Tribune Business Editor
A prominent QC yesterday blasted suggestions by Bahamas Petroleum Company (BPC) shareholders that opposition to the company’s oil prospecting was driven by “malice”.
Fred Smith QC, the Callenders & Co attorney and partner, who is representing the Our Islands, Our Future coalition in potentially imminent legal action to halt BPC’s planned exploratory drilling, told Tribune Business that environmental activists are “purely motivated to protect the pristine environment of The Bahamas”.
Describing this as simply good business sense, given that it is The Bahamas’ marine and land environment that brought 7.2m visitors to the country prior to COVID-19, Mr Smith argued that these were the true natural resources representing the country’s “gold that glistens all the way into the galaxy”.
He hit out after several nervous BPC shareholders, concerned about the threat of a Judicial Review action that could be filed as early as next week, contacted Tribune Business to voice misgivings about the motives and intentions driving oil exploration opponents.
One investor, requesting anonymity and describing himself as “just an ordinary shareholder”, urged Bahamians in a letter written to this newspaper not to “let a few thousand persons, some with no connection whatsoever to your beautiful islands, trick you” into blocking BPC’s plans and the potential financial windfall that may result IF commercial quantities of oil are discovered. While acknowledging the need for Bahamians to debate the merits oil exploration, they added that they “cannot help but question a few of the opinions expressed” about BPC’s plans to spud an exploratory well in waters some 90 miles west of Andros near the maritime boundary with Cuba.
Suggesting that political, rather than environmental concerns, may be driving opposition, the shareholder questioned: “How many of the influencers and financial backers of the campaigns to stop exploratory drilling and, eventually, production, are connected to The Bahamas?
“Do they have conflicts of interest? Are they attempting to delay the drill or financially hurt BPC and its shareholder for personal gain? Based on the timing [of the threatened legal action], is there malice involved? And for those vocal objectors who are Bahamian, is it really about the environment or merely a conduit for political protest?”
The shareholder, whose identity is known to this newspaper but has asked for it to be withheld, also questioned the relevance of debating the environmental concerns now given that commercial quantities of oil beneath the Bahamian seabed have yet to be confirmed.
Suggesting that this was a discussion to be held if BPC’s exploratory wells were successful, they echoed the arguments of James Smith, the company’s Bahamian non-executive director, about this nation already being in the oil industry due to the presence of tankers in its shipping lanes and storage farms such as those at Buckeye Bahamas (BORCO) and South Riding Point.
“Why all this fuss by a few who misleadingly try and give the impression of being the many?” the shareholder asked. “Let common sense prevail rather than using it as an excuse for political grievances, stoked by persons who may have conflicts of interest.
“My family and I have been to The Bahamas and witnessed its lovely people. A people with the dire misfortune of having to deal with a terrible hurricane and pandemic. Do not let a few thousand persons, some with no connection whatsoever to your beautiful islands, trick you.”
The Our Islands, Our Future coalition is likely to immediately challenge whether the 40,000-plus people who signed its petition opposing oil drilling, and the multiple companies, individuals and non-profits - both Bahamian and international - backing its efforts represent a “few thousand persons”.
Mr Smith, meanwhile, pushed back hard, describing claims of “conflicts of interest”, and the involvement of “malice” and political motivations, as ludicrous. “The Coalition is not motivated to hurt BPC financially,” he told Tribune Business. “The Coalition is purely motivated to protect the pristine environment of The Bahamas.”
Arguing that even the largest global energy giants were slowly moving away fossil fuels and towards renewable energy, Mr Smith questioned why The Bahamas would take the reverse course. “The Government, under this administration, has committed to a green and blue economy,” he said.
“It thus baffles me how this administration continues to approve the exploration of oil by BPC in light of the international commitments that it has made to the Paris Accord on Climate Change. We are a small island state, and like many of the small Pacific island states and elsewhere, will disappear if the seas continue to rise because of global warming.
“Before we disappear we will fight to the last grain of sand, the sands above the water line in The Bahamas, to preserve the very existence of The Bahamas. Oil is not the future. It is a step backwards. It is pure insanity.”
Mr Smith, adding that Parliament has “spoken very loudly for the protection of the environment” by recently passing the Environmental Planning and Protection Act into law, said: “All we are doing in the Coalition is asking the judiciary to support the legislature in protecting our environment.
“We are urging the judiciary to step in, take control of the executive, and prevent it from over-reaching. Our objective is to stop the destruction of our beautiful, pristine nature. There are no conflicts of interest. We have no malice towards BPC. We have malice towards any activity that destroys our environment.
“This is why the 7.2m people came here in 2019 prior to COVID-19 to enjoy the sun, the sand and the absolutely crystal blue sea we have. That is our gold; the beaches of The Bahamas are the gold that glistens all the way into the galaxy,” the outspoken QC continued.
“The Coalition is composed of domestic and international environmentalists who have decades and decades of commitment to protecting the environment. I don’t know what they’re talking about.... conflict of interest. As to political protest, of course this is a political protest. We are protesting the executive branch of government flying in the face of the legislative branch which is mandated to protect the environment.”
The basis of the Our Islands, Our Future coalition’s legal challenge is that the Government failed to follow the process set out in law for approving BPC’s project amid an absence of consultation with impacted stakeholders.
BPC, though, argues that it has complied with all environmental permitting processes in obtaining the Environmental Authorisation (EAO), and approval for its Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP). It says it has complied with all Bahamian and international regulatory standards in doing so.
The oil driller’s shareholder, meanwhile, touted the economic benefits to The Bahamas as well as investors if commercial quantities of oil are struck. “It is simply not true to imply foreigners have somehow ‘tricked’ and taken advantage of the Bahamian people,” they argued.
“The Bahamas is not a modern day African or South American colony taken advantage of by European powers, as was the case between the 16th to 19th centuries. BPC has shareholders internationally, some Bahamian, mostly private investors.
“More than $100m of our money has been invested with the hope we can profit. Today, each BPC share is approximately 4 cents. If commercial quantities of oil are found, analysts believe it will skyrocket to over 40 cents. If none is found, the share price will plummet.”
The shareholder added that all Bahamians will benefit if BPC is successful via the per barrel royalties that will be paid to the Government, comparing this to Norway’s multi-billion sovereign wealth fund.
While BPC’s chief executive, Simon Potter, has said the Government could enjoy a $5bn windfall over the project’s 10 to 20-year lifetime if oil is hit, Mr Smith argued that such comparisons were misleading.
“Regrettably, The Bahamas continues to be steeped in a plantation economic mindset where often the executive gets mesmerised by the glitzy baubles that developers present to the Government,” he told Tribune Business.
“Hopefully this administration will see the light of environmental protection and do the decent thing, and cancel BPC’s licences as they are entitled to do. This activity flies in the face of the Environmental Planning and Protection Act, which is the single greatest achievement of this administration.
“The Bahamas, while we have wonderful laws that protect the environment, regrettably the human and financial resources of our government and its agencies are painfully limited. Our inability to regulate development is reflected by the many carcasses of failed projects which have devastated the land and marine environment in The Bahamas,” Mr Smith continued.
“Let this not be one more devastating disaster that befalls our beautiful Bahamas.”
The BPC shareholder, meanwhile, voiced concern about the company’s failure to-date to update the markets on the potential risk of legal action that could halt drilling of the company’s Perseverance One well just days before the December 15 start.
“Hopefully, BPC covered all the bases to face this legal challenge. Most of the shareholders are worried about any delays to the drilling. We are still waiting to hear from BPC to update the shareholders,” they added.
BPC’s share price on London’s Alternative Investment Market (AIM) also appears to have been impacted by the Our Islands, Our Future move. Having hit close to its six-month high of around 3.5 UK pence around the time of its last Bahamas well update, the share price subsequently dropped to 2.7 pence after the threatened legal action was revealed although it has now recovered to 2.90 pence.
TalRussell 4 years, 3 months ago
Are we colony's prime minister without portfolio, not feelin' even that more internationally embarrassing now that an oil drilling barge is rumoured has joined ranks cruise ships anchored in storage in we sea waters? Shakehead once for upyeahvote could be duckin' from repossession creditors, twice for not beyond some fathoming truth?
Bahama7 4 years, 3 months ago
Fred is great at bending the truth. A typical lawyer.
Potentially billions of oil revenue or a whim and a prayer from QC Smith?
Proguing 4 years, 3 months ago
Everyone says that we have the most clear waters in the world, who in their right mind would risk losing that reputation? The world is shifting towards renewable energy. Our response, drill for oil? We should be a leader in the world in renewable energy. This is what this country should focus on.
ColumbusPillow 4 years, 3 months ago
Please name one island nation that has drowned because of sea level rise/global warming. Be prepared for double electricity bills when we switch away from fossil fuels. And where are we going to bury all that concrete when the wind turbines get de-commissioned after 10 or 12 years of service? What to do with the 1000s of solar panels when they die?
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago
ColumbusPillow 4 years, 3 months ago
Another green energy zealot. Calling people names reflects your hysteria.
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago
Yes sir Mr. Responsible oil driller. Do you know another word other than hysteria? You use that alot. I simply try and follow the science.
Voltaire 4 years, 3 months ago
@ColombusPillow - BPC has a subsidiary called Columbus Energy Resources PLC. Funny coincidence hey?
TalRussell 4 years, 3 months ago
In more pressin' news: We need for the counselor to the King. Comrade Freddy to refocus his oinkin' efforts at an even biggest fear should the Colony's prime minister without portfolio cabinet discipline, be planning to license barges equipped for boring big holes that descends deeper into the bottom we sea waters off Big Major Cay in search of sludge oil, thereby threatening The Age of Swimming Hogs. Hogs left behind by real-life pirates that once sailed Abaco's seawaters.Shakehead once for upyeahvote long live we, King, twice for not?
BuildSchoolsAndHospitals 4 years, 3 months ago
Initiatives towards 'greener' energy sources may be happening but reliance on oil will continue for DECADES to come. In that time and ONLY through oil revenues, we could wipe out ALL our national debt. Tourism alone will not do that and we will always be in debt, which is INCREASING.
When Fred Smith QC talks about 'Billions of dollars' in revenues to our country being 'misleading', what does he mean. This just sounds like political speak to deny the fact that our country could be receiving those billions of dollars.
When he says we should be at the forefront of the green movement, where will the revenues come from to support that - from his own pocket?
The population can benefit from new Schoolls, Hospitals and a top class infrastructure, as well as personal wealth for our citizens.
Instead, Mr. Smith is calling for the 'hippy agenda' of already well off nations, whilst our own people have to suffer through crippling national debt. When after decades, renewable energy does become prominent, those resources from oil will e worthless- the time to use them is NOW and while we still can.
It sounds more like Mr. Fred Smith is setting up a platform for his own political ambitions than really looking out for the less privileged people, who would really benefit from the advantages billions of Petro dollars would bring - just look at Norway.
Let's be a truely financialy free nation, indebted to no one!
Voltaire 4 years, 3 months ago
Of course our country won't be receiving billions of dollars! Go look at that BPC deal close close.
BuildSchoolsAndHospitals 4 years, 3 months ago
Perhaps Mr Smith QC should explain to us how the 7.2M visitors in 2019' contributed to addressing the national debt and why that debt burden is increasing every year?
Many if is 'eco friends' bo doubt benefit from domestic economic.ies that provide splendid health services & educational facilities, to which they can conveniently return to.
We on the other hand, have to suffer with mounting debt which wont go away, even if you doubled it trebled the number of visitors yearly
Mr Smith QC should do the maths I stead if giving us fine words - Oil revenues are our ONLY hope to escape from being a beggar nation but something Mr Smith QC and his merry friends would deny us.
Our only hope is Bahamas Petrokeum striking oil now.
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago
"One investor, requesting anonymity and describing himself as “just an ordinary shareholder”, urged Bahamians in a letter written to this newspaper not to “let a few thousand persons, some with no connection whatsoever to your beautiful islands, trick you” into blocking BPC’s plans and the potential financial windfall that may result IF commercial quantities of oil are discovered. While acknowledging the need for Bahamians to debate the merits oil exploration, they added that they “cannot help but question a few of the opinions expressed” about BPC’s plans to spud an exploratory well in waters some 90 miles west of Andros near the maritime boundary with Cuba." Neil, how is this relevant to anything? This is one of the worst articles I have ever read. What does a few thousand people matter? Isn't it about being right? Or, doesn't that matter anymore?
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago
Neil, study the history of slavery. It persisted for how many hundreds of years? Can you imagine a time when anyone who spoke out about the injustice and inhumanity of slavery was condemned in the same fashion, using the same faulty, go-along, get-along logic? I can. I am witnessing the same selfish, narcissistic perspective regarding the future of our species, our earth, and our children's dream's. You seem to have joined the club of non-thinking predatory capitalists. A disease from the north?
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago
So, while arguing for a possible contributions to a Wealth Fund such as Norway, are you also in favor of a very progressive tax on your income, such as Norway? Or, do you simply cherry pick your facts and figures forgetting to mention ALL the other factors affecting your conclusion?
Bahama7 4 years, 3 months ago
Some sensible posts from Buildschoolsandhospitals.
Fred Smith is a crooked lawyer lining his own pocket. We’ve seen his chequered history before in the Bahamas.
BPC is our only hope now, let’s back them and see what natural resources we have.
Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago
Why do you only have something to say when oil drilling is concerned. Is this the sum of your concern for The Bahamas? Get a real job.
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