Tribune Freeport Reporter
FREEPORT - Samuel Russell of Abaco was found not guilty of unlawful sex with a minor on Wednesday.
A Supreme Court jury of six men and three women returned verdicts of 6-3 not guilty on three counts, and 7-4 on the fourth count.
Russell, 44, was accused of having sex with a 15-year-old girl at his Green Turtle Cay home between January and April 2011. He was represented by Freeport attorney Carlson Shurland.
Senior Justice Hartman Longley presided over the case. Olivia Blatch of the Attorney General’s Office appeared on behalf of the Crown.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
does he get the phone he bought her and his money
really 12 years, 8 months ago
the courts get jokes!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
or our morals have become that we don,t mind men have sex w/ a 15 year old girl ,if the man buys her things and gives her money ??
really 12 years, 8 months ago
hide your kids! this man back on the streets
positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago
Be fair now. Yes he is a pervert to entertain a young fifteen year old girl but still the question remains where was this father all this time. For that length of time you mean the mother nor the father never check to make sure where their young daughter was. There might not be no evidence to prove he had sex with her but he still encourage a young girl to come over to his residence and this girl being of non-legal age still was not supervised about her whereabouts by the parents. These parents need to be held accountable also cause no way I would not know the where abouts of my child, especially a young girl. Or is it the father was jealous of the phone lol.
really 12 years, 8 months ago
that is true and i asked that question on the previous story about this case how did the parents not know and how did she hide the phone from them but still you cant blame the security for the bank robber actions! the man stil is a pervert! I just cant believe the man admit he had the little girl on his bed and still get away with it he was her NEIGHBOUR so he couldnt say he did not know how old she was or her situation and he real grimey because evidently he knew her family and still did it... that's what make him so dangerous! he thinks he invincible and the court let him out and confirm it.... he's gonna try do it again!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
he had to say she was in his room ,because she could describe it ,,what worries me more is i don,t think some of the jury were decided if he had sex w/ her or not ,some were decideing if having sex w/ her was wrong ..apparently enought thought it wasn,t to let her off ,thats what is frightening ...i see it going on every day on my lil island and the girls our willing and eager participants ..the norms of a country become the..morals of a country.
spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago
You're right on this one, some Bahamians especially men think if she came in his room she was looking for it, so that mentality have to be change to get a decent verdict on a case like this.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
what you mean ,these two gonna be doing it again ,just the price ga go up ,,no disrespect but i sometimes wonder if we all living in the same country ..yesterday i was siiting on the proach in town and we were talking bout young gals havin sex .a group of women bout 35 to 60yrs old got in the talks ,they basically said you all know when that thing start jumpin women want it too ,they weren,t trippin bout age ,,after that me and my home boy had nothin more to say lol
positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago
Using your example with the bank security, at the same time one must question why the security was missing during the robbery. It would just seem funny to take a bathroom break just seconds before a robber enters. Now as it applies to the topic above how come everytime this young girls visits the neighbour, no parent figure knew of her whereabouts.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
maybe they knew ,like those ladies said yesterday ,man when that thing start jumpin ,,the norms of a country become the morals of a country ..
really 12 years, 8 months ago
how we know parents wasnt working? if she had to hide a cell phone they must have been strict so I dont think they would have known ...if she make the decision and think she is woman enough to do what she want then hats off to her but my thing is that man slimy for being deceptive to her family thats the kind of actions pedophiles and child molesters known to exhibit smile in your face n raping your child behind your back the ship with him and the girl has sailed my thing is the future! and other peoples children!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
yeah he is a slimey creep ,i just think a couple more creeps knew ..this went on a while ,then he got a next gal or didn,t pay daddy light bill or something ..i live on a island with 2500 people and we all know who grinin who ,,and green turtle cay .is alot smaller than 2500 people.
spoitier 12 years, 8 months ago
I don't think they know because one thing I could say about a lot of Bahamian men is even if they are bad man who would that, they don't want it to happened to their daughter, little sisters or neices. So the most no gooded man who would sleep with age 9-90 blind, cripple or crazy will almost always protect their own.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
yeah i seen that too ,and sometimes protect for themselves
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
i was workin in nassau and i had an ole truck ,i used to pick up my girlfriend ,a teacher ,at C R WALKER in ....the ole truck broke and i had to borrow one of my relatives shiny new expensive cars ..let me tell you those same girls rush me to tell me when my girlfriend would be ready ,in the truck they practically sneered at me,,,.same 48 year old carpenter ,just a different car ,,,,,its a way of life for us ....
maryann 12 years, 8 months ago
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
i don,t want young girls ,i like women my age ,but this is the way of our country now ..that girl went to his house knowing what its about ..its not like he tricked a six year old with candy ..they got caught ,he got another gal ,or didn,t pay out and someone went to the man ..should he be convicted of sex with a minor ,yes ,but theres no innocent victim in this story ,,,
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