Tribune Staff Reporter
FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis apologised to the speaker of the House yesterday for “unparliamentary” comments that he made while taking part in a debate on Wednesday.
Member of Parliament for Fort Charlotte, Dr Andre Rollins and Dr Minnis got into a heated exchange after Dr Minnis made certain disparaging remarks about Dr Rollins.
Dr Minnis said yesterday he realised his actions and words were not befitting that of a leader, but said there is only so much a person can take after consistently being taunted.
“Every session after the prayer the member for Fort Charlotte would make rude remarks from 10:15 on. The members on this side have to deal with it,” he said.
“It is only so much an individual can take, regardless of how kind or humble they may want to be. Every individual has a breaking point and, therefore, I ask that you, Mr Speaker, ask the member to refrain from his comments continuously throughout this.
“But our kids are watching on television and I think as honourable members we should set examples for them and if they see us behaving in a derogatory negative manner then they would feel that that is the appropriate thing to do. So for the remarks that I made I do apologize.”
Dr Rollins accepted Dr Minnis’ apology, but said Dr Minnis’ comments were “unbecoming” of someone who wants to one day lead this country.
“I would like to accept the honourable members apology and having recognized that it was inappropriate for this setting,” he said.
“I would like to take responsibility for the fact that occasionally from my seat I will engage in commentary that is most discomforting to members on this side and I wish no harm or ill will to them. I am pleased to know that the member recognizes the lack of truth to what was said and he has now seen fit to apologize publicly. Seeing that he is the leader of the opposition I will do as much as I can to show him the necessary respect for that office and I thank him once again for setting the record straight and acknowledging that not only was it untrue, but it was unbecoming of one who wishes to become leader of this great country.”
House Speaker Dr Kendal Major accepted apologies from both men, reminding all House members that “the children are watching.”
“I appreciate the honourable intention to keep the decorum of this House to the level that the Bahamian people expect and the chair congratulates you. I think this is a great opportunity for each of us to pause and reflect on why we are here and also the purpose for parliamentary decorum and so for those who have ears let them hear.”
hnhanna 12 years, 7 months ago
, Dr Andre Rollins the PLP freshman MP, is clueless on house matters, PLP leaders many times made unparliamentarily remarks on the house floor and never withdraw those disgraceful remarks
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