Tribune Staff Reporter
RYAN Pinder, Elizabeth MP and Financial Services Minister, has accused former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham of “manipulating” the system to take advantage of the Bahamian people.
Mr Pinder said the fact that Mr Ingraham delayed his resignation to gain time for a potential by-election candidate shows he has no respect for the electoral system.
Mr Pinder said the FNM came down hard on him when he was running in the Elizabeth by-election over something that was a “non-issue” and now they are manipulating the system to suit their needs over something that is an issue.
“In my situation,” he said, “when I nominated for the Elizabeth by-election there was no question to my residency or if I was qualified to run. I was a resident for clearly over a year and they tried to make a big issue over my qualifications. Clearly, however, it was a non issue or they would have pursued it which they didn’t do.”
“Now we have this misleading act and manipulation of the system by the former PM who said he was going to retire and is not going to allow Greg Gomez to be qualified to run in North Abaco.
“He is playing games with the electoral process to create an opportunity for a candidate he allegedly supports that the party doesn’t necessarily support. He is manipulating the Bahamian people and the electorate.”
Mr Pinder said the difference between the PLP and the FNM is the PLP believe in transparency and would not do anything to manipulate the system to gain an advantage.
On Thursday, Mr Ingraham said he wants Greg Gomez to have a chance at running in the North Abaco by-election.
Mr Gomez is one of for persons hoping to be selected as the Free National Movement candidate to replace Mr Ingraham.
However, Mr Gomez does not meet the constitutional requirements to run for public office as he lived in the United States and did not move back to the Bahamas until August 2011.
According to the constitution, a person who is eligible to be elected to the House of Assembly must have been an ordinary resident of the Bahamas for a period of not less than one year immediately before the date of his nomination for election.
“Greg Gomez, who was one of the four persons who applied to the party for a nomination, has spent some time in the US and he hasn’t been back home for quite a year yet,” said Mr Ingraham.
“He has applied and I want him to be considered like the other four candidates and my postponement will facilitate that.
“His father has been my supporter for many years and in fact all the candidates have been my supporters at one time or the other.”
bigdee 12 years, 8 months ago
our former prime minster talks with two tongues its amazing how he speaks the thing is he still is bitter man you lost moved on you mess this country up in ways you did not how you did it but you did castro the leader of cuba do not act the way you did you are still rude you should go out gracefully its funny how your fnm supporters still worship you like god you did some good all our leaders did but you did more wrong than good god know it was time power does last for too long allow the PLP goverment to do their job
TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago
Comrade that mouth of the "original" Hubert A, wouldn't make a good watchdog, cause he got no bite left in him...he power been stripped and it hurting him like all hell inside.
The more he yaps the more the natives laughing at him even more after this press conference to upstage the "New" Hubert A. But this is good, cause out of that mouth of his continues to pour all the crap he been talkin for five long years against he former, trusted law partner.
It only takes one lookah at Hubert mouth to quickly discover the many different sides he's capable of talketh out of.…
TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago
Hubert just talked out he many sided mouth about natives having too much attachment to old Queen Liz's knighthood's, but it sure as hell didn't stop him from using any excuse to dress-up to fly to off at the mere mention any opportunity wear one them funny colonial robes or bowler hats, to visit Liz in good ole' England
Comrades ain't I right?…
TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago…
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
if Hai says boo all you plp,s run to the tribune to comment ,PGC can talk on the news every night and be in the paper everyday ,and not a peep from u all ,whats w/ that ???
242 12 years, 8 months ago
The truth
242 12 years, 8 months ago
HAI state his reasons publicly for his delay yet Ryan Pinder says there is no transparency
TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago
The gospel according to a man that all but destroyed the red shirts, in 2002 and 2012....and you think he is still got he mojo?
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
do u ever comment on PGC ,U/R 2.O ,The road works ,the crime rate ,hospitals ,our young people in the olympics ,l Miller ,the missing throne, baha mar ,atlantis or only if HAI and C Maynard say something about them ????????????/
paul_vincent_zecchino 12 years, 8 months ago
Given the predictable drift, one wonders when the show trials will commence.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
its funny their in power ,they won and all they can talk about is HAI ,its like a cat in the U/S that controlled ,the house ,the senate ,and the executive branch for 2 years blaming the opposition ,,,plp, dudes you all in power now ,or didn,t you buy a paper on may 8th
sansoucireader 12 years, 8 months ago
Can't take seriously anyone who didn't have a BAHAMIAN passport in his hands until AFTER he became MP for Elizabeth. I had mine since March 1974 and my daughters got theirs as newborns. "He funny nah".
concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago
even if he had one from 74 he still hard to take serious ,thats just the icing on the cake ,before they got all that money they needed his daddys money to win the by election ,now we got his screaming cryin a.. to put up with ..
Arob 12 years, 8 months ago
Let’s put political affiliation aside at take an objective look at Minister Pinder’s response.
“In my situation,” he said, “when I nominated for the Elizabeth by-election there was no question to my residency or if I was qualified to run. I was a resident for clearly over a year and they tried to make a big issue over my qualifications….” Who had your loyalty? U. S. or The Bahamas? Is representing one country while holding the citizenship of another country “respect for the [Bahamian] electoral system”? You gave up your U. S. citizenship after pressure from the Bahamian public and your political opponents.
“… the difference between the PLP and the FNM is the PLP believe in transparency” Sorry Minister Pinder, the PLP’s culture is not about transparency. Although you say that you (PLP) believe in transparency, we, the people of The Bahamas, we do not see your structures and your processes as transparent. When questioned about why certain decisions were made or where is the government’s policy on certain issues, we hear ‘defensive’ sometimes ‘condescending’, sometimes ‘insulting’, more often ‘vague’ press responses justifying your actions.
“Mr Pinder …PLP … would not do anything to manipulate the system to gain an advantage…” Really Minister!…
TalRussell 12 years, 8 months ago
Say what you want Comrades but at no time during the red shirts 2007-2012 term in power did the "Original" Hubert or his colleagues conduct themselves as you are now suggesting PM Christie do; "to put political affiliation aside to take an objective look anything but their own self interests of retaining their grip on power of the natives."
Politics is what gets you to the seats of power and only via "smart" politics can you retain your power. Something PM Christie forget how to do from 2007 -2012and his former law partner completely forget in the worse way from 2007 - 2012.
Yes, Comrades the party in power MUST first look after those they believe will work to keep them in power and at times testing the waters with those he may now be willing to loan their support.
Like I said before leading a political party to victory, and then retaining that power is no Billy Graham Evangelistic Association matter.…
dacy 12 years, 8 months ago
The first time the Bahamian public heard the sound of a leader since May 7th 2012 was July 19th, 2012 and it was refreshing.
When Mr. Hubert A. Ingraham speaks, everyone stop, listen and take note, not because he is simply the best but because he makes better sense.
Say what you like, HAI still go it!
What 'it" those you who reside in denial land (aka Perryland) the it that makes the PLP scared!!!
proudloudandfnm 12 years, 8 months ago
Someone tell this little boy to shut up until he has done something. This pre-pubescent boy has no right to be commenting on a great man like the Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham. So ryan do us a favor, go sit in the corner and keep your mouth shut until you have accomplished something.
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