Foreign oil drillers

EDITOR, The Tribune.

There has been much said about the availability of crude oil deposits, deep underground in this country. And without an iota of proof. We have been approached by the group, about their desire to drill. I do not know how this country became one of their targets, but I suspect some Bahamian group made the initiation.

If I were a foreign company wanting to operate the caption in a foreign land. A fair knowledge of the regulations had to be procured. And whether it could be sufficiently supported by the people of the country? Thus the need to consult with the legal entity, who ought to be able to supply all of what were required, becomes critical?

I would not rush to judgment, by spending millions of dollars in the interim, apparently to be able to claim, that if you turn me down, here is what your country would have to pay, for what we have invested so far? We contend that that is on you. Legal advice locally available knows and could attest that the Bahamian people, the electorate are bitterly against any project that interferes with their fisheries products.

Legal advice ought to have made the point that before drilling can take place, simply, because the majority of the people are against such a thing. According to the Bahamian jurisprudence, a referendum would have to be held?

No one man, or political party can give the go ahead to drill for crude oil in this country, against the wishes of the people/owners of these Rocks & Cays called the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. The Constitution of The Bahamas, is the Supreme Law and it lays out how these matters are to be adjudicated. Now, because of some delay, it is suggested that they are threatening to sue The Bahamas Government, claiming $500m in damages. Would this suggest that they were not operating in good faith in the first instance.

Surely the Bahamian people reserve the “Right” and absolutely so, to say what they will allow, versus what they will disallow? God gave the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to Bahamians, no other nationalities and so they can manage/govern it, as they wished. Not to be forced by a group, any group, and especially, a foreign one, who has already seen their bottom line and thus, has counted the eggs, before hatching.

I confess that The Bahamas has so many good things in it, because the Good Lord has blessed us so, that people all over the world, some shrewd business concerns, are courting opportunities, reserved strictly for The Bahamian people. They have exhausted all of the availability of their things and now want ours, but that cannot happen? That devil is a liar.

Speaking as a naturalised Bahamian, a parent, expecting grandfather and one concerned about the plight of unborn Bahamians... I say no to drilling for crude oil in the waters of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas. As Bahamians, it is time that we stop seeing the dollar signs, over the greater good and I am not only pointing to the small man, but the many large legal services.

God has asked me to ask the big law firms this question: “For what will it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his one soul? Or What could he give in exchange for his soul? The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord. Consider the harm these things can cause the country, ecologically. There are many examples of Alaska oil spill and others that left those areas scarred for life and the livelihood for many of its residents devastated. Finally, I had a sidebar discussion with my Heavenly Father about this and here is what He had to say: ‘Yes, Cat Island (referring to me). I saw it and I am on it right away. He said. This was around 3am this morning, Friday December 11th, 2020.



December 11, 2020.


4thebenefit 4 years, 3 months ago

ok so then no drilling....god forbid there is an accident with one of the hundreds of oil tankers that pass the bahamas every single day,

and the massive storage facility in free port that already exists can be dug up and turned into tourist bars!

the volume of national debt can just keep rising, with no way to pay it back, and the young and unemployed have limited prospects,

yes we should say no to free money, as money is nothing and does nothing.

i say, demand from the government that they fight for a better deal with bpc, to where they have to employ bahamians....pass a hydrocarbon tax that pays towards health, education, jobs, ect.

people see this as the foreigner coming to steal your resources, but the government signed the licences and extentions....so ask yourself this.....what did the licence issuers receive?

we make bpc the villains when the real devils are closer to home.

start a national debate as to how every bahamian should benefit from this!!!


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