed. He and DAguilar allowed Bahamasair to run the Miami special. Tourists were allowed in with the wrong tests and some with no tests. He limited foodstore shopping hours again and caused the panic buying and long lines. If you want to find out how the numbers exploded, look somewhere in there, cause een nobody been on the beach for a month now.
If they had sample tested each flight like I suggested, none of this would have happened. This is not the Bahamian people. This is a government moving 3 weeks behind the virus. These 100 cases probably 3 weeks old. The people they were in contact with done finish moving around the office touching the coffee machine for days now. They'll get a call to quarantine on Monday.
trueBahamian 4 years, 7 months ago
The reopening was.clearly a disaster. Commonsense suggests that with reopening you will have a spike, so whatever things you had in place you have to increase those resources and new controls added. To shut the hotline down, the quarantine site, etc and then reopen someone has to ask, "what the hell was he thinking?" We're in trouble. Simple things they're not getting.Aso, we're at 1,252 cases but as I understand we're late in getting results. So, we're probably at the 2,000 mark and don't know yet. The government needs to get serious in how to manage. This is a tough situation, but you have information all around the globe you can tap into. Have conversations with the right people within the country and come to a sensible solution. Clearly whomever is providing advice to him.on Covid-19 he needs to fire that person or persons.
Hoda 4 years, 7 months ago
Well, if you have instagram or other social media, you would see lots of parties, particularly amongst younger crowds. Nonetheless, we understand your stance.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
people were partying in May and June and having get togethers. No spread. This y'all can't behave is a straw man argument. 100 cases before the border opened. 1000 cases after the border opened. 4000 Bahamians along with 6000 tourists crossed the border. Each of the Bahamians arriving infected could have been infected while sitting on the return flight with an infected tourist. Tourist here for 3 days and gone. And if they believe tourists guh quarantine for 14 days on air go speak to Inspector Smith
Hoda 4 years, 7 months ago
Both maybe facts. The difference is you all get very agitated and personal about one proposition. We now see in the news the bars being raided, like i said on social media and whatsapp status' people are gathering and partying. Its not an insult or a scolding it is also a fact like your facts. I want to get back to an evening at the pub as well and dinners. But again, as i have always put forth we simply have to do it differently at this time. It seems like you are saying that because people did this before July they shouldnt have to stop now. That seems very combatitive and uncooperative, so you see the cases surging but because Minnis let you go to florida and come back your life shouldnt have to change. Thats kind of childish.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
I'm not saying they should or shouldn't stop. What I am definitely advocating for is, whatever the decision, do it decently and in order. I believe that's exactly what you're saying here.
But here's the source of my frustration, people have been pointing the way since March and been ignored. And it's still happening. I recall Gilbert Morris laying out step by step the plan to manage the virus, he wasnt even asked if he wanted a coffee. I dont know if he kill the pet cat.
Meanwhile we're raggying Bahamians who are not the source of the problem. The management of the virus is the problem. I am saying if YOU allow Bahamians to travel and if YOU do not put in place the obvious controls to stop virus spread when they return, dont blame Bahamians when it predictably spreads. See I expect "some" people to be irresponsible, I expect "some" to break the law so what do I do? I mitigate. They're not mitigating.
Here's what I see coming, in November they will have a grand opening for winter season and if the tourists fill the hotels we could end up with 30,000 cases and 1000 deaths because of lack of vision. Because noone had the foresight to think tourists will ask Inspector Smith for permission and sneak out. No tourist coming here to be quarantined. Tourist psche? The rules dont apply to me, especially in a black third world country. Test them when they arrive or dont let them in. There's the source of my combativeness
Hoda 4 years, 7 months ago
At this point maybe they should just open it all up and who get covid get covid, cause these discussions are becoming circular. Everyone know the hospitals dont have the capacity to deal withit if lots of people got really sick but know one believes their behaviour has, may or will contribute to the outbreak of clusters.
Porcupine 4 years, 7 months ago
I sadly agree.
tribanon 4 years, 7 months ago
@viewsmatters: You fail to acknowledge that our country is full of dumb Bahamians because of successive corrupt governments over the past four decades deliberately putting in place public education policies aimed at creating the dumbest voters possible in order to ensure only the dumbest and most corrupt politicians possible get elected.
Entrepreneur 4 years, 7 months ago
Look at USA! - they didn't respect it and rates went way up. But once they learned the lesson of wear masks, social distance, DO NOT PARTY - and guess what - rates went down. Go To John Hopkins corona virus centre - almost all US states are now in downward trend, including FL and AZ.
Huge grocery lines is not the way to go. Sadly lockdown here may have increased transmission in that way recently?
But, equally just assume the person next to you has it and act accordingly.
UN 4 years, 7 months ago
Next week the PM will announce everyone has to stay inside forever (while rent and other bills keep piling up). Very soon lockdown won’t be necessary (living on the streets). Where is the money coming from to keep everyone cooped up? Extending full benefits to help keep people inside would have made more sense. And our much quoted nobody ‘Princess’ will continue to be near (we can continue to watch her do laundry, take out the trash, and can continue to babble from our homes to try and feel important - we’re that pathetic).
It’s not a surprise that during the pandemic many people are thinking of filing for divorce (how can you hate spending time with someone you’re ‘in love with?’). They’re not truly compatible - always wondered why so many people have to role-play (pretend to be other people) by having fake convos with each other. Even during parties they have to drift into fantasy land (a certain name is sure to come up - very boring people). Explains why they selfishly need me to stick around (need to live through me). They’re finally realizing how boring/uninteresting they are....
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago
But da crazy lady at da Ministry of Health named McMillan said da surge was slowing down and our numbers are decreasing!
trueBahamian 4 years, 7 months ago
We shouldn't call her crazy. Let's be fair. Have you seen what doctors have to work with in this country? She may be doing the best she could. But, when you have a PM living in another world making decisions and you have next to zero resources, it's tough.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
exactly. I wouldn't call her crazy though. But I listen to them and winder who's giving them this analysis??? They know tgey have a backlog and not a backlog of random cases a backlog on related cases. How can you make a conclusion without completing the cluster?
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 7 months ago
The entire Ministry of Health including Sands has been a complete disaster during this pandemic!
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
Nah you een guh get me to say nothing bad about Dr Sands.
tribanon 4 years, 7 months ago
That may be so, but he's nevertheless bad.
trueBahamian 4 years, 7 months ago
It's going to be a long journey to say the least. If they.dont have timely results and are not properly contact tracing, then logically everyone needs to sit down and figure out how to fix this situation. If they need more people and better tools, then provide it. I going to guess they're not getting what they need. Keep in mind, doctors were on strike because of pay. Nurses, some years back, were on strike because they didn't have health coverage. It's not easy being in the public healthcare system in this country. There are issues with the personnel as well, you can be sure of that too. But, they're treated terribly.
thps 4 years, 7 months ago
She's not crazy but she was incorrect. She said there was a weekly 40% decrease in new cases during the surge. Even if I ask my little nephew who is learning percentages to run the numbers, he can't find it.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
Your nephew have a suit and a white coat? We need help.
Takenid 4 years, 7 months ago
Medi-Nazis will continue to sadistically torture the citizens of The Bahamas. Power to people who should never have been given such powers has gone to their heads. Unfortunately there is not much we the people can do about it. We have become accustomed to being treated in a paternalistic and condescending manner by those with political power. We are both an arrogant and docile nation of entitlement to things we cannot afford and don’t deserve.
A government of vision and backbone would have kept our economy OPEN and instead invested the $100+million they have already spent on covid related NIB payments to build 1000 new ICU beds. Our Chinese friends built a hospital in 10 days. For $100 million they could not build us a hospital in a month so we would not have to be worried about “flattening the curve” because we were smart and instead chose to respond to the virus by raising the threshold - aggressively increasing our ICU capacity instead of destroying our economy and livelihoods? We would have been better off investing a fraction of the economic and financial loss the government policy has inflected on us into our laughing-stock “health care system“. Who are they fooling. Meanwhile, private sector is broke, but public sector has not had to make the same tough decisions because they - who’s policies have destroyed our livelihoods and sent us all to food lines - are still getting their salaries, and the Ministers are bragging about it. , how the public sector has not furloughed, layed-off, terminated, or reduced salaries or benefits of any worker.
rodentos 4 years, 7 months ago
for this you need a brain first
rodentos 4 years, 7 months ago
ps an ICU Bed is maybe $25.000 with all accessories... lets make a bahamian price of 50.000, thats 50 million for 1000 beds. Convert the god damn grand lucayan into a hospital. But that would require that government has a plan at all
Economist 4 years, 7 months ago
This is not suprising when you consider that the government offices are very slack about hand sanitizer and they do not inforce the proper wearing of masks by their staff. Having it around the neck or below the chin alows the virus to spread.
This means that government and its rule breaking civil servants are a breading ground for the spread of COVID 19. Hence the high numbers.
About 1 in 3 or 4 working in New Providence work for government so expect worse to come.
DWW 4 years, 7 months ago
at the moment that would be 3 out 4 employed by govt these days.
TalRussell 4 years, 7 months ago
What are red coats, Truth?
The counter for All NON-COVID-19 deaths which were stuck at but 2 for the longest period has now flipped forward to 3.
A reminder. We must keep all virus-related eyes focused on the Abaco's, and at Bile Thuper Comrade Renward be elevated as the acting prime minister,
I've just completed my reviewing the red cover hardcover guidebook for the telling of lies which began back when they the red coats sat on the House's opposition benches side as the Queen's official opposition and whilst steering down deeply at the fine print I came across the singular truth of which the reds would ever utter which was when they promised that if elected as The Colony's new governing party that they would introduce National Health Insurance to include catastrophic coverage.** Well, that truth has arrived even if had to be COVID-19 forced upon the red coats. Nod Once for Yeah, Twice for No?
bahamianson 4 years, 7 months ago
Why is Brave and Darville in hospital when all other bahamians are sent home when they are suspected of having covid? They tell you to quarantine until they can get to you unless you are having problems. This is an abuse of power for these politicians to be in hospital just for observation. Can all bahamians stay in hospital for observation or quarantine in the hospital? This is wrong!!!!!
bcitizen 4 years, 7 months ago
Starting to reap the rewards of the large gatherings outside of the stores? Maybe Monday morning we should announce a 1 week lock down starting at 6pm with no grocery store or gas stations to be open and see how many people we can cram into the store parking lots to really up the infection rates.
hj 4 years, 7 months ago
Most likely lockdowns will continue since it is the only answer our " medical experts" and politicians seem to have at this time. Until when? Maybe until the economy is compketely destroyed. In the meantime, no official announcement as yet. Maybe a Monday night announcement or even better an hour before the lockdown is lifted. Then naturally panic will result,doctors and politicians will talk about too many cars in the streets,long lines will be even longer and more cases are on the way. A never ending cycle of destruction and stupidity
bahamianson 4 years, 7 months ago
Minnis and turnquest are in quarantine at home, Davis is quarantine in hospital. Is that hospital a PLP hospital. Why does he have the right to quarantine in hospital?
K4C 4 years, 7 months ago
only 160 recovered cases ?
rodentos 4 years, 7 months ago
the others died... the truth is being hidden from us
DWW 4 years, 7 months ago
who ever said having doctor for PM in a virus crisis?
Chucky 4 years, 7 months ago
No way is there 133 new cases.
They would have had to test 1000s of people in one day to find that many.
If they found that many, it means the infection rate is way higher than other places and we likely have 5000 cases.
The highest numbers in Florida are in the range of 1 infected out of 30 tested
So either miraculously we can test 4000 per day now, the numbers are BS, or were in big trouble.
tribanon 4 years, 7 months ago
I've said it time and time again, Minnis, with the support of the sinister and evil Xi Jinping regime in Communist China, is leveraging the fear and chaos from this pandemic for all it's worth to cement himself as the self-annointed dictator of the Bahamas for the remainder of his life.
SP 4 years, 7 months ago…
ohdrap4 4 years, 7 months ago
Fine. Lockdown food stores and gas stations all you want.
People are being infected in hotel room parties, pool parties and fly by night night clubs which cannot be policed.
No one goes to the food store to gyrate and cavort semi nude.
Baha10 4 years, 7 months ago
Unfortunately these are not NBA Scores between the Visiting “COVID-19’s” vs the Home Team “D AVERAGES” ... but if they were it is obvious the “D’s” took far too much comfort in their 114 - 104 (Days -Cases) over the visiting COVIDS ... as the COVIDS came back in stunning fashion to post perhaps the greatest revenge of all time by crushing the “D’s” in a re-match “knock out” score of 133-1 (Cases - Days) ... leaving the “D’s” devastated with no immediate answers for how to address this reversal in fortune!
BONEFISH 4 years, 7 months ago
A disaster.The government reopen the borders without putting in all the protocols.No real planning and no attempting to build capacity in the health sector during the first wave.
Not testing Bahamians who only spend three days aboard was a huge mistake.Also they should have been quarantined.
Coupled that with a population who refuse to work for the greater good.A sizable part of the population who refuse to adhere to COV19 protocols.A population who by and large don't accept personal responsibility for their actions.
i surely believe we will get through this crisis.But I don't know at what cost.
ThisIsOurs 4 years, 7 months ago
control the border control the virus. thats a pretty good slogan actually.
then we wont have to worry about hard headed Bahamians ... well, except for the other 90% of their foolishness
DDK 4 years, 7 months ago
Instead of the Prime Minister apologizing to the Nation for his gross and dangerous ineptitude and practising the time-honoured Westminster tradition of stepping down, he is going to extend the lock-down and curfews and have his goon police squad arrest anyone found selling coconuts on the side of the road😂🤣😂😪😪😪
Jim 4 years, 7 months ago
Friend in Port Royal, South Binini says that there are many boaters zipping back and forth to FL without proper covid testing or clearing customs. Additionally Bimini Sands, he says, has a restaurant/bar open, indoor seating eating and drinking without social distancing and encourages customers, even during lockdown to order at their restaurant with free use of the pool. Doesn't seem to adversely effect increasing the nunber of positive tests on Bimini....yet. Too bad Americans are disrespectful of the Bahamian people who have complied with months of restrictions.
proudloudandfnm 4 years, 7 months ago
GB is trending down.
Lockdowns work. Suck it up and get it over with...
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