Pig roast a great day out

ONCE again, the Bahamas National Trust's annual Cuban Pig Roast was a huge success. Held on Saturday at the Maillis Farm in Adelaide, the fundraiser completely sold out, attracting more than 220 people. Those who took part in a raffle were eligible to win a number of prizes, including round-trip tickets to Fort Lauderdale. Eastern road resident Bruce Rain chartered a 35-seater bus to bring passengers from the east out to the event. BNT president Neil McKinney said: "The pig roast is a great social event that gives members a recap of the previous BNT events and also gives them a clear vision of the direction they are heading." The Bahamas National Trust has had a successful working relationship with the government of the Bahamas since 1958 and has helped the country build a system of national parks and protect areas which safeguard the biodiversity of the Bahamas and provide tourism, educational and economical benefits to the nation. The non-profit organisation also works to tackle degradation of coral reefs, wetland destruction and poaching.


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