EDITOR, The Tribune.
My husband and I are US citizens who are honored and excited to be planning a one of many return trips to Andros to bonefish the unique waters of your country.
It is with great grief that we read of your looming tragedy, the arrival of the Stena Ice MAX oil exploration drilling ship.
Why the Bahamas government would gamble your fisheries and your pristine waters and your way of life for the last gasp hope that the dying Big Oil industry holds promise of more than pollution and empty promises seems strange given what we all know.
Big Oil is on the way out. The world is turning to sustainable power. Big Oil is still powerful enough to grab as much money as they can while they can.
Big Oil is still almost above the law. Big Oil goes where it can suck up the most oil with the least regulations.
The Bahamas has no big funded Department of the Interior to demand that the secretive and speak little Bahamas Petroleum Corporation will run a clean operation.
No one can show you how the pollution that will fill your waters will fill your pockets with money.
We do not have to pray and hope there will be no big spill on land or at sea. The daily operations of drilling are dirty enough.
Drilling fluids are required in rotary drilling to remove sediments, metal shavings and other cuttings, to control pressure, and to cool and lubricate the drill. Where does all this go? Your clear waters will have sediments, drilling fluids, lubricants, metal filings, and lethal and sublethal chemicals discharged into them.
Maybe there will be Bahamas oversight to specify recycling of these fluids as much as possible, and maybe deep-sea disposal will be demanded, or not?
Cost of disposal favors on-site disposal. Your waters will be protected only if there are laws in place to do so.
Since this is the first exploration and neither the oil company nor your government is talking, do you know what will happen to the muds and the chemicals and the sediments of drilling? Will daily drilling wastes just go into the water at the site? And then what?
This all happened so fast that there really is little environmental impact study to tell you what science predicts will be left of your Bahamas after the oil drilling.
Why was The Bahamas chosen for this get rich quick project? Do you have suspicions this might be too good to be true? At what cost? There are abandoned oil discoveries everywhere. Lots of communities have been promised the moon and the stars and were left with nothing. Rich guys are deciding your future for you and saying you will benefit. Do you believe it?
Are you willing to risk a cloud a sediment choking your conch and your pristine estuaries, your reefs? Is that a fair trade for driving away your environmental tourists and your bone fishermen and your scuba and deep sea divers? The west coast of Andros Island is known throughout the angling world as “The Land of Giants”! Your marine life is your legacy. Are you willing to gamble it all on a Big Oil boom into your waters? It’s still not too late. I am just one person. You are just one person. You live there. Speak up and save your beautiful Bahamas, please, please, please.
December 17, 2020.
laallee 4 years, 2 months ago
Kathy, Are you walking/swimming to The Bahamas?
ColumbusPillow 4 years, 2 months ago
Dear Kathy, FYI your country drills 100's of wells in the Gulf of Mexico EVERY YEAR. Renewable energy sources are not reliable and not economic .You have obviously not watched the documentary "Planet of the Humans" It may give you another perspective about renewables and in particular biomass as a most disgusting source of energy for the Europeans and the USA . In the meantime please help us find an alternative solution to our $9.5 billion Bahamas debt problem.
Bahama7 4 years, 2 months ago
Oil will be phased out, where possible, in 40-50 years time.
Personally I would like Exxon to partner with the Bahamas Petrol Company and develop the industry.
4thebenefit 4 years, 2 months ago
you can substitute "Big Oil" for "Privelaged American" ....good luck to the bahamas to stand on its own feet rather than depending on tourist money forever.
alleycat 4 years, 2 months ago
Kathy and Myron, I agree with you completely. And speaking as someone who has spent the past 28 years living in an off-grid solar community in Abaco, I can say with confidence that the Bahamas are the perfect place to use renewable energy. We should be building up ecotourism - scuba diving, bone fishing and bird watching - instead of risking it all for the sake of a possible oil well which will bring no jobs and little money to the country.
The rig is being serviced out of Fourchon, LA, not Nassau or Freeport. The EIA says they “might” hire 3 Bahamians, if they were qualified. And it doesn’t even mention the fact that these drilling blocks are in a Marine Protected Area. Dr. Minnis originally said he would never allow drilling in the Bahamas. Yet here we are.
I hope you are also writing to US government. Alexandra Cousteau wrote about it on the CNN website recently, and there is concern in Florida, where, ironically, drilling has been banned. If the US complained loudly enough, the Bahamas would have to listen. People need to stop thinking that money is more important than a habitable planet.
4thebenefit 4 years, 2 months ago
trump only banned offshore for 10 years in florida as to stabilize the oil price and push fracking for america......plus, he goes back to florida after his term........and 10 years later america has ...o look!....oil off the east coast when the price will be double because of world wide covid inflation....
you let the drill happen....take the royalties and invest in your own islands...green tourism or tech ...medicine..
if there is a huge discovery the americans will buy bpc out anyway...money in the country..
if there is no drill then back to square one.
there is over 50 years of history trying to get to your bahamian black gold and this is the closest anyone has been to proving one of the largest reserves on the planet....this could literally transform the islands into one of the richest countries in the world due to population size!!
good luck to the bahamas once you find oil....please manage it responsibly
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