THE Democratic National Alliance announced plans to introduce shadow cabinet ministers and board chairmen yesterday as the party continues to solicit funding to further its political aspirations.
In a press statement, DNA leader Branville McCartney underscored the third party's historic impact on the election last month.
"For the next five years, we will be the voice for the Bahamian people," he said. "We will continue to speak to the many vexing issues plaguing our country and demand excellence from our government and our beloved people.
"We certainly intend to support the government in all of its good endeavours and allow them an opportunity to get the job done. But we will be the watchdog when the government gets out of line."
Mr McCartney said: "To assist us on this journey, we are asking all of our supporters and, indeed, the public at large, to partner with us so that we can work on your behalf and on behalf of the country as a whole to ensure we have a better tomorrow."
The party's major thrust will be to ensure that Bahamians have equal ownership with the government in the political, cultural, and economic development of the country.
Mr McCartney said: "Although not successful at the polls, the DNA was successful in presenting 38 Agents of Change. We were successful in bringing the real issues to the attention of the Bahamian people. The DNA was successful in campaigning in a way that has never been done before.
"The party was successful in garnering over 13,000 votes within 11 months. The DNA ignited a yearning for many Bahamians, young and old, to expect more from their government. No doubt, the DNA was successful in being the change we wanted to see."
Concerned 12 years, 9 months ago
I wonder which Cabinet post Rodney Moncur will shadow? Probably Ministry of Health. BLOL!!!
spoitier 12 years, 9 months ago
I think before Branville state what the DNA is going to do he should state where he stand on the issue of the FNM trying to recruit him, saying what the DNA will do for next five years isn't saying what you're going to do. I think it will be a shame for him to jump ship because I think the country will be looking for something different providing he get some good tested candidates.
leeza 12 years, 9 months ago
Welcome Back Mr. McCartney hope you enjoyed your vacation and please sir we need to here where the DNA stands on pressing issues,
TalRussell 12 years, 9 months ago
Comrade Bran's cellphone ring and his leader, the new Hubert Alexander says; Bran I's knows you in the red shirts closet, so Comrade it's time you come out the closet and stop all this shadow cabinet chatter., cause them green shirts is politically dead, dead. I is's a real doc, so you knows I does know what I talkin. Right?…
John 12 years, 9 months ago
At least Bran did not pack up and disappear like the leader of the FNM. With the official opposition being as weak as it is (in terms of elected members of parliment), I think Bran's idea is a good one. With the economy being the way it is, someone needs to help keep an eye on government, not only to keep them honest, but also to avoid careless and wreckless spending. Prevent those who are looking to get contracts because 'dey boys in power now' and have no intention of completing any works. In fact I think if the DNA remains strong and visible over the next five years they stand an excellent chance of becoming the official opposition next time around, if not the government of the Bahamas. Five years is a long time, but in politics it is just an election away.
TalRussell 12 years, 9 months ago
Comrade Bran never did succeed at deflecting the repeated calls for him to stop contradicting himself, so how can we expect better from the statements coming out of his so-called shadow cabinet? Besides, how do you have a shadow in a small inconsequential fringe political party when you don't have one single House seat? The resources to properly fund an effective shadow cabinet is way beyond the Green's Jitney Green's bank balance. Comrade Bran the main reason you did not win your own seat, or any other of the 37 House seats up for grabs, was your own inability to formulate a main issue and sell it successfully to the natives. So, now you think you can do this by expanding the confusing by appointing a shadow cabinet? Believe me Comrade. It ain’t the way to win a single seat, much less a government. Comrade I know you got to start somewhere but are you serious about this shadow cabinet thing?…
242 12 years, 9 months ago
Check out Tal Russel making real points.
242 12 years, 9 months ago
Well if he get 13000 every ever year that's bout 65.000 ay.....Is it possible? Prolly not but someting to think about. Wonder how it would have been if DNA got at least one seat.
John 12 years, 9 months ago
Hubert Ingraham defeated the FNM by trying to get everyone to believe that he was the only person that was qualified to govern the Bahamas. In fact he was so good at it, according to him , that he did not need a deputy and the election became a battle between Hubert and the PLP. It was little too late when he realized that he could not become prime minister without the support of the Bahamian people. Many who were turned off by arrogance turned to the DNA, they did not vote PLP. If the PLP fails to govern effectively and the FNM does not humble itself and put people first as they did before, eveyone will be seeing green in 2017.
maryann 12 years, 9 months ago
242 12 years, 9 months ago
Thery are the same person
242 12 years, 9 months ago
They are the same person
Watching 12 years, 9 months ago
My suggestion is that Mr. McCartney gets rid of the majority of those "so called" political aspirants and seek individuals sho really care about the Bahamas. I am a supporter of the DNA but feels uncomfortable with those caracters!!
proudloudandfnm 12 years, 9 months ago
Man just let the DNA die!!! When will this idiot realize he is only hurting our country with his nonsense!?!? We do not need the DNa and it's slate of joker candidates! We need them to fade out and go away forever. Bran you courted a known drug runner, you took advice from the most crooked immoral politician in the Bahams, you accepted a candidate for MICAL that was actually under indictment for stealing from JA. You put up the most naieve beligireant ignorant slate of candidates in the history of politics in this nation. Celi Moss? Dario Terreli? Ben Albury? Rodney Moncur? Man you have to be joking!!! You were never serious about helping our country, you raced to put candidates up just so you could hurt the FNM out of spite. You are a traitor and a joke. I never want to see you in my government again!!
242 12 years, 9 months ago
Now that is Proud Loud and FNM. And every word is true
leeza 12 years, 9 months ago
I am happy that Branville McCartney decided not to return to the FNM, he is out let him stay out. He lies like fish. Intergrity needs to be his watch word and then carry it out. The FNM is better off with him right where he is. Next election he will get less votes than the last election, if they are still around. Please dont come back, your claim is that to the DNA's membership growing I greatly question. again why cause you is lie. Then you say yall will hold the government accountable you is the offical opposition aye.The first time you have spoken why cos your big ego who stroked. To think that "they want me back that" made you feel invincible, I was happy when it was clarified that not you but that plea was all FNMS to return home.Thought you were so special you are just another vote. Please stop lying and resign as you said you would..........just another lie.
242 12 years, 9 months ago
He did say he would resign as leader if he didn't win his seat, you are right. Perry Christie also said he was resign after serving 2 years.....
pfunkf 12 years, 9 months ago
the more rope you give this guy the sooner he will hang himself.he feeds off media attention.he is unbelievably drunk with ego and deception.first he thinks himself to be the bahama obama, now his totally rejected band of misfits the offical opposition.the plot thickens,give it obout one more year or so and it will be clear for all to see who are the puppet masters behind the traitor.
pepper45 12 years, 9 months ago
what arrogance, who do you propose will do this shadowing in a group with no seats?
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