The Ministry of Health reported on Thursday that there were 90 new cases of COVID-19 and five additional deaths under investigation.
The total number of cases now stands at 3,177 with 1,456 of those active.
Seventy-nine of the new cases were in New Providence, six were in Grand Bahama, two were in Eleuthera and one was in Andros. The locations of the remaining two cases are pending.
The number of deaths under investigation is now at 17 – the death toll remains at 69.
mrsmith 4 years, 6 months ago
So how is this an improvement Mr. Minnis?
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 6 months ago
The last thing Minnis wants is improvement, Minnis loves his new powers and he'll do anything to keep them! Have we all forgotten that this greedy and incompetent POS tried to starve bahamians for a WEEK without any notice???
tribanon 4 years, 6 months ago
Minnis and D'Aguilar are in fact personally responsible for many of the Covid-19 related deaths since their infamous decision to pre-maturely re-open our borders on July 1.
ISpeakFacts 4 years, 6 months ago
The number of deaths under investigation is now at 17 – the death toll remains at 69.
Do the idiots at the Tribune realize a DEATH is still a DEATH even if its under investigation??? Can they not count???
69 + 9 + 17 = 95 DEATHS TOTAL (confirmed deaths at least, we'll never know the true count!)
bahamianson 4 years, 6 months ago
People , the best solution is social distancing, wear a.mask, only go out if you must, and potentially a vaccine. France had over 10,000 cases in one day, Spain is going crazy again, Germany and Austria are not doing well. These countries are thinking about stricter rules as I type. You cannot go to certain countries in Europe unless you quarantine or have a negative test. The world is in a situation . Each country in Europe is blaming the lack of social distancing , young people in clubs, and travellers. We are waiting for travellers again. What do you do? Hundred year old countries have no solution, don't get carried away.
tribanon 4 years, 6 months ago
Wrong! The best solution is for our society to free itself from all of the foolishness and death brought up on it by the gross incompetence of Minnis and D'Aguilar.
stillwaters 4 years, 6 months ago
Every nation is struggling to bring new surges under control.....just about every leader of every country is being lambasted and blamed by it's citizens for not keeping them safe. The raw truth is that no government can fight a virus like this successfully if the citizens are not doing their part, and expecting the government to keep the virus out of their bodies......successfully eradicating this virus has very little to do with any government and everything to do with it's citizens.
happyfly 4 years, 6 months ago
I am getting so annoyed for being blamed for the spread of this virus ! I look after my body and I trust my very own immune system and have never been afraid of this stupid wuhan flu. In the meantime, I have obediantly wasted a year of my life following every stupid gosh darn rule that these idiots have come up with and all I hear is that it is all the "citizens" fault. Well I tell you what. It is not my fault. The WHO's primary role for the last 50 years was to stop the spread of a virus and they failed miserably at that and now we are all following "their" advice to manage the virus - and WE THE CITIZENS are failing miserably ???? Have a great day.......
tribanon 4 years, 6 months ago
Not so @stillwaters !! Many governments around the world have in fact been praised for the responsible way in which they have been dealing with the deadly China Virus pandemic. The Bahamas ranks very near the bottom of the ladder for just about every metric there is to measure more responsible and effective steps taken to help contain the spread of the virus, keep the curve flattened and prevent unnecessary deaths.
Just take a look at the relevant detailed statistics being maintained by the WHO, PAHO, CDC, NIH and Johns Hopkins Hospital. It's all there for the entire world to see and its painfully clear the government of The Bahamas has failed the Bahamian people in their fight against Covid-19.
Honestman 4 years, 6 months ago
I agree with Bahamianson. What is beyond belief is the PM asking us to "just persevere with current measures for just another three weeks" and stating that the country is opening up for tourists on October 15th!!! Does he not realise how ridiculous this sounds? The current numbers are horrendous and potentially devastating for our small country. An increased number of COVID deaths will inevitably follow. Let's stop pretending that we are ready to open up - this sounds like something out of the Trump playbook. I am not suggesting that we have another crippling lockdown but we have to improve our testing capability, continue with face covering and social distancing and accept the fact that further restrictions may be needed.
MrsQ 4 years, 6 months ago
Absolutely agree. Thinking that we can reopen to tourism next month is pure fantasy. The morgue is at quadruple capacity, the hospitals are stretched to their limits, and a high number of our healthcare workers have been infected. And we haven't even hit the 2-week mark yet from when Minnis announced the easing of restrictions. Expect cases to begin to surge in the next few days.
Francis_James 4 years, 6 months ago
It is easy to focus on just one number, namely "cases". Social distancing etc. is just designed to slow down the spread of the virus. With respect to this, we should notice that the percentage of cases which are active is declining, as in the number of cases hospitalized. These are helpful indicators to appreciate the burden on the health system. Also, the percentage of reported tests returning positive is declining, as the number of tests is increasing. Wider testing, will find more cases, cases who can be quarantined to help reduce the spread of the virus. The "new normal" should reflect our willingness live with and manage the virus.
Living with the virus is about managing risk. Last year there was a "normal", no virus here and no virus in Florida (say). That was the "old" equilibrium. We travelled. Now the virus is here and in Florida. This is a "new" equilibrium. If the risks of catching the virus are similar in both places why are we worried about travel?
tribanon 4 years, 6 months ago
You're absolutely right when you say "living with the virus is about managing risk". The real problem for us is that Minnis is completely incapable of managing anything and is a failed leader by every conceivable measure, period!
joeblow 4 years, 6 months ago
@Francis_James... we should worry about travel because of the risk of contracting new strains of the virus! Infection with one strain does not protect from getting another strain.…
johnd 4 years, 6 months ago
listen if you are going to throw numbers out at least tell the whole story yes france had 10,000 new cases and only one of them was critical germany and austria the same 99.9% cases in all countries are now trending to mild cases so so tell people the truth yes you will probably get covid and in most cases it will be non critical and you will move on with your life
joeblow 4 years, 6 months ago
We should be asking ourselves why no heads have rolled from the repeated goofs mad by those in the MOH. I remember Dr. Dahl Regis saying that they had 60 contact tracing workers during this phase of the pandemic. How can they ever expect to get ahead of things with 60 workers (if that many are still there)?
Why no antibody testing? Why can I go in a store to buy a pair of socks but not a bottle of wine? How many persons among those tested have had two or more tests done that are not reflected in teh total amount of tests?
The list of questions that show cognitive deficits by those in charge continues!
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