THE word ahead of Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis’ speech last night was that there would be a big announcement – and a free school meals programme certainly fit the bill.
The plan would mean free breakfast, lunch and snacks for all students in the government school system.
Why is this important? Well, time and again, research has shown that free or reduced price school meals helps across the board in society. It helps those in poverty, it helps to reduce obesity rates – an issue our country absolutely needs to tackle – and to tackle other areas of poor health.
It can lay in place good eating habits for a lifetime, eating fruit and vegetables that might not get served up at home.
Sitting at school while hungry leaves students who don’t have access to basic good food unable to concentrate properly. That means lower grades. That means weaker exam results. It can mean generations of students locked into a cycle of poverty because they weren’t in a position to excel, simply because they didn’t have enough food.
While it is a lesson we might have wished to learn another way, the pandemic has taught us the importance of supplying food to those in need, the infrastructure needed to do it and what the costs are for doing so.
As we hopefully start to emerge from the pandemic – although the current numbers show we are a long way off from that – those lessons can be turned from how we support families who are out of work to how we can help our children to excel in school.
Will there be a cost attached? Absolutely. But in the long-term there could also be a saving, with our healthcare system in future years hopefully having to deal with fewer cases of obesity or diabetes or any of the other host of problems we currently face in Bahamian society which if tackled young could be reduced or averted.
“This programme will be available to every child in government-operated school systems throughout the country. We are making it universal so there is no stigma attached to any child getting food,” said Dr Minnis.
That is important too – children can be subject to being teased and bullied as it is, and taking away another reason for someone to be picked on might make the world of difference for those children.
The goal is also to use Bahamian products where possible – fish, poultry and meat, fruits and vegetables. That can bolster a food sector that could do with a solid base to build on if we are going to reduce the percentage of our food that is imported from overseas rather than produced here at home.
Overall, it is a win for everyone – with the caveat being the potential cost. That’s no small amount to consider. We’ve argued in this column already that election promises need to have a price tag attached, and the same applies here.
But if we can afford it, it could be a real game changer for children in our schools, setting them on the path to healthy eating from an early age. That is a goal worth striving for.
BPL peace?
Could there be peace at last over at BPL?
After a summer of demonstrations, the Bahamas Electrical Workers Union has ratified an industrial agreement from Bahamas Power and Light – and is ready to sign.
It is sad of course that it took such disruption, and such time, and that it took until the last minute before the elections to resolve, but it is progress, and that is to be welcomed.
Is it the end of the matter? Well, we’ll believe that when all is quiet. There still seems to be some resentment towards management, and that doesn’t go away quickly.
It is, however, a testament to the value of sitting down and negotiating properly – to get things done rather than to grandstand in protest. We hope both sides can move forward more harmoniously from now on.
birdiestrachan 3 years, 6 months ago
Pure and simple foolishness. These are the same people who refuse to give workers a decent salary. and agree to put 12% VAT on food,
doc will do and say anything to win an election. then he will say he changed his mind. like going east when he promised to go west
Masterful liar indeed,,
Dawes 3 years, 6 months ago
They all are liars, Minnis, Brave and all on both FNM and PLP.
JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago
Absolutely correct. Thanks also to Dawes. Will God grant us the wisdom to #1 come out and vote and #2 vote for anyone except red & blue. I personally would encourage you to support Lincoln and the COI but that is just me. I would be SO happy if every single MP going in this time is not a red or yellow. A coalition could be formed amoung whoever shows up and PM and L of O and be figured out at that time.
Bahamians will have a democracy, and it will be a learning experience for all.
ibonamy 3 years, 6 months ago
Lincoln Bain would need almost 40 Billion dollars to give every Bahamian or household 100,000. Where will he find this money? please do your home work first before believing this . Take a look at what they are doing in Alaska.…
truetruebahamian 3 years, 6 months ago
Birdie, you contintuously prove over and over again that you are a goat's ass.
truetruebahamian 3 years, 6 months ago
Just stop birdiestrachan - just stop with your twisted inuendo and lies. Is your real name Antoine
joeblow 3 years, 6 months ago
... I don't know why, but I continue to be surprised at how ignorant and gullible and almost child-like in their beliefs Bahamians are around election time. Our history with politicians has taught us (collectively) absolutely nothing! We deserve whatever we get because we refuse to think!!
stillwaters 3 years, 6 months ago
I looked at the people in those crowds on nomination day and saw hope alive in their faces......I felt so sad for them.
Godson 3 years, 6 months ago
YEAH it could make a difference. Make a lazier class of people in our society.
Godson 3 years, 6 months ago
YEAH it could make a difference: Make a lazier class of people in our society.
mandela 3 years, 6 months ago
Dream on, why aren't there free internet as was also promised for the inner city especially now during virtual classes, talking fool is a very serious thing, talking fool will leave ya lying in da mud.
truetruebahamian 3 years, 6 months ago
This lays in place and confirms in the minds of the students and their parents that the government will supply everything and anything - so why work? Why study and plan? Our people are already both totally dependent on others and at the same time ultra privileged where they feel that this 'freely given' treatment is a right. It is NOT an automatic right by any means!
JokeyJack 3 years, 6 months ago
Vote for me, and will allow children to have food to eat - LOL.
OMG 3 years, 6 months ago
Nonsense. ministry of education leaders have failed for years. From hiring Cuban teachers to teach subjects they are not qualified to teach, irregular or no supplies at all, nonsensical schemes to change the way practical subjects are taught, centralised computerised report card scheme abandoned, over 15 high school workshops closed through lack of teachers. Are we still sending BGCSE exam papers to Cambridge in the UK for checking and then having inspectors fly out to see if it is being administered properly ?So can you imagine IF there were funds for this grandiose free food scheme that they would be able to organise it ? Funny how just before the election Minnis promises this scheme plus increasing the minimum wage .One asks why these things could not have bee done months if not years ago.
truetruebahamian 3 years, 6 months ago
Atually, I would say that almost every one of these Cuban teachers are more in touch and responsive and care more and more knowlegebly adept, and faster to adapt to the needed local programmes than most Bahamians. Their knowledge and teaching capacity for our environs eclipses our local teachers for the most part. Watch and learn.
killemwitdakno 3 years, 6 months ago
Totally doable now that there are no kids in school..
Not when LBT said to save the lunch program.
sheeprunner12 3 years, 6 months ago
Minnis grew up in the ghetto to a single mother ...... who provided his breakfast, lunch and dinner??????
truetruebahamian 3 years, 6 months ago
Is this confirmably true or just malicious political innuendo?
truetruebahamian 3 years, 6 months ago
He attended St Augustines and later UWI
sheeprunner12 3 years, 6 months ago
He tells ppl that he grew up in Bain Town .... That's inner city/ ghetto
sheeprunner12 3 years, 6 months ago
It's not where you start .... It's where you end up. Minnis is a self made millionaire. Go figger
quietone 3 years, 6 months ago
Jockyjack, I fully and completely agree with what you have stated in your post 2 days 7 hours ago... It was like I have been thinking of practically the same or very similar voting results... yeah, I think it would be completely useless for one of the 2 parties who have been in power like forever to win this election again. Thank you!
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