Neighbour threatened death

A WOMAN is in fear of her life after filing a police report with officers she now suspects might be corrupt.

Insisting on anonymity, the woman said she reported to police several weeks ago that a neighbour was selling drugs from the front yard of his home.

Red flags went up for her a short time later about the officers’ integrity, she said, when the neighbour threatened he would kill her for reporting him to the police.

“The guy is out there and he starts cursing me saying that I was the ‘b----’ who reported him to police. ‘The police can’t do anything with me’ he said. He told me to stay out of his way or else I would die.

“I will ‘f---’ you up, is what he told me.”

The man was eventually taken into custody after police who had accompanied her to her home, observed for themselves a drug deal going down. However, that arrest has not lessened her fears as the man’s family members have continued to threaten her with death.

On at least two other occasions, she said, conversations were overheard in which the neighbour’s family insisted that an officer told him that she was the informant and that thousands would again have to be spent to “bribe the police” and have him released.

“One relative said ‘this is going to cost me a good $2,000 or $3,000 to bribe somebody to get him out and I just had to do this last week.’”

At one point, the woman said, the police claimed that they could not offer further assistance.

About two days after the policeman witnessed the drug transaction as she had reported, she left for the United States to take her child to the doctor.

“I went away and then we came back, but I was paranoid and really scared. I called the officers and I said I really don’t know what’s going on around there, but I am scared to go home. He called me back and said these are your options, you can either go to a hotel, go to a family member, or we’ll have the police escort you home to make sure you are all right, because Witness Protection is closed for the night.”

She then sought an assurance of protection from Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade who told her that the matter would be rectified.

“The Commissioner asked if I felt I needed to move, I said ‘yes’ and he said that I should begin looking and get back to him.”

He told her to find something very nice, she recalled.

However, the woman said she was told by an assistant to the commissioner that the RBPF could only assist her with the first and last month’s rent for an apartment. She, however, felt that offer would not support her comfortable living conditions as she was already living in her own home. She could not afford to pay rent for another home.

The woman also feels that local authorities have failed to ensure the safety, not only of herself, but of her children.

“This community policing thing, yes they say it works, but when it puts someone’s life in danger then what?

“I did what I thought I was supposed to do. It just so happened that the officers who took my call were dirty cops. And that puts my life in danger and I’m out there on my own,” she said.


BoopaDoop 12 years, 7 months ago

This is why most people turn a 'blind eye' to criminal activity. People find it hard to trust anyone including the police.

242 12 years, 7 months ago

wonder if bribes and not reporting crimes correctly have anything to do with crime going "down"

bahamasoapmama 12 years, 7 months ago

The police must be out of their bloody minds if they think people are going to be foolish enough to go to the police to report a crime when it seems like the police force is riddled with criminals.

lucaya 12 years, 7 months ago

I am so deeply moved by this story,something seriously need to be done, imaging every day coming home or heading out of your home you fare if someone will attack you.I believe very much so what the person say is possibly the truth in regard to certain police officers,someone I know had a similar incident at another police station,the other person involved in dispute said they know the officers and nothing will happen,sure as day the person is having a difficult time with that police station.

It does not seems reasonably to believe that a bribe of $2000 or more can be made, and if officers are not of solid character that offer is hard to refuse,what can we do as concerned citizens to fight this type of corruption?I just hope this matter is not thrown under the rug,nothing else mentioned,justice must be seen to work for all concern,I pray hard for this person May Almighty Jehovah bring relief to this matter,have my sincere regards for the safety and restored peace for you and your family.

javiebenz 12 years, 7 months ago

This is a serious matter, that officer should be fired...the only problem is finding out who that officer is, since every officer in the station has access to All the reports...smh

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