Former FNM MP backs urban renewal

Deputy Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis points to the area where he grew up during the Urban Renewal 2.0 launch earlier this week. Prime Minister Perry Christie and Superintendent Stephen Dean are also pictured looking on.

Deputy Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis points to the area where he grew up during the Urban Renewal 2.0 launch earlier this week. Prime Minister Perry Christie and Superintendent Stephen Dean are also pictured looking on.



FORMER FNM MP Algernon Allen has announced his support of the PLP's Urban Renewal 2.0 plan - "in the spirit of one Bahamas."

He was present on Tuesday for the demolition of two wooden structures on Rolle Avenue, signalling the physical start of the programme in Centreville.

Also witnessing the destruction of the derelict buildings was Prime Minister Perry Christie, Deputy Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis, and five cabinet ministers.

Mr Allen said to the press: "I come here in spirit of 'one Bahamas'. I come in that spirit which tells me that we ought to all work together to build the country.

"I sought to do that with the FNM who appointed me to the additional volunteers community and I'm certainly very supportive of Urban Renewal."

He recalled a $20,000 donation he made in 2004 to the Farm Road Marching Band for the purchase of instruments.

He did it to ensure Bahamian youth are "given some talents and some dignity in their lives that sometimes were bare of that because of that sheer circumstances in which they live," he said.

"I support the programme (Urban Renewal 2.0) 200 per cent. It is a very powerful social intervention programme and its seeks to transform lives in these communities which sometimes can be depressed," Mr Allen said.

"It will also help with the policing aspects of the community in that it will involve the citizenry in becoming the eyes and ears of the police in their new communities with their new energies."

In addition, he said, it includes "the element of health services" in terms of the environmental and public health officers assigned to the project.

He also noted the awards the programme has received under the previous PLP government.

"I cannot applaud more highly than already was acclaimed by those persons in the United States, the police chiefs and the rest as one of the premier community and safety intervention programmes ever conceived by a police force," Mr Allen said.


242 12 years, 9 months ago

I think if done properly UR 2.0 can help.... I do not trust Brave Davis though.....PM PGC should watch him close.

bookiedread 12 years, 9 months ago

Urban Renewal wasn't a resounding success the first time and I don't see it being the answer to the crime situation today. Breaking down a few abandon houses is doing what to the level of criminality in this country? Let's get it right people. All the police officers around the PM's house, police chauffeurs and bodyguards around all these ministers should be on the streets doing what the people are paying them to do and that is fight crime. Urban renewal should be about Social Services, Environmental Health and Public Health Authority, not about the police.

242 12 years, 9 months ago

Good point. He said its 2.0. So let's see what changes will be made. I do agree about officers be on patrol instead of sittin up in one a dem urban renewal building sleepin and watchin the Price is Right

HaveSomeTruth 12 years, 9 months ago

Finally some harmony! Gotta say that's how I like it. They are different parties but should come together as one for the sake of the island. It's using your brain instead of your ego. So I must tip my hat to Mr. Allen. Now if only the supporters of these parties would be so harmonious....(but I doubt it).

concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

why should we be non partison ,,did u support the FNM when they were in .....in the 80,s i wasn,t such a good guy and i bought my way through half of these same smiling faces ,,same person that played so partisan on election day use to collect from us ,,with gods help i changed ,,they haven,t

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