Information the way to compete abroad


D'Arcy Rahming


By D’Arcy Rahming

In 1991 I wrote my first book. It was a book on jujitsu, which is a martial art. Since the first month it was published, someone, somewhere, has bought at least one copy of one of my jujitsu books every month. At last count it has been sold in 30 countries. Last month, someone from Singapore bought a book. While these sales have certainly not happened in quantities to make me rich, it has afforded me some margin of international fame and enabled me to travel all expenses paid to a number of countries I might otherwise not have gone to.

I say this not to boast. But if a guy from Fox Hill can write a book and, most importantly, develop an information product around a small hobby that id dominated by the Japanese, imagine how many other people in this country have information that can help others around the world. Why aren’t they producing this information and getting paid to do it? Selling information into the world market is possible because of three things: a change in thinking, the Internet, and good Information Marketing System.

This is where the change in thinking comes into play. The key here is that you must be able to produce an information product that can add value to someone’s life. So if you know how to do something well, and someone is currently paying you to do it, there are probably others that you can teach how to do it via video, audio or books. Then you have the makings of a great information product.

Who told Bahamians that they can only be competitive in the Bahamas? People who believe that have never travelled. For example, go to Hungary and see how terrible their hotels are run. Most of our Bahamian-born managers would run circles around them. One of these Bahamian managers ought to write a hotel training course and put on seminars in Hungary.

If the Chinese, French, Americans, Canadians, etc can pursue businesses in other countries, why not the Bahamians? Information products do not require a tremendous amount of capital ,and distribution on a world wide level is possible because of the Internet.

The third part is having a good Information Marketing System. Without understanding Information Marketing, all of this will be meaningless. Unless you can convince people that you can provide substantial value to their lives, they are not going to purchase anything from you.

You may think you have nothing to offer, but many people have expertise that people from around the world will pay to learn how to do.

This is regardless of whether it is teaching adults how to read financial statements, creating native costumes, mixing the perfect tropical drinks, preaching a great sermon or even speaking to youth about leadership skills. Don’t believe me; look at the success of Dr Myles Munroe, the ultimate Bahamian info marketer.

NB: D’Arcy Rahming holds a Masters of Management from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. A Lecturer at the College of the Bahamas, Mr Rahming has clients in general insurance, the retail, health and medical fields, sports federations and financial services. To receive his marketing newsletter FREE go to http://DArcyRahming.com or contact him directly at darcyrahmingsr@gmail.com


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