Bran: NIB fiasco puts PLP back on road to scandal

DNA Leader Branville McCartney criticised Prime Minister Perry Christie saying the way the country’s leader is handling the NIB fiasco so far is proof that Mr Christie’s government is destined for a repeat of his 2002-2007 “scandal ridden” administration.

Speaking with The Tribune at his offices on Village Road, Mr McCartney said that if he were prime minister, this scandal would not have been allowed to build to this level.

“I have no doubt that Mr Christie has good intentions, but Mr Christie is Mr Christie and we are seeing that come to fruition. This is typical Perry Christie in what he is doing, or not doing, with these Ministers and Members of Parliament and the allegations being made against them. If I were him, I would have acted right away on certain allegations. I would have met with these persons who have allegations against them and quite frankly if they are true they would be terminated right away,” Mr McCartney said.

Yesterday Mr Christie defended his government’s decision to not suspend its Chairman of the National Insurance Board Greg Moss, who has been embroiled in an ongoing battle with NIB’s Director Algernon Cargill. In his Supreme Court writ, the director, who has since been suspended from NIB, has made damaging allegations against Mr Moss claiming that the Board even came close to missing monthly payments to hundreds of Bahamian pensioners twice after Mr Moss revoked management’s authority to manage its “cash flow.”

Mr Christie has since ordered a report to be made into the claims made against both men after Mr Cargill’s suspension and lawsuit last week.

Noting this “investigation” that the Prime Minister has ordered, Mr McCartney said this is again one of the many traits that the public has grown tired of from the Prime Minister.

“I don’t think he is going to do anything. I think unfortunately he has ordered an investigation and we have seen where that has been done before and nothing has come out of it. The good ole’ boys are back, and they are back in full force, and this time they are back with a vengeance. It has only been about seven or eight months since this administration has been in, and we have seen the typical PLP regime, and unfortunately this is what the Bahamian people voted for – it’s the same thing that the Bahamian people voted for in May is the same thing they voted the PLP out for in 2007.

“Not surprising. My Christie is basically going through the same motions that he went through in his last administration in 2002 and 2007 which was perhaps one of the reason why although things were relatively good during that period his government lost. Mr Christie, prior to the election said that he was a changed man. Mr Christie indicated that he would do things differently and we are not seeing that,” he said.


dehavmoss 12 years, 3 months ago

So true. Christie will be Christie. He appears to be ill prepared to ruffle any PLP supporters feathers.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 3 months ago

Shutup Branville! You are the reason Christie is back in power and that the "good ole boys" are back to mischief! Look yourself in the mirror and say thank you for restoring the country to shenanigans!

spoitier 12 years, 3 months ago

I hope all Bahamians don't think like you, you expect a person not to put his hand to the plow just so another person don't win. I agree that Christie is screwing up but people need all the option possible, so stop that foolish talk.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 3 months ago

And I kindly direct you to reread my "long statement" below. ;-)

Lala 12 years, 3 months ago

Well said 'Ironvelvet'. The outcome would have probably been a lot different if Branville hadn't decided to be a big baby in pampers. Now we are all reaping the mistakes of May 2012. Let's just hope that we have a country left in 2017 when these idiots are done with it. Sometimes I have to wonder if Perry has a brain and if he does when will he use it? SMT.

alexknowles 12 years, 3 months ago

How you know the people who voted DNA was going to vote FNM??? I don't think so...get it together with the BLACK CRAB syndrome. You never have hopes to one day being something great without having to ride the coat tails of other people. If I want to be Prime Minister or whatever...WHO can stop me...only myself!!

dacy 12 years, 3 months ago

Remember perry brain and mouth are not connected...

TalRussell 12 years, 3 months ago

Comrades aren't you be missing that had not Papa Hubert's arrogance and need to control all around him , not been in play with Bran, then the DNA would never have surfaced?

Why is it the red shirts shirts remain so politically blind as not to dare blame the chief architect of their second resounding defeat at the ballot boxes?

Comrade red shirts. Why is that?


DMoe 12 years, 3 months ago

All your fault Branville, all your fault!

alexknowles 12 years, 3 months ago

the people who voted DNA would not have voted FNM! they were tired of Hubert's dictatorial ways!!!

kidfreeport 12 years, 3 months ago

that's the problem with yall ironvevet and alike, you look to blame Bran and his departure from the fnm and not the reason why his thought to move away from a dictatorship and try to plot the country on a different course. but here again yall typical Bahamians are soo used to something that the thought of the possibility of CHANGE frightens you........All I say is "cowards". Let's just look at American.. they had the guts to do something different and elect a black man to lead a white country. So instead of blaming Mr. McCartney for what the PLP did maybe we should look at the man in the mirror.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 3 months ago

Kidfreeport, let me inform you that I am not afraid of change and as a matter of fact I embrace it willingly WHEN APPROPRIATE. However, I do not embrace change that will not make a difference (DNA) and change that can only bring utter downfall (PLP). The Bahamas is not a large enough society to be able to vote for a subgroup and expect them to be elected.

I'm glad you brought up AMERICA. As a matter a fact I am dual citizen living in the US. I vote in the USA and the Bahamas, and actively take part in the politics of both countries. The DNA for all intensive purposes, ignoring the politics, can be compared to the Tea party. The Tea party is a subgroup of Republicans that would prefer to become a major political party and as such have not because they do not have the numbers to do so. Many House and Senate Republicans lost seats in elections that featured Tea Party candidates because that ended up splitting the Republican vote. This is comparable to the DNA and FNM. Naturally, traditional Republicans were upset by this because this left room for Democrats to win those seats and of course affect votes in Congress on key issues.

As far as being afraid of change I voted for President Obama twice, I remember sitting on my couch when he made his speech at the DNC 2004 as a then senator and said to my American friends, that man will be president some day! They scoffed at me and told me I was dreaming that a black man could become president of the USA. I am a Black person that convinced many black people who were initially hard nosed for Hillary Clinton to change their views and vote for the RIGHT candidate. As so many Blacks forget that Obama was not INITIALLY embraced by the black community, his own people.

I am a person that believes in voting where your vote will count. There is a time and place for PROTEST. Voting for the DNA was an act of protest. If you are a Bahamian that are comfortable with whomever wins/governs you, then a vote of protest is of no consequence. However, that is a NAIVE thought. ....look below for conclusion....

Ironvelvet 12 years, 3 months ago

...Continued... Kidfreeport, what people in general, and particularly Bahamians, need to understand is when you vote for someone to govern you, or an act or law to come into existence those things have permanent effects! We never fully embrace any one particular candidate running for office, that is impossible! If you will, we vote for the lesser of the two evils. We vote for the party/person we believe has the POWER TO BE ELECTED, to carry the country to an even more meaningful existence. I love President Obama and former Prime Minister Ingraham, but I do not agree with everything they both say and do. Do I believe they are better for their countries than their politcal counterparts, YES! That is why I voted for them. A vote for the DNA was useless. If you want to protest, do it in a meaningful forum, not in the voter's booth!

What Branville did was narcissistic at best! He knew he didn't have the power to beat the FNM or the PLP. He knew it would split the vote and cause the FNM to lose, and the PLP to win. What Branville did was spiteful and a slap in the face of the country that he tells us he loves. Tell me you left the FNM because you believe that HAI was carrying the country into ruin, or harming its people, don't tell me that you left the FNM and HAI because of a personality flaw.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 3 months ago

What Branville needs to do now, just as many other politicians who left their initial parties is come back to the FNM (the home base). You don't see Branville making statements against Minnis or the FNM, if he has I have missed it. I doubt his pride will allow him to, if he does he is a better man for it. Let us see how much he truly loves his country. The PLP will never change, and their die hard followers will never go anywhere. Despite having the word progressive in its name the PLP has been anything but. The PLP in my opinion are the conservative party and the FNM the progressive party. The only form of progress they can pull out of the bank is the successful independence delivered by Sir Lynden O. Pindling.

Will Mr. McCartney show his love of country and come and be a part of a party who for all intensive purposes is reforming its identity and where/how it will function in the future? Or will he be a stalwart that is responsible for leading people to no man's land?

spoitier 12 years, 3 months ago

Keep quite with that long statement of foolishness, in a democracy everyone have a right to start a party if so desired. If you or anyone else don't want to vote for them that is your rights in a democracy also.

Ironvelvet 12 years, 3 months ago

LOL You are right! It is a democracy, vote as you like. Form as many parties as you like. As I said, there is a way of being democratic and expressing one's views so that everyone wins. Don't criticize a government you helped to elect.

P.S. don't create a party out of spite, because of an argument. Create one because you think that leader is fraudulent, criminal, etc.....because you actually have a DIFFERENT view you think should be on the national stage. Bran is a branch of the FNM, there isn't anything different about his game.

TalRussell 12 years, 3 months ago

If we are to rate Comrade Bran based upon his performance as the leader of the DNA we sure as hell could hardly call him an astute politician.

I am sure the vast majority of Bahamians view Bran as I do, no more than a political accident made by he once (maybe still) Papa Hubert.


dacy 12 years, 3 months ago

you still bitching about Hubert....get focus TalRussell the Prime Minister is Perry no-brainer Christie...move on!!!

concernedcitizen 12 years, 3 months ago

we got to give Tals the 2012 graphics award

alexknowles 12 years, 3 months ago

You buys are really haters! If I believe in something I am going to go for it. I am not tied to any political party!! NONE! If I want better for this country it sure aint the PLP or by damn the FNM

dacy 12 years, 3 months ago

Well Alexknowles who in the is it? the DNA??? where are they? what happened to the town meetings? why are they not visible with such great opportunities to be visible....SMDT!!!!

spoitier 12 years, 3 months ago

A guidance counselor was counseling three school boys in his office, telling them about job security and professions that will be in demand in the Bahamas, so he decided to ask them about their ambition in life. The first little boy said he want to be a doctor because people will always get sick and need to see a doctor, the counselor responded by saying that is a good profession but it will take a lot of hard work and schooling to get there. The second little boy said he want to be a lawyer because with all of the criminals running around in the Bahamas they will need a lawyer go get them out of trouble, the counselor responded by saying there is definitely a need for lawyers, however, do it for the right reason, not just to get criminals out of trouble. The third little boy said I want to a MP under the Christie government, the counselor being puzzle by what the kid was saying ask him why. He said because I could do whatever I want to do, thief the people money, give green card to people that are famous, go around making treats to security guards, anything I darn well want to do and still keep my job.

242 12 years, 3 months ago

lol Sad thing is that is a true story

nicolae06 11 years, 8 months ago

I don`t know what to say about it. I am afraid that all this political problems will affect my real estate business. I was recently at http://www.wiemanauction.com/">Wieman Auction and I talked a lot about all the bad possibilities with my coleagues from the business.

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