DNA hopeful proving a challenge for FNM in Montagu



TRADITIONALLY a strong FNM seat, some observers feel the race for Montagu could be a little closer this election due to the popularity of the DNA's Ben Albury and the fact that governing party candidate Richard Lightbourne is new to front-line politics.


Ben Albury

In 2002, Foreign Affairs Minister Brent Symonette won the seat. He was then succeeded by Social Development Minister Loretta Butler-Turner, who has represented that community since 2007.

One among four candidates contesting the seat for the May 7 election, Mr Albury yesterday said he walked away from a successful nomination, at the Queen's College School on Village Road, ready to tackle a serious divide in the Montagu community.

"While I am very excited that everything went smoothly and the support that I have received demonstrates that people are ready for change, I am more ready to deal with the serious rift caused by successive government representatives in this community," he said.

He added that residents in Montagu are most concerned about the high levels of crime, especially in the Kemp Road area, where a large number of illegal immigrants have settled.

Richard Lightbourne, the FNM's hopeful for the area, expressed confidence that his party would recapture the constituency.

He said: "We know we'll win the seat. At this point we are just concerned with getting back out there to continue the campaign so that we can be sure to make contact with as many people as we can."

While saying he was very excited to be an independent candidate, Graham Weatherford criticised "the ancient processes" of nomination day.

"I got there and presented them with my visa card. They told me they didn't accept visas so I pulled out my $400 and paid for my nomination. I was also never told that as an independent candidate I would have to choose a symbol, provide the voter's card numbers of all five of my endorsers, or that I had to provide proof that I wasn't bound to any government contract," he said.

Mr Weatherford is now calling for changes to nomination day procedures.

Frank Smith, who is representing the PLP, could not be reached for comment, but observers do not think the official opposition have much of a chance in Montagu.


Islandboy242242 12 years, 11 months ago

Sounds like the FNM is over confident and perhaps nonchalant, but Ben is actually willing to fight for the seat, and provide a bit of insight on his views, challenges, and mission. Would like to see the same for all parties, no matter the constituency.

P.s. Honda's getting stolen from Village Road like mad.

Victor 12 years, 11 months ago

Get real, people. What sloppy journalism. Montagu is an FNM base seat. Mr. Albury has as much chance as Mr. Smith or Mr. Weatherford - that is to say, close to zero.

Islandboy242242 12 years, 11 months ago

So its a strong FNM seat, that means we should accept whoever they put there I guess. Give the FNM representative a good reason to sit back and relax. Guess you'd vote for a Cabbage Patch doll if it had a red shirt on and could say FNM.

Victor 12 years, 11 months ago

The FNM put up a good candidate. So they'll win. Only the DNA runs joke candidates like Rodney Moncur, he of the valuable trees and dictionary. He should use that dictionary to look up the word 'joke' and find a picture of himself.

BigD1 12 years, 11 months ago

Really when since did the Tribune started relying on undisclosed sources to make such a bold statement. What observers are they referring too. What indicators would satisfy the editors to make such a baseless statement and call it news. Finally who is writing this stuff.

Islandboy242242 12 years, 11 months ago

@BigD1 try not to be so sensitive, I don't see where it's a bold statement. It says some observers FEEL it could be a close race. And even if they had a quoted source, would it really matter, its all speculation until Election Day.

And just in case you need help, the journalist here has provided you with a name, and contact at the beginning of the article. "By KHRISNA VIRGIL - #kvirgil@tribunemedia.net"

BigD1 12 years, 11 months ago

In other news some observers beleive Islandboy242242 is an idiot and stands a strong chance of giving Branville Mccartney and crew a run for this title. LOL .

Islandboy242242 12 years, 11 months ago

Wow with a name like BigD1 you woulda thought you would be more mature...guess not. And I guess you didn't learn anything from me or the journalist, your post should have read: "In other news some observers FEEL Islandboy242242 is an idiot and stands a strong chance of giving Branville Mccartney and crew a run for this title. LOL .

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