Tribune Business Reporter
PRIME Minister Perry Christie said yesterday that he intends to meet with Mark Finlayson, principal of the now-defunct City Markets supermarket chain, and help resolve employee demands for a collective $3 million severance package that hundreds are awaiting.
Mr Christie confirmed to Tribune Business that he had met with employee representatives and their attorneys on Monday. “They came with their attorneys and I told them I would be interested in helping them sort out the City Markets matter,” he said.
“I told them that I saw it as important that the Office of the Prime Minister intervene with the view of trying to minimise the dismay, fear, concern of people who are fighting for what say are their rights. I told them I would meet with Mr Mark Finlayson to receive a briefing from his side. I would try to arrive at a conclusion myself with a view to building a bridge between the parties and stopping this necessity to go to court to sort them out.”
The Prime Minister added: “It was a good meeting I had with them. I thought they left confident that I would in fact use my office to assist them, and that is exactly what I will do.”
Wanslaw Turnquest, former City Markets inventory control auditor and spokesman for the majority of former employees, described the meeting with the Prime Minister as encouraging.
“He dealt with the situation and we have another meeting coming forward. He is looking into all aspects of the pension fund as well as the severance matter. He assured us that his office will be contacting all parties to ensure that the severance money is not just secured but paid out. We felt very encouraged by what came out of the meeting,” Mr Turnquest said.
242352 12 years, 4 months ago
Mark Finlayson = PLP supporter.
= nothing will happen.
= it will go to court and be delayed for a long time and then the lawyer will end with more the the deserving employer.
That is the PLP way.
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