Bell: I carry a gun but they're not for everyone


Keith Bell


Tribune Staff Reporter


DESPITE the fact that he carries a handgun, State Minister for National Security Keith Bell said yesterday he does not believe the "ordinary, average" citizen should be allowed to do the same.

Mr Bell's statement came after he and Minister of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage both came under fire for being personally armed.

He said while citizens have been allowed to carry certain weapons in the Bahamas for years, he is not a proponent for the average person to carry small handguns.

"I want to make it very clear, citizens have always been allowed to carry guns. When we talk about the issuance of guns, the Commissioner of Police is the firearms officer.

"So it is he that issues the gun permits for conventional guns like shotguns and rifles. What a lot of people want now is the handgun, the Glock or the 9mm. The question remains should everyone be issued those type of weapons. I do not think so," he said.

"The point is the Commissioner of Police and the Cabinet will have to make that decision if they think the point has come for everyone to be armed. I do not think that time has come.

"However, I do not want to create any bias on this debate or add coals to the fire. I carry a firearm because I am properly trained to do so."

Mr Bell said he does not understand why the opposition is making such a big deal about him carrying a firearm when the former minister did so also.

"This is nothing new. As far as I know Mr Turnquest had a weapon also. So I really do not see why the opposition is making such a big fuss about it."

However, Mr Turnquest has repeatedly denied he ever carried a handgun.

The FNM said that in its three terms in office, no minister carried a personal firearm.

Mr Bell added: "The issuance of firearms should not be taken lightly. Business persons and certain other citizens are allowed to carry them for certain reasons. I am trained.

"My bodyguards are not around 24/7. There may even be a time when I may have to defend them.

"I can save a life with my gun, mine or anyone else's. I have before and I can do it again."

Mr Bell said the opposition should be less concerned about what the government is doing and more concerned with how they dragged this country into a $500 million debt.


bookiedread 12 years, 9 months ago

Mr. Bell doesn't seem to get it. Is your life more important than the average man? Whats good for you itsn't good for me or my family. There are people who are in a more vunerable state than Mr. Bell that do not carry firearms and they are trained. For example, the average police who goes on the beat and is responsible for enforcing the laws, carry a weapon while they are on duty, but they have to turn in their weapons when then get off and go home to their families. Who do you believe is more at risk. The lawmaker(Bell) or the enforcer(Police) of the law? Mr. Bell's excuse is poor and the PM needs to correct this problem before it becomes epidemic and everyone wants to carry a gun.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 9 months ago

I refer everyone to read the Editor's article on: 'Why should they carry handguns?'

Mr. Bell you were an individual with previous history good or bad with the criminals of society BEFORE THE ELECTION and you are alive today to take your post as an MP. What has changed in the past 4 weeks that you feel you are more of an extraordinary man than I to be able to carry a handgun? You are no more special than the janitor or the CEO.

TalRussell 12 years, 9 months ago

Comrade "Sheriff Johnston" Bell ya go get al t'em thugs.


concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

PGC and deputy BELL , seems like bell is the DPM, i,m not counting like Galanis ,taking holidays and weekends out of the 100 days ,,,don,t people eat ,drink ,breath ,rob and kill on the weekend , thats 30 DAYS ,nearly one third of 100 DAYS ...Bell don,t you and nottage have armed police escort ???????????????????what you say bell you got to defend your bodyguards ,did you really say that !!!111111

242 12 years, 9 months ago

That Minister Bell out of his mind. I don't think he fit to be in that position. He says anything that pop in his head.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

its like how joe biden always messing up Obama ,we got us a joe biden ,,,and the strange part Bell don,t stop, everyday something else crazy pops outta his mouth

242 12 years, 9 months ago

It's not 100% bad. Every time he speaks, I'm sure there is a proud smile on Tal Russel's face. (Providin they ain the same person)

concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

your right 242 but even if they the same ,they smiling cause he/she think they said something profound

mynameis 12 years, 9 months ago

The Prime Minister needs to take this one in hand and issue a gag order on this junior minister/unelected member of Parliament. de higha de monkey clime, de mo' he expose!!

shortpants 12 years, 9 months ago

Bell knows why he carrying a weapon history BAD ...........So now that PLP in power now you decide that you are above average and can carry one. so you rose above the average man now that your beloved PARTY just what it is a 5 year long partying just enjoying the wealth .Poor Bahamaians you'll ain't seen nothing yet we believe.

PKMShack 12 years, 9 months ago

Their supporters getting what they voted for. Me and Mine need protection and now I have the the power I getting what for me and Soulja you on your own,,,but thanks anyway for your support. I will get you later but this time for me and my party. Dont forget We going all the WAY.

242 12 years, 9 months ago

the 48 percenters dont c it like that

Concerned 12 years, 9 months ago

Keith Bell's arrogance is the greatest danger to the Bahamian society and not the criminals. When you bring back a disgraced employee to become the boss of his former bosses, his chief goal is to strut himself in front of his new subordinates and try reclaim his deflated manhood. Bell thought it would be cool to walk around town with a new gun on his side and show off in front of the media with his new power stick. Then he wants his car to have a siren so he can so speeding through traffic from crime scene to crime scene. This is not CSI Miami Mr. Bell. This is not Hawaii Five O either. Leave the action to the fellas whose job it is to see action. Your job is to sit in Cabinet, consult with your police chiefs and represent them as yuo try make proper decisions to counter crime in the Bahamas. You tooting a gun does NOTHING to lessen crime. In fact, it only perpetuate violence and the need for every citizen to now carry own a gun.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

the saddest part is theirs a whole lot of people out there that Bell will be there new hero , like Shame Gibson , L miller etc ,,the people vote for a goverment that is most like themselves

AverageJoe 12 years, 9 months ago

Why not level the playing field. The criminals have guns with no respect for the law. Anyone that goes thru the legal application and vetting process should not be denied once they meet the standards. How many shootings can be proven to be done by law abiding citizens with legally obtained (licensed) firearms (shotguns)? This whole thing of "average citizens not being ready" is a load of horse manure mixed in with cow dung. I have had training, as I would imagine the police officers have also and neither myself or they are allowed to possess a handgun. Even in the U.S. the criminals with unlicensed weapons are the individuals commiting the crimes with said weapons. Having the ability to link a particular person with a firearm is a great safeguard against that person using it recklessly and also a tool to prosecute should they choose to do so. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. Did Prince Hepburn use a gun to kill Nellie Brown? Should we stop selling machetes? Are the authorities saying that average Bahamians are nothing more than savages unable to control themselves? Better get rid of all weapons in the Bahamas. Then we can eat with our hands because we'll have no tableware.

Oracle 12 years, 9 months ago

Distract from the issue and people will eventually forget...thank God for your mouth Honourable Bell you remind us daily of why we must not only keep this government foot to the fire but also ensure they yet again govern for ONE Term ONLY!!

concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

over 30 days gone ,one third of a hundred days ,and all they doing is talking nonsense ,bout spit in my daddy face ,lets fool with a done deal CWC ,i didn,t mean black people stupid i meant whitey is bad and trickey,,leslie miller,,,,and u know what their die hard supporters are lapping that crap up like mana from heaven

paul_vincent_zecchino 12 years, 9 months ago

For decades the Bahamas Handbook has described procedures by which one may apply to carry a firearm.

In the United States, more than thirty years of dilligent research combined with concealed carry gun laws brought crime to an historic lows.

Three decades ago Stanford University Professor of Law Don Kates' book, 'Restricting Handguns'. Professor Kates broke ranks with the liberal myths. Dr. Kates stated that guns in the hands of citizens do not cause crime, they decrease it. Further research by criminologists Drs. David Kopel and Gary Kleck, and Dr. John Lott, professor of economics at Columbia University, have provedn Dr. Kates' research true.

Guns in the hands of citizens reduce crime by putting criminals on notice that citizens can defend themselves.

The above contemporary researchers' findings validate those of the founders of criminology. During the mid eighteenth century, Cesare Becaria concluded that nations which permit citizens to carry arms enjoy low rates of crime, while those who do not are plagued with it. During the late nineteenth century, Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso reached the same conclusion:

If you want to decrease crime, allow citizens to carry firearms. If you want more crime, don't.

Florida twenty five years ago passed its Concealed Carry Law. The press and liberal politicians howled that this would cause a bloodbath in which minor disputes quickly became multiple homicides.

To the media and politicans' great chagrin, the opposite occurred - crime dropped. Criminals quickly realized citizens were no longer defenseless and crime has now reached forty five year lows in America. More than thirty states passed laws similar to Florida's concealed carry law, with good results.

Those few states which have harsh firearms laws, such as Illinois, have very high rates of violent crime, because criminals know that citizens are defenseless.

Paul Vincent Zecchino Manasota Key, Florida 10 June, 2012

HaveSomeTruth 12 years, 9 months ago

Shut up Tommy T! You have no say on anything! Dismal MONS!

concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

why does Tommy T ,have to be quiet ,when the PLP was in opp..they lambasted T,T all the time ,even put up billboards about murder ,,,well i,m giving the PLP some time ,but we have had 21 murders since they came to power ..they said there ready on day one .....your rigth Tommy can,t set any policy now ,but the PLP can ,,this has been the bloodiest month in awhile ,not a peep about it from PGC...

maryann 12 years, 9 months ago


JJSherman 12 years, 9 months ago

Mr. Bell, whay should you carry a gun? Don't you have trust in a God who will never leave you or forsake you? If you would change of your evil way's and not lie to the Bahamain people then there should not be a need to carry such a weapon. It is so sad in the way that the Bahamas is coming to, and it's because of all of the lies that you politicians are feeding the people. Change, and prayers is what I knew as a child growing up in the Bahamas, not guns don't you get it, and what is going to become of our beautiful country?

spencerid 11 years, 7 months ago

You are right, guns aren't for everyone. You need to be mentally suitable and major for a gun permit. I also own a gun but I had to give many tests for it. When I hunt I use a normal rifle with a http://www.gggaz.com/scar-rifle-accesor…">FN SCAR accessories, but at home, for my own protection a small but good revolver.

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