A LOCAL Bahamian pastor has come out against casino gambling in the Bahamas, saying its contradicts the biblical concepts of a man as God’s creature and steward, as well as a Christian’s responsibility to love their neighbour.
In a statement, Pastor Rex Major went on record as being strongly opposed to the Governments proposal to take over the gambling operations in this nation. He said he is opposed to the very presence of casino gambling here for many reasons.
“ As a Christian, I believe that man was created by God for his own glory and pleasure. This resulted in man becoming a steward, with responsibility to utilize his total resources of wealth, time, talents, influence and energy to accomplish God’s will and to promote his neighbour’s highest good,” said Pastor Major.
Acknowledging that other segments of the Bahamian Church and the community at large have already spoken on the issue of gambling, casino gambling to be exact, he said the issue condones a lifestyle in which economic considerations are more important than moral ones.
“ It has been consistently argued that the removal of the ‘Casino industry’ will result in another painful wound in our sickening economy. I recognize that the economic consideration is a vital one. We stand for, and seek to encourage a vibrant economy as good for the nation’s general welfare. I am for jobs for all people; but I am convinced that certain profits do not compensate for certain losses; that is, to lose morality, family stability and other cherished virtues, for the mere gain of material prosperity are in my books a bad bargain,” said Pastor Major.
On the other hand, Pastor Major said it would seem that to surrender to any easy policy to maintain and foster economic stability, “ is to discourage, and quite often prevent, a diligence to pursue and devise possible wholesome alternatives.” This might take more initiative, industry and hard work, but it would provide in the long run both character training and the economic provision.
He said true progress is not only measured in terms of payroll enlargements, but more so in constructive character development.
When speaking about the issue of gambling contradicting a person’s responsibility to love their neighbours, he said: “ It is not morally right to fleece foreign brothers so that our coffers can be full, by allowing them to pursue a course of action within our nation, which we deem demeaning for our own people. Such an attitude denies the genuine principle of the Christian faith that each of us has a responsibility to allow only the best and noblest for our fellow creatures, since we are our brother’s keeper. To promote casino gambling, therefore, as is intended, is to promote an exploitation of the worst kind.
He said too much is at stake to gamble on a few million dollars for the loss of a few thousand lives. “ The penetrating probe of our Lord Jesus Christ is still relevant today: “For what shall it profit a man (nation) if he (it) gains the whole world and loses his (its) soul? “ said Pastor Major.
As it stands gambling is illegal in all forms for Bahamians and non-citizen residents of the Bahamas. The Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) has gone on record opposing the legalization of gambling in any form in the Bahamas.
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