FNM leader denies any division in the party


Tribune Staff Reporter


FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis yesterday denied there was division in the party despite recent media reports.


Dr Hubert Minnis

When pressed further, Dr Minnis said he “does not discuss internal party issues” in the media and declined comment.

However, FNM Chairman Charles Maynard said he believes the so-called reports by an “insider” was meant to stir up trouble and cause a rift within the FNM for their own personal or political gain.

“No, there is no contention within the party. I think someone is just trying to be mischievous and stir up problems. I know for sure that everyone is behind our leader. We have met in various groupings and everybody is in full support of his agenda,” he said.

“So I was shocked to see it in print and just based on how it is written it is obviously someone who is not an insider who is trying to dig up something and cause problems for the party for whatever purpose, but that is not true.”

Mr Maynard also denied rumours that Dr Minnis and Deputy Leader of the FNM, Loretta Butler Turner were at odds and not getting along.

“They are on the same page,” he said. “Of course they do. They have worked together as cabinet colleagues for over five years and they work together well. We have growing pains just like everyone else. We are a new administration party-wise, executive-wise and so there are certain  things we are working on to make sure that everybody is communicating properly and so on, but we have no major problems. We get along very well.”

Mr Maynard was responding to claims by party insiders that senior members of the FNM had no faith in Dr Minnis’ leadership abilities.

According to a confidential party councilman another point of contention is a reported deep divide between Dr Minnis and Mrs Butler-Turner. Reportedly, Mrs Butler-Turner has not been invited to attend various party meetings as the pair do not see “eye-to-eye”.

Party insiders also claim that the FNM’s limited financial resources would be better spent on clearing some of their campaign bills rather than opening constituency offices throughout the country.


TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago

Oops...you thinking what I'm thinking that somebody forget to pitch the official party line, that there is no division over the "New" Hubert A's leadership, to that other red shirt Comrade Chairman "Five Pieces Fried Chicken" Charlie?

In the words of the red shirts new Chairman:

"Sweet Jesus the "new" Hubert A, be long gone even before he one year's notice i done give him in the media is up, if he lose the "original" Hubert A's Cooper's Town House seat

Lord of Miracles help me by making our red shirts candidate lose Cooper's Town.

Lord Jesus if you can please help me to show the truth to my fellow red shirts that the "New" Hubert A, didn't have the political mojo to get the answer they needed from Cooper's Town, then all the pretense of his authority to lead we troubled red shirts, will have disappeared for good.

Sweet Jesus show me the easy way to the red shirts leadership job, ahead of that Loretta woman."

Comrades I ain't knows if it the truth but one my trusted "Chef" sources thinks that shoving down 5, or more, pieces fried chicken at any one time, causes head troubles up in ya head?


concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

tals everytime you talk bout 5 piece i want KFC ,and i live on a family island ,man stop juicein up my mouth ..lol

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