Realtor adds new staffers

MARIO Carey Realty and its MCR2 affiliate are expanding their staff complement through the hiring of a marketing manager and another broker/appraiser. "We're very pleased to announce the appointment of Terrinique 'Terri' Pennerman as marketing manager," said the firms' principal and founder, Mario Carey and "Antoine Adderley as broker/appraiser. While their backgrounds are diverse, each brings a wealth of experience. "Together, they contribute in a significant way to the youthful energy that marks Mario Carey Realty, a spirit of drive and enthusiasm with an understanding of market trends, a belief in personal service and a commitment to community, which is a cornerstone of our firm." Mario Carey Realty, founded in 2008, grew from an initial staff of three to a team of 17, and has expanded with offices in Abaco and Bimini. In 2011, it out grew offices on East Bay Street and moved into much larger headquarters just east of downtown Nassau at No.1 Deveaux and Bay Streets. MCR2 was launched as a subsidiary to handle starter homes and the under $500,000 residential market, where demand is exploding. Sales in both, said Mr Carey, have been strong, but the firm needed a strong manager to handle marketing needs, including online listings, social media, advertising, outreach, showings and follow-up with prospective second home owners from abroad. "Terri had exactly the right qualifications," said Mr Carey. "She grew up in Abaco, and is very familiar with a working combination of Bahamian and second home residents. She was educated in the US, earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration in Finance from Francis Marion University, and a Masters of Business Administration from Duke University's Fuqua School of Business, a very impressive formal education record. "But more importantly, as part of her MBA program, Terri had the opportunity to travel to the world's most powerful economic regions - Shanghai, London, Dubai, New Delhi and St Petersburg, Russia. And during her graduate studies she focused on Marketing and Entrepreneurship." Based in Charlotte, North Carolina for four years, Ms Pennerman worked at Wachovia Securities as an investment banking analyst, primarily handling commercial real estate in mortgage-backed securities. Mr Adderley joins the firm after seven years in the profession, and with what Mr Carey called "a one-of-a-kind recommendation from the man who is likely the best-known and most highly regarded religious leader the Bahamas has produced". "When I got the personal call and glowing recommendation, I met with Antoine and knew instantly that he had the right stuff," said Mr Carey. "He only joined us last week and I can already see promise." Mr Carey, who specialises in high end sales - his average sale during a period not long ago was $7 million - said he is especially proud of what the younger, starter market team is doing. "I've heard the noise in the market, that we are young and our sales associates and brokers are innocents, but every day I watch them tear up the competition. There is no room for complacency," said Mr Carey. "They spend a great deal of time learning everything about market trends, watching what's happening, pouncing when a new development is being considered, being open minded and offering ideas. They're out there. They're active and they are dynamite, doing great things and showing we get results through independent thinking. Now with Antoine and Terri joining the team, Mario Carey Realty and MCR2 will be even stronger, more daring, growing and gaining market share. I think better times are ahead in the Bahamas and we are in better shape than ever to meet them."


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