49 new COVID cases, death toll rises to 217

THE Ministry of Health recorded 49 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday while the nation’s coronavirus death toll rose by one to 217.

Forty-five of the new cases are in New Providence, while there was one each in Abaco and the Berry Islands and two in Cat Island. This brought the nation’s case count to 11,073.

Meanwhile the latest deceased victim is a 43-year-old woman from the Berry Islands who died on May 9.

The Ministry of Health said 26 other deaths are currently under investigation.

At last report, 56 people were in hospital sick with the virus.


John 3 years, 10 months ago

Imagine when this government starts allowing untested but vaccinated people into the country. And imagine if they follow the idiotic and non scientific policy of allowing vaccinated people to walk around unmasked as legitimate and government approved, certified super spreaders.

whogothere 3 years, 10 months ago

Imagine when we actually get to the point when everyone final understands mask mandates didn’t work (because it’s airborne), social distancing doesn’t work (it’s airborne and floats further than 6 feet), lockdowns made things worse (forces people to gather indoors), frenzied scribing of surfaces doesn’t do much (doesn’t spread on formites) and that vaccines haven’t really demonstrated to effect trajectory of cases more than natural immunization through infection or seasonality of the virus...and overall the IFR is between 0.05 and 0.1 akin to the flu... Pandemics is over peeps...time to get back to rebuilding the tatters of our nation..

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago

all of the methods work. The question is when and for what?

Lockdowns did work. they stopped contact and they stopped the spread. While we were locked down. The problem occured when it was clear they didnt know what else to do. They started using lockdowns improperly. Forever lockdowns to say crime went down... but so did the local economy.

Masks probably do work but theyre likely not foolproof. Vaccines work, but not for everyone and theyre not a cure.

The solution is knowing the tools you have and knowing when to use them. This administration now has a clear track record of using every tool impoperly. fines for driving with windows up and not wearing a mask.

tribanon 3 years, 10 months ago

One of these days you will come to the realisation that the big bucket of water you're always carrying for Minnis has a huge gaping hole in the bottom of it. lol

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago

I carrying water for Minnis??? Thats a little much... I dont even have a bucket.

My point is he consistently misused the tools available to him. Those tools could work if used properly. And the pattern continues, he's currently about to misuse the vaccine by categorizing it as a cureall

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago

You know I still trying to figure out if I carrying the bucket of water for Minnis to drink or to throw on him when he cross under the bridge...

whogothere 3 years, 10 months ago

Nah, nothing worked it’s a seasonal virus..subtropical spikes in summer with heavier use of ac and northern countries spike in conventional flu season curve... Literally no difference between states in usa that did excessive lockdowns and those that didn’t. Mask mandates same story. Vaccinations impact on case trajectory has been non existent - turkey/Mexico/Russia vaccinated less than 15% of their populations but their curves are similar to Israel, us and uk...let’s not forget about pcr testing cycles and death classification variable...it’s theatre..I do agree our puppets in government have have read their lines but they don’t have a clue...

TalRussell 3 years, 10 months ago

The 417 dead would be high even if the official count is really the true number? The Realm's official testing count 11,073 but how reliable is it considering there has/is no consistent plan nor aggressive encouragement for the PopoulacesCommeners' and the Tourists to be testing for COVID, seen be underway?
Remember, this is the same exact bunch behind the to put it lightly, unreliable arithmetic used to officially count Hurricane Dorian's dead and missing.
Comrades, now as a means of immigration enforcement by denying access to the vaccines by those - which some have estimated to be numbered in the 98,333 range - who are undocumented, thereby, placing the health of the entire Realm's 1200 Out Islands, Cays, and, Rocks, at much greater risks, yes?

heath 3 years, 10 months ago

Vaccines work. Look at the numbers in the US, UK, Israel, Bahrain, UAE etc!!! What doesn’t work is stupid and ignorant fear of the vaccine!! What is also stupid is the government restricting who gets the vaccine. We don’t have enough uptake and plenty of doses. The answer as discovered by many nations already is to vaccine as many as possible to create herd immunity. The science is there for all to see, not only for this virus but many others that came before it. Countries who are having a successful vaccination program are getting off their economic knees and are beginning to open up, produce, create jobs and help the economic recovery. We won’t until we have rational thinking, rational policy and less narrow minded thinking!! But who is listening?

whogothere 3 years, 10 months ago

Seasonality and natural immunity work too ;) mexico as vaccinated less that 15% of the population and new cases per million are less than Uk and Israel... turkey cases have plummeted...in eu cases are falling but few of countries have more than 15% of their population vaccinated..sorry to burst your bubble... ps I m vaccinated but reality it’s not the be all end all of pandemic the danger and panic was exaggerated to begin with..

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago

Both work. And thats work in brackets because there are many caveats. It seems like we got some level of immunity to the original strain. Then came the variants that Renward Wells refused to acknowlexge, what kind of health minister is that? Protecting the tourism economy does not mean spinning public health

bahamianson 3 years, 10 months ago

Next holiday will be the 4th wave and the holiday after that, the 5th......

JokeyJack 3 years, 10 months ago

Exactly. It is amazing that some of the commenters on here are still blindly following government insanity worldwide. I wonder how many years of mask wearing and lockdowns would it take to convince them that those things don't work? And the vaccines - well, first of all we need to stop calling them vaccines. They are injections of who knows what.
I wonder if these people continue to take their car to the same mechanic over and over and over and over again? Car cuts off after it gets hot, like after 20 minutes. Take it back to the mechanic. He fiddles with some wrenches - happens again. And again. and again. and again. BUT DON"T WORRY -THAT MECHANIC WILL FIX YOUR CAR......someday.

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 10 months ago

where yall get this nonsense from??? One of the good things about the Easter holiday was there was a clear distinction between when the virus infections started climbing and when we Bahamians had our y'all cant behave eh? holiday. Spring break started well before our local holiday. Travel increased and the infections went up. You only have to look at the numbers.

300 cases in Jan. 300 in Feb. 600 in March! Our Easter holiday started April 2nd. There was a single catalyst for the 3rd wave and the data shows quite clearly what it was "travel from spring break visitors"

Lockdowns did work. But theyre a blunt instrument. If you stop everyone from mingling noone can give the virus to anyone else. And you only want to do that for a very short period of time. That is a COMPLETELY different thing to saying this govt ABUSED the lockdowns and used them inappropriately such that regular Joe blows couldn't move but RBDF, RBPF and customs were having a whale of a time at infection spreading parties. If an MPs child hadnt committed suicide, Im almost certain they would still be hitting us over the head with lockdowns

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