The world wide recession

EDITOR, The Tribune. Reference is made to the Tribune headline dated January 31, 2012. I do hope that you will consider my letter for publication because after reading the above-mentioned headline about what the PLP leader said about the Prime Minister, it caused me to turn red inside and outside. I would like him to answer to the shameful tactics/antics in which he and his members participated when the FMN was installed as the governing party in 2007. Letter writers complaining about this atrocious behaviour had to use "tame" language when other more forceful terms should have been used to decribe their behaviour which was broadcast to the nation. Fortunately, the government proceeded with the nation's business and they accomplished quite a lot. I do believe that we are reaping the rewards of this unusual rudeness, as youngsters copied this bad behaviour. This is partly the reason for many of the criminal activities plaguing our land today. A BAHAMIAN VOTER Nassau, January 31, 2012.


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