BAHAMAS Telecommunications apologised on Monday to its customers who experienced dropped or failed calls in New Providence and Andros.
According to the company, the issue was related to its 2G network, which is used primarily for voice traffic.
“As soon as our teams became aware of the problem they launched a full scale investigation and determined that the problem was occurring in small pockets. Our teams are fully engaged in resolving this particular issue,” said senior manager of public relations Jerome Sawyer.
Just this weekend, BTC completed the first phase of a three part upgrade to replace the five-year old system to a new Ericson platform, part of a $42 million capital investment in wireless services.
jackbnimble 12 years, 9 months ago
It seems live every other day BTC is apologising for disruptions, dropped calls, or slow service. It's bad enough that we have poor service with our cell phones, but now if your land line is down it's taking weeks to get them to come and check it. I have only one question: Lord, when will this madness cease and the Bahamian people begin to get all that was promised on the hasty sale of BTC? Growing pains? I wonder.
242 12 years, 9 months ago
thats just CWC way of sayin blank u very much bahamas.
PKMShack 12 years, 9 months ago
If the equipment was not so out dated it would not take so much work. Most countries aound this globe have been on 4G for several years, people upgrades take time.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago
so true
positiveinput 12 years, 9 months ago
Yes upgrades take time but it seems like forever. To add to the frustration, I had to listen to a radio talk show caller to be informed a new way to add credit to my cell and in BTC's defense stated that a message was posted on Facebook. My phone is text every other day by various annoying sales adds but BTC themselves couldn't use that method to inform their own customers. The other day I had a problem with my internet at home and listen to this, when I called tech support a recording instructed me to "log on to BTC...", wow my internet is out, duh. So the frustration is even more now because besides my cell phone service being a pile of crap, my internet was out and I can't even get my Telephone Company via telephone.
MartGM 12 years, 9 months ago
um...Cable Bahamas has FARRRRRR superior internet services than BTC. They're also pretty decent with customer support. Whenever my internet is out for lets say more than 2 days, I get a reimbursement (mostly because I ask for one). Unlike BTC, when you call you don't get transferred to someone living in St. Lucia or one of the other Caribbean support is right here on the island and you speak to people, not machines!
positiveinput 12 years, 9 months ago
Oh and whats up with when you send a text message during the time BTC is "upgrading" and your message doesn't reach its destination until hours later. How come with "upgrade" and all, BTC does return your credit. I know under the old management credit was given and I wouldn't use the phrase 'free credit' cause that was credit lost by the customers during drop calls or late text messages which purpose was useless if the message reached its destination hours later. I hope pretty soon we the customers see the sincerity in your apology with the return of our credit.
AnonTet 12 years, 9 months ago
BTC is a pile of mess. Vibe down, landline down, internet down, cell service down. Yep, we are certainly better off now that BTC was sold to CWC.
PKMShack 12 years, 9 months ago
CWC is trying to improve a system that since the birth of BTC all the money they made the PLP AND FNM refused to improve the communications system. Why should they we Bahamains had no one else to turn to for service. Other Islands put our technology to same. Turks have 4 cell phone providers and look how small they are. I agree that until upgrades are finished it will be hard to communicate................. but maybe we should of left it as is. Out of date and without improvements. No pain - no Gain. With the costumer service its not the company its the people. Only place in the Bahamas you get costumer service is over the bridge @ Atlantis, and banks ran by non Bahamains, Why is that? Who do we blame? Bahamains treat their clients worse than ever in the costumer service department and there is no one to complain to becasue the boss is also slack with a don't care attitude. Unrtil we demand more as costumers our own treat us as tho they are doing us a favor. When they are made to understand that we keep them employed by spending our money, Dog eat our lunch. Lastly look at government employees.......more costumer service at it's best.= Most of CWC STAFF former Government do you expect different because the name has changed?
spoitier 12 years, 9 months ago
You hit the nail on the head with all of your points, trying to improve a system will have flaws but the end results will be better.
concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago
well said ,and if the new GOV ,does not mess with the deal, in a couple of years we will have compition and the rates will drop and the sevice will go up ,,,,
242352 12 years, 9 months ago
Don't worry - Kool Pc soon take back BTC and run them English out of our country!!
concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago
yeah and then we will be stuck with one cell phone provider ,high rates and lousy service ,,go PGC and the village people band
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