‘Cannot stop the economy again’

Branville McCartney

Branville McCartney


Tribune Business Editor


Bahamian businessmen yesterday voiced relief that the prime minister did not unveil a COVID-19 lockdown or further restrictions in his Wednesday night address, asserting: “You cannot stop the economy again.”

Branville McCartney, the Halsbury Chambers law firm principal and ex-Democratic National Alliance (DNA) leader, told Tribune Business that placing the country - and especially New Providence - into 2020-style lockdowns to halt the ongoing surge in COVID-19 cases would have “wiped the economy out” just as its tourism industry was showing signs of revival.

“What I think the government is trying to do is balance the health of the country while maintaining building of the economy,” he said. “A lot of people were expecting a lockdown. If a lockdown was placed on the economy, those persons hanging on for the past 16 months would not be able to take it. It would wipe them out.

Mr McCartney, suggesting that Dr Hubert Minnis had struck the correct balance between health and the economy, and lives and livelihoods, told this newspaper he had not expected any additional measures or restrictions to be unveiled beyond those announced on Monday even though many had anticipated an extended curfew - possibly starting at 7pm - to curb COVID-19 spread over the upcoming holiday weekend.

 “I didn’t expect any restrictions in addition to those announced earlier this week,” he added. “It would have been devastating. It was devastating when it happened months ago. To do that now would wipe the economy out.”

Mr McCartney was backed by Rick Lowe, Nassau Motor Company’s operations manager/director, who said: “I anticipated he would have extended the curfew, but on one hand I can understand his position. You cannot stop the economy again....

“I think a lot of small businesses are catching eternal hell, and that is playing a part in the decision not too clamp down too strongly.” Mr Lowe backed the Prime Minister’s encouragement for more Bahamians to become vaccinated, adding: “As much as I don’t like the state forcing me to do something or compelling me against my will, I got vaccinated.”

He was less impressed, though, by the prime minister’s talking-up of the government’s revenue performance to demonstrate that the Bahamian economy is on the mend. “Over the last six-month period, from January to June 2021, we have seen our revenue numbers beat their budget targets by tens of millions of dollars,” Dr Minnis had asserted.

“This is after the revenue numbers had fallen substantially behind their budgeted numbers in the prior six months. I am pleased to advise that, with still a few days left, the preliminary revenue numbers for the month of July are millions ahead of our budget projections.

“In fact, they are not far off the similar point in July 2019 before Hurricane Dorian and the pandemic. The recent revenue performance points to an economy that is gradually but certainly regaining its footing. While we are still not back to full economic capacity, The Bahamas has set a course for, and is headed toward economic recovery.”

Mr Lowe, though, said the address was “limited” on the economy “other than to say how much money has been spent and how much revenue earned. He didn’t say what the deficit is now and how much they will be borrowing”. From that point of view it was a campaign speech”.

Meanwhile Walter Wells, Caribbean Bottling Company’s principal, told Tribune Business that the Government was facing “a double-edged sword” in trying to avoid subjecting the economy to full and/or partial lockdowns while, at the same time, measures were needed to curb COVID-19’s spread and the possibility that it may overwhelm the healthcare system.

Backing the Prime Minister’s emphasis on personal responsibility when it comes to vaccinations, he added: “If it’s not mandated it will not happen, and it will not be happening if there’s no enforcement behind it. It’s double-edged sword, but I’m not so sure that locking the country down is the right answer.”

Reiterating that vaccination offers the only escape route from COVID-19, Mr Wells added: “We are in for a rough few weeks and a few rough months.”

Mr McCartney, supporting the Prime Minister’s focus on encouraging Bahamians to become vaccinated, joined those urging both citizens and residents “to get on the band wagon” and become inoculated as the only exit route from a pandemic that has completely disrupted the country’s “way of life”.

“In terms of the pandemic, we’re in a worse position than when we locked down,” he acknowledged. “We have a long way to go. The virus is going to be with us for some time. It’s a matter of how we live with it. The bottom line is more people need to get vaccinated.”

Some 88 new COVID-19 cases were detected on Wednesday, and Mr McCartney added that whether vaccinations were made mandatory or not “our way of life” determines that persons need to become inoculated. He added that talk of making vaccines mandatory was already emerging in parts of Europe, and suggested that this would eventually find its way to The Bahamas.

While conceding that it would be difficult for any administration to accomplish politically, the ex-DNA leader said he “certainly would” make vaccinations mandatory by “changing up the law” - something that would likely generate significant push back from many Bahamians.

“Quite frankly, it’s those who are unvaccinated almost holding things up, so to speak, in terms of us being on the road to recovery,” he added. “The call made by the Prime Minister ought to be adhered to and listened to so we can get back to some type of normalcy otherwise we’re going to remain in this position.”


mandela 3 years, 7 months ago

There are also unvaccinated tourists coming here daily so don't try and blame Bahamians that are unvaccinated, the Delta virus was IMPORTED and not vice versa, people bringing it to us.

sage 3 years, 7 months ago

It is amazing that this paper grants such large sways of space to folks who have never been coorect in their assessment of what is going on this country.

What I do know is that if we do not curb our present behaviours....we ourselves will shutter this country.'s economy. Where was his voice when the Prime Minister had to make the painful decision to shut the place down to save the economy? Where was his voice when hard decisions had to be made to thread the needle for our country's recovery?
The saying is true...in the land of the blind....the one eyed dwarf.....reigns supreme...

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 7 months ago

Looks like PMH will need a couple more refrigerated containers to store bodies soon...

proudloudandfnm 3 years, 7 months ago

Have elective surgeries been suspended again? I wonder how long people can wait before their surgeries become necessary? And if this continues where do you go if you have a non covid emergency? To the petri dish that is PMH. Or the petri dish that is Doctors?

John 3 years, 7 months ago

And so the vaccines’ sales push continue. The man is on the street corner selling vaccines he doesn’t currently have. As for claims of making the vaccines mandatory, he must first get them FDA approved for other than emergency use. Is that why US vaccines cannot be purchased and only donated.

TalRussell 3 years, 7 months ago

Going require lengthy political career's rehabilitation, sufficiently to even begin explaining how was it that an opposition party's leader, running against a leader who his own opposition House-elected MPs, persistently wrote letters to the governor-general, outlining how they saw him as a lazy, power-hungry, bad joke, not have taken advantage such a gift horse vehicle as strong justification for changing the minds more than just the 604 Bambooyians to cast their votes (13%) to reelect emself go sit back up as House-elected green MP, during the sessions 2017 House of Assembly...like you deposit 1 Sand Dollar into your bank account and the teller only gives you access to 13 Cents, yes?

ThisIsOurs 3 years, 7 months ago

"it’s those who are unvaccinated almost holding things up"

Why does the tribune allow reporters to put forward one way dictation??. According to the govt's information, every single vaccine they had was fully subscribed. In fact straight from Ed Fields, it was so successful that they got more vaccines doses than they expected! The real issue is the govt never had a plan to vaccinate the population. They had a we have a vaccine campaign going on PR campaign. Do just enough to claim that.

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