Tribune Senior Reporter
AT LEAST two downtown merchants believe they need a handgun to protect themselves and their businesses against criminals in New Providence.
One of those merchants has already applied for a permit to carry a concealed handgun.
That merchant, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the nature of his business, said business people need to constantly protect themselves as violent crime spirals out of control. He said he is fearful.
The public learned this week that Ministers of National Security Keith Bell and Dr Bernard Nottage were approved to carry handguns, sparking a debate on whether the average citizen should also be allowed to carry concealed weapons.
"Hell, yes," said the downtown merchant when asked if business owners should be given licenses to carry handguns.
"If things continue the way they are going, we will have to hire bodyguards and they will need guns."
He added that New Providence has to get back to the state it was in when Basil Dean was an officer on the police force, as he regularly "struck fear in the hearts of criminals."
And he insisted the Bahamas' crime rate could begin to fall, like Jamaica's has over the years, if police directly focus their efforts in areas where they know pockets of criminals live and operate.
Chinarae Pratt, Owner of United Colours of Benetton on Bay Street, said she has considered applying for a gun license, and would prefer a weapon she could control in a crisis situation - like a small handgun.
She said being a shop owner and a woman, she would feel safer with a gun. She contended that women are often seen as easier targets by criminals.
Ms Pratt said she knows a female business owner who travels with a shotgun to and from her establishment.
She said she thinks the licensing process for a concealed handgun should be different for women than it is for men.
She said the process should be easier and almost guaranteed, as women are more vulnerable.
bookiedread 12 years, 9 months ago
Thank you Mr. Bell you have now caused a real stir in this country. Now everyone feels as though they should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. This would then truly be a gunman town. Mr. Prime Minister get it right and have Mr. Nottage and Bell turn those firearms back over to the police. The very same firearms that they are carrying were not bought with their personal money but were bought with the taxpayers money. They were bought for police to fight this high level of crime. So just how the various stations dont have enough police to go around I would imagine that they probably don't have enough firearms as well.
242352 12 years, 9 months ago
Bell is an ex cop and may have people out to get even with him so I think if he wants a gun - then no problem.
Notage has no past need that would suggest that he should carry a gun.
Next we will start having shoot outs in front of visitors....
Concerned 12 years, 9 months ago
Those people could have gotten Bell at any time before May 7 when he was a common citizen without armed police escorts. Why would they now all of a sudden remember a vendetta against Bell and come after him when he is more protected and less accessible?
MartGM 12 years, 9 months ago
So what if he's an ex cop! There are many ex cops out there who prolly need protection from criminals they helped put away who are probably out on bail now...they should get guns too? Should every retired or ex police officer be issued a hand gun????? Furthermore, Bell's been an ex cop for years...why, all of a sudden, does he need a hand gun?? Mr. Christie needs to seriously get a hold of these people before they further embarrass him.
mynameis 12 years, 9 months ago
So it's justifiable for Mr. Bell to have a handgun because he's an ex-cop? Don't make me laugh! Anyone know how he was able to live and function in this country without a handgun since he resigned from the Police Force? From the time he resigned until now, he was and will continue to be an ex-cop! Utter foolishness!
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