Young father hangs himself

By KHRISNA VIRGIL kvirgil@tribunemedia.net FAMILY and friends of Breco Armbrister have been left with nothing but questions after the young father took his own life at home shortly before 9am yesterday. Armbrister, 34, of Lightbourne Avenue, off Farrington Road, had reportedly been suffering from depression for months. His aunt, Marvain Johnson, said his well-being was a concern as he struggled with the mental condition, and did not recover after being treated. "He was depressed," she said. "He wanted help, so we took him to Sandilands, and then he came out, but he was still in that state of depression where he would be mumbling to himself. "He was always in this scary mood like someone was out to get him." Nonetheless, Ms Johnson said, he showed no signs of contemplating suicide. However, another family member said she could tell he might have had an idea to take his life. "He would always scream out, 'Lord forgive me. I'm sorry Lord'," she recalled. Ms Johnson described her nephew as a quiet man who was an early riser. It was that trait, she said, which alerted her to his death. "When I didn't see him, I thought he was just sleeping late. So when I was leaving to go to work, I was going to the door and I said 'Breco you sleeping late? Time to get up, I'm leaving'. "When I pushed the door open, he was just there, just hanging there. I screamed, dropped everything, and called his brother to come and cut him down." Police responded to the home after they received reports that a man was found unconscious in a bedroom. Upon discovering the victim, they could see no sign of injuries to his body. Sgt Chrislyn Skippings said police do not suspect foul play at this time, but the investigation is continuing. "We also want to appeal to anyone who may be going through a crisis to reach out to the Crisis Centre or Social Services," she said. "They can also approach a pastor, their local police station or anyone who they think may be able to help. "We don't want anymore incidents like this."


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