'Ingraham used cash to target me'


V Alfred Gray

MICAL MP V Alfred Gray accused former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham of trying to remove him from Parliament - and using the public purse to do so.

During his contribution to the Budget Debate yesterday, Mr Gray told Parliament that during the election campaign, Mr Ingraham gave out a number of jobs to residents of the MICAL constituency, in an effort to convince them to switch their allegiance to the FNM.

"He (Mr Ingraham), more than anyone else, seemed to have orchestrated the attempt to get me personally out of here; he targeted one or two others but I know I was the chiefest among them, but I am still standing.

"Looking back, the former prime minister used the public purse wrongfully, corruptly to seek to get rid of me - I challenge him to say it isn't true."

Claiming Mr Ingraham waited until April 2012 to hire people into the 52-week Job Readiness Programme in his constituency, Mr Gray said: "When you hire 200-plus people who never saw a pay-day in their lives, that's like magic, and it worked, in part it worked.

"Not only did he hire these people - which is good, I have no problem with those people who were hired, I only say that the purpose for which he hired them was corrupt - he should have hired them in June 2011 if had not been that he wanted to use it for election purposes. It is the timing that makes it corrupt in my view."

In addition, Mr Gray said, Mr Ingraham visited Inagua just days before the election, providing the Local Government Council with an influx of cash to use on local projects.

He said: "The $222,000 was sent to the administrator days before the election and in fact all of these 15 to 20 people whose names I have here were all hired without contracts - no scope of work, nothing to tell them what they should be doing - they were just paid out and told them to hire as many PLPs as they could find."

Rising to clarify, opposition leader Dr Hubert Minnis said: "The member is alluding that we were trying to hire just a certain group of people. In this entire process, politics was not involved - whether they were PLP or FNM was immaterial."

Mr Gray countered by saying that most of the funds handed out amounted to nothing but "thousands of dollars in gifts for work they could not do because it was not theirs to be done".

He went on to claim the process was "criminally corrupt" and "a sin".

Rising again to ask that these comments be withdrawn, Dr Minnis challenged Mr Gray to table his evidence in the House of Assembly and make it available to the public.


spoitier 12 years, 9 months ago

Move on it is over with.

JohnBrown 12 years, 9 months ago

So who cares... take that twin pious carrots out of your rear end and do something constructive with the time alloted you as a servant of the people and alive and well on this planet. Remember you've only got three scores and ten if you're lucky.

TalRussell 12 years, 9 months ago

PM Christie you cannot fairly investigate your former law partner and his red shirts regime.You must either appoint a Royal Commission or move on with performing the native's business. Surely, you do not want to spend your administration's first 100 days in office having every member of your government stand up in the House or running to the press with corruption allegations against your former law partner's red shirts. It sounds too much like what your former law partner attempted to do against you for his entire 5 years in office. PM it didn't work for him and it ain't going work for you.


242 12 years, 9 months ago

Hubert Ingraham is the most talked about man in the History of the Bahamas. They must miss him a lot. Enjoy your retirement Mr. Ingraham.

moncurcool 12 years, 9 months ago

you are right on. When the man was in power they talked about him. He is out of power they still talk about him. Truth is, people only talk about you when you are doing something.

242 12 years, 9 months ago

Notice how they never brag about the current PM

Paula 12 years, 9 months ago

For god sake !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STOP complaining about the past and start doing what you were put there to do. Everyday it is the same old story in the house of assembly, Hubert Ingraham did this and Hubert Ingraham did that. Is this what we have to listen to for the next five years? when are you all going to start working???

leeza 12 years, 9 months ago

In da words of the young people Alfred Gray' it een dat serious cos we een on da run' jobs jobs and more jobs das what we wan here.

242352 12 years, 9 months ago

Maybe after 100 days they will start the work of the people?

They have less then 70 days left now....

cmiller 12 years, 9 months ago

Seems to me that the PLP can't get it through their collective heads that we, the public, are not in love with them!! We voted PLP so that they could go get some things changed and begin putting us first!! All they are doing is CRYING AND WHINING!!! We know what happened before, we know the job will be difficult, we know things are messed up, we know that you hate Ingraham and want to roast his ####> We get all that already!!!!! GO DO YOUR JOBS!!!!!!

proudloudandfnm 12 years, 9 months ago

Man please just get on with running the country and stop with the silly accusations with no proof!! Lord Alfred Gray trying to be a victim now!

Arob 12 years, 9 months ago

TALKING FOR TALKING SAKE: Apparently not much thought was given to the Charter, otherwise, the governing party's members of parliament and the senate would have something constructive to discuss and share with the Bahamian people.

ACCUSATIONS: Minister Gray, the public realize that you speak within the protected walls of parliament. You cannot be sued. If you really believe what you say, step out of the hallowed halls and make a press statement. You must be remindful, however, you are opening a Pandora's Box -- some members in your party's cabinet cannot 'stand up to scrutiny'. (If you don't believe me, just google.)

SUGGESTION: Talk with the fisherman and find out which seafood we have in abundance and which seafood are not served on the Bahamian dinner table (Fish Fry). Once this has been accomplished, (if cost effective) find a way to harvest and export. I am sure that we have species of fish that "die of old age".

“If every man would sweep his own door-step the city would soon be clean.”

Stameko 12 years, 9 months ago

Please get on with implementing all the positive reforms you have promised and stop the playground nonsense.

maryann 12 years, 9 months ago


John 12 years, 9 months ago

Some people have no creditablity, others will do anything to draw attention to themselves. Alfred Grey was never a strong influence in the opposition and his scandals surely overshadowed any good he has done for this country. If the former government spent money to outst him from parliment, it was to get his seat and put it to better use. It had nothing to do with the person who was sitting in the seat.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 9 months ago

they should have spent more ,he still there ,,lol

242352 12 years, 9 months ago

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John 12 years, 9 months ago

maybe he was the one who lock up the church and carry the keys so the members couldnt have church service

Oracle 12 years, 9 months ago

Minister Gray...this is not Kansas anymore the Bahamian people are no longer afarid to speak out as is refleccted in this news article from Inagua Chief Councillor disputing your claim....http://www.thenassauguardian.c…

leeza 12 years, 9 months ago

@242356 Alfred Gray was the one that the police caught having sex in the back of the church yard with one young gurl but she was old enough to give consent. He pleaded with the police officer not to make a report not knowing the officer is a strong FNM so he made sure it came public knowldege.

242352 12 years, 9 months ago

Thanks Leeza, I thought that what he was 'Alleged of doing'.

Must of not had conections to go to one of the sweet hearting hotels to get his rocks off. Or he was too cheap....

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