Prime minister issues challenge over allowances

PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday challenged parliamentarians to revisit the level of funding given for constituency allowances as the current figure hinders true representation.


Prime Minister Perry Christie

Hosted by the Speaker and staff of the House of Assembly, members and senators engaged in a parliamentary conclave under the theme “Equipping Parliamentarians in a Changing World”.

Forum topics included ethical standards for parliamentarians; parliamentary decorum; the role of the presiding officer in the Westminster System; the role of the opposition; and protocol procedures.

Mr Christie noted that the proceedings were both timely and relevant, and commended the fact that both sides of government were present to chart the way forward in strengthening parliamentary performance and conduct.

“We are an island nation and we must be very careful with our understanding of how we should go about causing that island nation to be represented in parliament and knowing what it takes to represent that island nation in parliament.

Mr Christie said: “We have not had the political will to make sensible decisions about how much we are paid and so we have the reality of the public officers who serve under us continuing to move further and further ahead of us in term.

“But it is inexcusable though when we have people who represent island constituencies and some of them incredibly hardship islands.

“The question has to be asked, whether or not we expect them to truly represent their constituencies.”


concernedcitizen 12 years, 2 months ago

i can never figure out what PGC is getting at .......basically he said they all should get more money for a job they only go to work about 50 to 100 days a year ,the rest of the time the top ones dream up all kind of great vacations to go on with our money ,under the pretext of doing business for the country ...

concernedcitizen 12 years, 2 months ago

why did we need a forum on parliamentory process with a silly name like all the forums ,just to eat up hotel food ,,,these jokers been there forever ,they don,t know what to do ..its like when these gov corps bring in these high priced motivational speakers ,usually relatives or party supporters ,good lord aren,t people motivated by a pay check ...my word they can dream up more ways to get our hard earned tax dollars out of the treasury and into their hands..

sansoucireader 12 years, 2 months ago

Saw a clip on Cable 12 News last night. My response to PM Christie's ramblings? Hell No! Not even one more 5c piece for yall! Ever heard of a budget? I suggest you get on one. Get creative and work with with you have.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 2 months ago

i wish i got cable 12 news ,on this family island i don,t ..i,m so tired of plp tv ,,the news is now the pgc show ..his act of pauseing and looking thoughtful and caring is so old ..then mother pratt and her butchering ,lol, of the english language as she bellows like a pentacostal preacher at school age children .i was hopin independance would have brought us more than a forty year slide in to mediocracy and bad tv,,and does every event we have from junkanoo to church have to have out of sync girls of an ever lowering age shakin their behinds ,,,

sansoucireader 12 years, 2 months ago

Are you on FACEBOOK? Cable 12 News is on FACEBOOK as NB12 (the Official Page). Some news clips are posted, however not the one I mentioned yet. You can also send them messages.

Arob 12 years, 2 months ago

“Equipping Parliamentarians in a Changing World”

As mentioned, the current PM is one of several members of parliament who did not consider a constituency office necessary during the non-campaigning period. Perhaps we can get some clarity on the role of the constituency office.
(We must differentiate between the office of a sitting member of parliament from the office created for the sole purpose of political campaign.)

PROBLEMS Size of constituency (1) number of constituents, (2) population sparsity/density, and (3) location of constituency

PM’s example: The MICAL constituency (Mayaguana - 271 population, Inagua -911 population, Crooked Island -1503 population, Acklins - 560 population, and Long Cay.

Registered voters: 1,374

SOLUTIONS Technology education (Proper use of technology: Skype, Internet, Twitter, Facebook, Email, Online videos, Live streaming, Conference calls etc.) Ensure installation of technology (BTC and Cable Bahamas)
Use of technology

concernedcitizen 12 years, 2 months ago

of course technology is the ans ,but technology can not hand out money from the treasury for political support...this is coming from a man that during the height of the recession couldn,t find time to put in the paper work to get the goverment money to give people jobs ,clean streets etc ,to try and ease the pain of the golbal meltdown ..

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