COURTESY CALL ON THE PRIME MINISTER - Representatives of Bahamas Aviation, Climate & Severe Weather Network Ltd (BACSWN) and Raytheon Technologies (Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney and Collins Aerospace) paying a courtesy call on the Most Honourable Dr. Hubert Minnis, M.P., Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas; Permanent Secretary to the Office of Prime Minister, Mr. David Davis, Office of the Prime Minister’s Senior Policy Advisor, Mr. Joshua Sears, Chief Executive Officer of Prime Minister’s Delivery Unit, Mrs. Viana Gardiner, and PM’s Director of Communications, Mrs. Erica Cox at the Cabinet Office some months back. ( FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Mr. Robert Dupuch-Carron, Founder/Director BACSWN, Mr. Matt Gilligan, Vice-President Intelligence, Space, Navigation, information & Weather Services ( Ret.); Prime Minister, Most Honourable Dr. Hubert Minnis, M.P., and Mr. Eugene Welch, Sr. Director of Air Traffic Control Systems at Raytheon Intelligence, Space, Navigation Information and Weather Services Division.
BAHAMAS Aviation, Climate & Severe Weather Network (BACSWN) is delighted to announce that following its recent designation as ‘Meteorological Weather Authority’ for International Civil Aviation; alongside, instructions contained in the Cabinet Conclusion — provided by Hon. Dionisio D’Aguilar to Eileen Dupuch-Carron, CMG, LLb, on February 14, 2020 — it has commenced the process of filing notice with the FAA, ICAO and IATA of its intention to stand-up, fund and staff our nation’s first ‘Meteorological Watch Office’ with “the necessary technical and operational expertise to maintain a continuous 24/7/365 real-time watch over the weather conditions affecting any flight or vessel operations within the 183,00 sq miles The Bahamas’ sovereign archipelagic baselines, territorial seas, contiguous and exclusive economic zone (EEZ).”
In conveying their sincere thanks and gratitude to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet and Cabinet Select Committee for their unwavering support of its 100 percent Bahamian designed Aviation, Climate, Coastal, Marine, Meteorological, Navigation, 3D Terrain, Street & Chart Mapping and Severe Weather Sensing Network connected to its patent pending Convergence Centre on Shirley Street - which Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney & Collins Aerospace have gone on record as saying will be the “‘First-Of-Its-Kind’ Transformational Weather System… exceeding that of any other industrialized nation” - BACSWN’s leadership laments the fact they’ve now had to put on hold the hiring of almost 800 carpenters, masons, plumbers, electricians and other skilled and unskilled workers. Scores of others with skills ranging from UX/UI design, collaboration with the Department of Meteorology and secondment of Meteorologists, Air Traffic Controllers and other data/IT management specialists are also on hold.
In a blistering critique of what they contend is Attorney General Carl Bethel’s apparent indifference to signing off on Bahamas Aviation, Climate & Severe Weather Network’s Heads of Agreement – despite the Cabinet Select Committee tasked with negotiating such matters by Prime Minister Minnis having forwarded its glowing recommendations on the $427M project almost a year ago - BACSWN’s Executive Chairman, Eileen Dupuch-Carron and its Founder/director, Robert Dupuch-Carron said in a joint statement:
“We usually adopt a policy of ignoring individuals who hurl tirades full of childish pejorative insults. However, once in a while there arrives such scathing, crass, vacuous, self-indulging utterances that in the emotional universe where most of us reside, such comments go so far beyond the realm of ridiculous to a similar category, dare we say, of being on the receiving end of attacks that are similar to that of being ‘ravaged by a dead sheep’ - from which no semblance of dignity - nor validity - could ever prevail.
“Regrettably, we have come to the conclusion that unless Mr Bethel’s objective is to obstruct, frustrate, embarrass, humiliate, confound, tarnish the reputation or cast unwarranted aspersions on Bahamas Aviation, Climate & Severe Weather Network’s ‘bona fides’ - thereby preventing the Ministry of Aviation from availing itself of the sole, exclusive and sovereign right to the ancillary benefits of a verified $313.5m in Overflight Fees per annum from each and every flight of any commercial, cargo or private air carrier, we can arrive at no rational explanation for the Office of the Attorney General apparently seeming to defy the will of the Cabinet, Prime Minister’s instructions and/or fulfil the FNM’s election manifesto.”
While BACSWN initially welcomed the news from Dr. Minnis that his Government’s new strategy would be that all viable private sector projects would obtain “Fast-Track Approval”, BACSWN has seen no progress with respect to its Heads of Agreement for months - despite the gracious support and encouragement of the Minister of Tourism & Aviation impressing upon the Attorney General his desire to have the agreement signed by Feb. 28, 2021.
“Clearly, no citizen in his right mind envisions that anyone is perfect. However, they do expect our leaders to be diligent and to work in a constructive, meaningful and collaborative fashion in the performance of their official duties. As such, enshrined in the constitutional principles of public life is the fact that every Minister must carry-out a Cabinet ‘Conclusion’ without delay, interference, and/or obstruction, regardless of their own personal opinions,” read the statement.
“Sadly, there are now many Bahamians who, like us, are finding it more and more difficult to support the FNM in view of what they see as the current administration’s favouring of foreign investors. Yet, when it comes to hard working Bahamian entrepreneurs who have the capacity and have assembled the global strategic partners necessary to bring such an ambitious $427m Family Island based project to fruition, they face nearly insurmountable levels of arrogance, entitlement alongside an indifference to the cornerstone of our British Westminster system of Constitutional Government: the ‘Collective Cabinet Responsibility’ by the endless grandstanding of individuals who are as ‘unelected as unelectable’.
“Today, more than ever, our nation needs every Bahamian – regardless of their race, creed, or political persuasion – if we truly wish our country to move together to face the unique challenges and opportunities in this era of global climate change.
“Suffice to say, most Bahamians don’t give a toss about the colour of one’s skin! They want jobs, not unemployment. They want opportunity, not ‘All for me baby”’.They want action; not promises. They want accountability; not to be told we don’t have a right to know. They want answers; not putdowns. But most of all they want those who offer themselves for Public Service to realize such service is a gift of one’s self to the country for the benefit of every individual in our Bahamaland; regardless of one’s own personal convictions.
“For today, Bahamians love the colour green. Just to be clear, We’re not talking about the DNA. We’re talking green for the environment; green for the dollar and green for let’s get going!
“Prime Minister, we stand ready and willing to work with you and your Cabinet colleagues. We look forward to the imminent signing of our Heads of Agreement so that we can contribute in our own way to make it even “Better in the Bahamas”.
“We pray you will not be waylaid by those who wish to diminish our nation’s strategic importance by mischaracterizing our contributions or attempt to disparage the ancillary benefits of a project which Raytheon, Pratt & Whitney, Collins Aerospace, and various US Governmental Agencies state “will propel The Bahamas into a world leader in weather and environmental technology.”
tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago
WOW, WOW, wow!!! Talk about unprofessional, biased and threatening (yes, threatening) journalism of the most despicable kind!!
Here we see the Dupuch-Carron Family, who are the owners and voice of The Tribune with much self-interest in their proposed mega million dollar BACSWN project, giving dumbo Minnis a big time very public arse whooping like no other in their very own newspaper with a national general election just around the corner. Who would have ever thought?!
I suspect the Dupuch-Carron Family are fearful of two things: (1) Minnis having had a re-think or second thoughts about the BACSWN project, and (2) the very real possibility the PLP may win the looming national general election. LMAO
newcitizen 3 years, 8 months ago
So, you get all outraged, but you never addressed his point that it is far easier to come in as a foreign investor to come here and build a project than it is for Bahamian's to do so. Do you think that is incorrect? I don't think he's wrong.
Hoda 3 years, 8 months ago
I appreciate the message. However, without more facts on your efforts my first impression is you are using your paper - which is your right - to wage a pr war in election time - pulling on some touchy/ inflammatory tropes - because u are not getting that which you want.
JokeyJack 3 years, 8 months ago
Its not about them getting what they want, its the Bahamas getting what we need which is the 400 million dollars. Of course anyone who has been in politics for over 20 years or more, like most of the steady commenters here are able to see "the picture" here of what's really going on - and that picture has way too many white people in it.
WETHEPEOPLE 3 years, 8 months ago
Real talk lol
tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago
These days 10% of the profits with no required participation in the losses for the right person seems to be the going price for government approval of such projects. lol
DreamerX 3 years, 8 months ago
I fully agree.
bahamianson 3 years, 8 months ago
Looks like Christopher Columbus arrival all over again. The white man come to free the black man from what they do not know. The black man is happy for some fruit, just keep the gold rolling.
Emilio26 3 years, 8 months ago
bahamianson well black Bahamian millionaires should start investing in projects like what the Dupuch family has proposed then
tribanon 3 years, 8 months ago
Black Bahamian millionaires seem to have more difficulty getting the support of the necessary partners abroad with the required deep pockets, technical 'know-how' and expertise.
Sickened 3 years, 8 months ago
Boy you black Bahamians (above) still think you just arrived from Africa and that every white man loves slavery huh? Jesus ya'll need to grow up and brush that boulder of your shoulder. Every time a white Bahamian appears in the paper he is automatically trying to stop the black Bahamian from feeding himself? Why don't ya'll go to school and try to better yourselves AND The Bahamas.
IslandWarrior 3 years, 8 months ago
And there I was thinking that my PTI Project was the only Bahamian created industry that this administration trashed and its leadership accused of fronting by Mr Bethel. Then laughed at after being invited to make a presentation before the Cabinet of The Bahamas.
My PTI (Vehicle Safety Inspection) Project would create 300 new jobs for Bahamians and save lives; and provide the Road Traffic Department with 12 service locations throughout the Bahamas, at no cost to the Bahamian People.
PTi in the Bahamas would ensure that the motoring public follow internationally accepted guidelines for safe driving. An example of how PTi saves lives: An industrial-sized vehicle would never be allowed to operate on public streets without the universally agreed necessary reflective apparatus or parked in a motoring lane without clear and advanced "Danger Approaching" warning signs.
Sickened 3 years, 8 months ago
Very sad! But some crony will be doing it at some point.
DreamerX 3 years, 8 months ago
This would literally enforce the car dealership oligarchs goal of out pricing cars from the majority of Bahamians even further. The benefits would be so minimal to the now high rate of refusal for cars.
IslandWarrior 3 years, 8 months ago
A properly functioning brake or turning signal serves no one's interest but the lives saved when these simple safety instruments function properly and are maintained, as they should. A 45 - 55 dollar annual safety check of these motor machinery "would be minimal" in comparison to the now high rate of medical care.
DreamerX 3 years, 8 months ago
This is already covered under the current rules and procedures.
IslandWarrior 3 years, 8 months ago
There is nothing in the rules and procedures that cover today's modern motor vehicles for safety efficiency. The vehicle safety testing that follows the International Road Safety Testing Standards (that the Bahamas is a signatory) for safety efficiency are non-existing; even the manual vehicle stopping distance test is null void and failed to be carried out. There are still existing "headlamp" (and not headlights) testing, a wall-mounted plywood piece on the wall installed in 1954. Furthermore, the ONLY reference to safety in your rules and procedures is "Reflector" there was the addition of the word roadworthiness, and there in itself, is a contradiction by definition and current operation. many of us are keepers of Petty Grudges riding down on the backs of Bahamians, stagnating progress or are accomplices to some other selfish if not duplicitous agenda.
sage 3 years, 8 months ago
Now this is what you call a wholesale cut ass.....and what is so sad... is that it is the truth! I have no idea why we are saddled with this relic an attorney general.... while he is not as self serving as our immediate past AG, he is as destructive. He has no skin in the Minnis game and appears set to destroy anyone whose life's work comes across his desk.
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