Government 'has played down' oil spill severity


Tribune Senior Reporter


THE Government has “played down” the severity of an oil spill in Grand Bahama, according to the Maritime watchdog website ”Tradewinds”, which revealed in an article that “thousands of gallons” of heavy fuel oil leaked into the ocean from a damaged cargo ship Monday.


DARK oil on the water after the spill near Grand Bahama in December. (Photo: Ray Darville and Daniel Murray)

As an Oil Spill Committee comprised of various government agencies ensured local media that Monday’s oil spill was not severe and that no coastal areas would be affected, a salvage contractor who witnessed the spill told Tradewinds Tuesday that the MSC Eugenia sustained a gash 70 feet long by six feet high in its hull when it “struck the side of a narrow shipping channel in a strong current while leaving the Freeport Container Port.”

Tradewinds quoted Ray D’Arville, the salvage contractor from Overseas Marine Group, as saying:
“The vessel was puking bunker fuel offshore. The gash is approximately 70 feet long and six feet high. There is oil as far as the eye can see and its blanketing ships headed inbound.”

However, Minister of Transport and Aviation, Glenys Hanna-Martin, with Oil Spill Committee representatives, told the media that their initial reports were that the oil and the ship were far from shore, and that the oil would not affect the coastline or any other vessels as it is pushed out into the Atlantic by “steering currents”.
Photos sent to The Tribune showed that a thick oil slick seemed to be only yards from Grand Bahama’s coastline.
According to the Tradewinds article, Mr D’Arville revealed that “there is talk” that officials at the Freeport Harbour Company ordered the damaged ship to leave the harbour “to avoid contaminating the hull of a nearby cruiseship.”

The article said that “... the claim could not be immediately confirmed.”

A source in Grand Bahama, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told The Tribune that the information put out by Tradewinds was “nothing compared to what it (the spill) really is.” And, the source revealed that there are “very influential people” directing the information that is being released to the public.

The Tradwinds article said investigations will “likely focus on why the vessel continued out to sea after grazing the side of the channel.”

During an emergency press conference Monday evening, Ms Hanna-Martin revealed that the ship was about 12 miles out in open waters when it began repairs to its hull, likely spewing oil the entire time before stopping to assess the damage. She said she and the committee flew over the ship and noticed an oil slick extending out to sea from the ship.

Ms Hanna-Martin nor the committee has yet been able to tell the media how much oil the ship leaked, how the vessel sustained the damage or how close to shore the ship was when the leak occurred.

She revealed yesterday that a press conference on the matter could be held today.

According to Tradewinds, the Eugenia was expected to return to Grand Bahama yesterday to make repairs.


proudloudandfnm 12 years, 1 month ago

Glennis is way in over her head. I couldn't believe she went on TV and said we are not doing anything because the spill is headed out to see. Seriously man, can't the PLP at the very least try to do things right? Bahamas we really messed up. We could not have a worse government in office right now.

jt 12 years, 1 month ago

Wow, this is embarrassing. I don't want to believe it but that line about sending the damaged boat "out to sea" so as not to smear the cruise ship hull sounds believable to me. Ms. Hanna-Martin seems like a very nice lady, but she is neither an environmental disaster specialist nor a marine biologist.

spoitier 12 years, 1 month ago

I heard a story from someone that was out to sea on another boat when it happened and he told me that it is a cover up because the spill happened on shore by BORCO, they saw everything.

positiveinput 12 years, 1 month ago

But look at the bigger picture. The funding to evaluate this oil spill came from where, our tax paying dollars. Yet its clear that our moneys went down the drain seeing that these people put in place to govern ( make life affecting decisions) are giving inaccurate conclusions. We the tax payers just threw away the cost of this evalation by Ms. Hanna and her joy ride flyers along with whatever salaries they are receiving because it clearly shows they are being paid for NOTHING. The first report told to the Tribune was that it was not sure how or when the vessel got damage. Yet to sustain a 70 foot long six foot wide gash, no one knew when it happen. Again I stress, these people put in place ot govern and regulate rules to ensure it is better in the Bahamas are not doing their jobs. However they receive a fat pay cheque and act extremely stupid when a life is lost or a total disaster occurs within the Ministry they are suppose to overlook.

242 12 years, 1 month ago

And u know The Rt Hon Perry G definitely want this to go away cuz he ready to start drillin

Concerned 12 years, 1 month ago

When incompetence rules, you have incompetent people in positions, and when incompetent people are in positions, you get incompetent statements to the press. Sad but true. Mamma used to say "these set a people ain gat two penny in dey head to rub together." Once again... mamma was right.

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