Tribune Staff Reporter
CONCERN about the fall-out from promises made to shady campaign donors has led to increased security around top PLP officials, opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis suggested yesterday.
Calling on the governing party to "come clean" about the sources of its funding, Dr Minnis said this would go a long way to explaining why having won the election, the PLP is displaying "an almost paranoid fear" of the Bahamian people.
He said that according to reports reaching the FNM, Prime Minister Perry Christie's security team has been bolstered from the six officers deployed to protect former Prime Minister Ingraham in teams of two officers per shift, to 24 police officers - six per shift.
Dr Minnis said the FNM is in receipt of allegations that the PLP election campaign received "generous financial support from owners of illegal numbers operations, persons known to the police for dealing in or being associated with illicit drugs operations and seedy foreign personalities who seek to influence the formulation of government policies and decisions for their personal financial gain."
He said: "As proof of such illegal activities would require the co-operation of individuals involved in the offending action, co-operation is unlikely to be achieved. We do not expect that those paying or receiving bribes to acknowledge doing so even if brought before the courts to account.
"But we do believe and call upon the PLP to come clean with the Bahamian public and acknowledge the source of the funding of their well-oiled campaign machine."
Dr Minnis added: "The PLP might also explain why three other of its Cabinet Ministers, the DPM, the AG and the Minister of National Security, feel it necessary to have police security - driver's plus aides, some aides being retired police officers engaged on contract.
Indeed, one report suggests that both the Minister of National Security and his Minister of State, Keith Bell, are personally armed with police issued weapons.
"Could it be that certain promises were made during the campaign - promises that certain elements in the society now expect to collect on?
"Mr Bell and his government owe the Bahamian people an explanation. They might begin by stating what their position is on private citizens being licensed to carry concealed weapons."
Messages left for Mr Bell, Deputy Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis, Minister of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage and Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson were not returned before press time last night.
Cc 12 years, 9 months ago
Dang! And it hasn't even been a month yet. Guess they wre counting on that slush fund money to settle teir promises to those drug boys. Now they've learned that the FNm has used it up and they so scared they had to run out and get weapons. Mudda sik!
TalRussell 12 years, 9 months ago
Comrade Minnis please don’t go where you’re heading. Although not well known the truth is while he was the native’s security. Minister Comrade Tommy set up an “independent” armed security department within his ministry “separate” from the Royal Bahamas Police Force. Are the red shirts now going to try to suggest that Tommy was not protected 24 hours a day, by armed protective security? Maybe the fired Tommy can enlightened Comrade Leader Minnis that on a least one occasion during a press conference he Tommy drew a reporter’s attention to a man dressed in a suit standing close to the minister and remarked that he too as the security minister had to move around with armed protection, pointing out that under his security man’s coat jacket was a Gun?…
242 12 years, 9 months ago
Even Tal Russel was given his/her own firearm for protection. They out fa u too ay
242 12 years, 9 months ago
Notice the PLP colors in the background.
Ironvelvet 12 years, 9 months ago
You know we can't be serious about saving/making money when the government has to pay all these 'extra' guards to be on shift as well as an additional 24 hours a day. Boy the slackness dun' start! Mwahahahaha!
PKMShack 12 years, 9 months ago
If it is not true let the PLP respond and explain why it is. Tal Russel amazes me with the input that has nothing to do with the story. The report says extra security not that they did not have any security at all. Tal are you serious the way you run from the story? So said - So done.....The same smoke that comes from the present Gov. comes from TAL RUSSEL. Maybe TAL is one of the mirrors in the Gov. behind the screen of the computer. Hopefully the reporter will not give up and keep pressing for an answer form the PLP. Those extra contracted police could go back to the force and protect the rest of us if the report is true.
samadley 12 years, 9 months ago
If they will be going after the criminal element such tools are needed,a big step for the country. Soon anyone can legally own a hand gun for once personal protection,its about time. I think this would give the average citizen a fighting chance against thugs.
242 12 years, 9 months ago
This sends out the wrong message to the public. Your job is to make the people feel safe yet you yourself feel you need to carry a gun too.
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