It’s right to hunt for oil

EDITOR, The Tribune.

After careful and extensive research into the oil industry and the safety measures available to ensure that there would be minimal possibility of an oil spill during the drilling of a sole exploratory well by your firm in Bahamian waters, I and my assorted nonprofit organisations, Common Cause and The National Republican Arena (ARENA) have decided to publicly support your efforts.

I note that several so-called environmental groupings and fringe off shoots, have called upon the central government to cancel what would appear to be valid Heads of Agreement by force majeure (an unexpected or intervening natural phenomenon).

The arrivals of Hurricane Dorian and now COVID-19 have been cited as such aspects of force majeure.

We do not agree with this bogus posture for several reasons.

Firstly, the onetime exploratory drilling is restricted to one well which, if samples are procured will immediately be capped.

Secondly, the area where the drilling is slated to be done is not a recognised marine protected or sensitive preserve.

Some 90-odd miles away from Andros, thousands of oil tankers and other huge vessels traverse that area every day of the year, without any major reported incidences of oil spillage or substantial leakages. The Cay Sal area is ‘protected’ but a balance must be found.

Thirdly, and most importantly, The Bahamas is in a severe financial crunch. We (ordinary Bahamians) need all of the financial resources which we may have to be utilised for national development and reconstruction.

While I am able to understand the bulk of the concerns of opponents, the question that begs an answer is: Where were these so-called opponents all of the past several years when the negotiations were going on and while the stocks were being publicly sold on various stock exchanges? It is not as if The Bahamas Petroleum Company was acting in a vacuum.

Fourthly, to move for a Judicial Review after almost a decade of setting up and financing the anticipated exploratory well drilling operations and having expended millions of dollars/pound sterling by the company (based on a legal and valid Heads of Agreement with a competent Bahamian government), the wrong message would be sent to local and international companies that would want to do business with the government of the day.

It is incumbent that at all times the word of a PLP or FNM or anything other administration must be trusted and enforceable.

The contractual commitment of the government de jure could not be accepted or guaranteed… in other words with legal certainty…no more, no less.

The people at The Bahamas Petroleum Company would have to be dead stupid and irresponsible to commit to the drilling of a sole exploratory well without putting in place all of the recommended and legally demanded protocols.

I need not add that adequate insurance would also be ensured in the event of a leakage or spill.

It is a wise position of successive governments to support this drilling to at least determine if we have a viable and sustainable source of oil.

Our Sovereign Wealth Fund that has been talked about for eons is badly in need of some extraordinary funds.

The potential discovery and eventual marketing of oil… at the total expense of The Bahamas Petroleum Company… is one way to do so.

We totally support the firm’s efforts and, if only for the sake of the unwashed masses, we say: ‘Drill baby…drill…’

At what price do we protect the environment while tens of thousands of Bahamians need bread and some money now? To God then, in all things, be the glory.



December 7, 2020.


Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago

Mr. Bodie, You've been living in a cave for too many years. Your reasoning on drilling for oil, along with many other issues you attend to in this paper are evidence of a lack of critical reasoning skills which permeate this country from top to bottom. Had you spent a few minutes looking at, and understanding, what the science says regarding our burning of fossil fuels, and the impacts on a country such as The Bahamas, you would be singing a different tune, I hope. Most of the time I allow your intellectual slop to go unchallenged. However, what the scientists are telling us seems to have no bearing on your irresponsible ramblings. The statistics are right there in from of us Bodie. Be it temperature records or any other metric which could be used to convince reasonable and intelligent people that we MUST change our ways. We seem to champion failure. Year after year, the metrics on how well The Bahamas is doing continues to slide, no matter the issue at hand. What we do best, and you have brought to a true art, is to continue to make excuses for intellectual and moral failure. This letter, Mr. Bodie, shows without a doubt, the very basis for these failures in this country. You have been a true leader in dragging this country down. Keep up the great work. The sad part is, you will be long gone by the time the shit truly hits the fan. You are very much a part of the untutored masses.

Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago

Mr. Bodie,

The science that has come to light in the last 3 years is downright unnerving. There is not one aspect of our climatic changes that suggests good news. A religion that teaches that the earth was put here for our use, and our use alone, is at the basis of our disconnect. We brainwash our kids from day one on a belief system that is proving to be our undoing. Were people educated and exposed to the abundant and different religious beliefs extant in the world as a child, what percentage of Bahamians would choose Christianity by the age of reason? Clearly, it is lack of education, awareness and choice which funnels the majority of lemmings into a religion. It is great to have something in common with other people. However, what indication can you give that our belief system has brought this country to a better place? I look at trends. When I see the trajectory of this country alone, I can't but help think that we need to start over. There is precious little that I see which will lead us into a prosperous future.

Bahama7 4 years, 3 months ago

What a good letter.

Let’s get on with drilling this month.

Porcupine 4 years, 3 months ago

What a wonderful comment. From a paid shill for BPC. Their only care is about how much money they can extract from our country. With friends like these, who needs enemies? Banana 7, you are a disgrace.

ColumbusPillow 4 years, 3 months ago

Yes please, this country really needs a good break. And please no more climate change/warming garbage. go buy a sweater you will need it.,

themessenger 4 years, 3 months ago

Dat ole prostitute done found a new John, one he hope ga have deep well pockets to be picked.

ScubaSteve 4 years, 3 months ago

Oil is a dying industry, just like coal. 50 years from now, we all will laugh at oil and it's heyday. Instead of drilling for something that might not be there, here is an idea that is guaranteed to be there -- wind and the sun. Almost every single day there is some form of wind out on the open ocean. In addition, there is also some form of sunlight every day as well. The smarter strategy and cleaner strategy and one with an unlimited supply is WIND and SOLAR. That is obviously the future of energy!!

Proguing 4 years, 3 months ago

Denmark to end oil, gas extraction in North Sea:

Denmark has decided to end all oil and gas activities in the North Sea by 2050 and has cancelled its latest licensing round, saying the country is “now putting an end to the fossil fuel era.”


Now who said that we should do the same as those Nordic countries?

Bahama7 4 years, 3 months ago

Drill baby drill

Porcupine - wash your face!

4thebenefit 4 years, 3 months ago

denmark has ended oil exploration after 80 successful years and 100s of billions of danish krone( local currency)being made. birthplace of vikings...thats right all hail denmark.

no one wants do disturb these beautiful island but the reality is can we afford to waste such an opportunity? ..considering the tourist industry will take a year or 2, to get back to normal..the crippling and rising debt...mass unemployment....shortage in skilled sectors.

i say drill, find out whats there. if nothing then all money spent is a financial burden to bpc and we get those licenses revoked or renegotiated at better terms.

an oil strike could pay for healthcare, elderly care, education, the soviern wealth fund, jobs in the oil industry, tech or green jobs,support the lower paid, a national pension, clear the countries debt!

just a handful of ideas

none of that is possible on tourists tips alone.

instead of fighting against it...the fight should be if oil is found...a bigger % to bahamas islands must be demanded.

saudi arabia charge foriegn companies around 80% to extract..they have some of the largest reserves on the planet,

i for one hope they drill and it is successful, could be sitting on a gold mine!!!

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