EDITOR, The Tribune.
THE stupidity or lack of common sense displayed by some of those who govern us never ceases to amaze me.
Yesterday, I received a notice from the Ministry of Works and Transport that they were engaging in a house numbering exercise in New Providence. As all of the houses on our street are already numbered, I paid little attention to it. Imagine my surprise on returning home this evening to find every house in the street renumbered.
To add insult to injury, the persons who installed the number on my wall, and without my permission I might add, left the old number in place therefore my home is now graced with two different numbers as is every other house in the street.
I have lived in my home for more than 20 years, some of my neighbours have been there longer, and all with the old numbers for all that time.
Has any consideration been given to the changes that will now be required to personal information such as legal documents, credit cards and utility bills just to name a few.
Will registered criminals throughout New Providence now have new addresses? How will this affect voter registration cards as my former street address is listed thereon? You think we had confusion during the last election, chile please.
What a waste of time and our money to carry out an exercise like this with obviously little or no forethought, that without even questioning the legality of it all.
And we're borrowing another sixty-five million for what?
March 6, 2012.
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