Your say: Ministers should not carry guns


National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage destroys a gun using the new equipment.

GOVERNMENT officials in the Bahamas should not be allowed to carry handguns, according to the vast majority of voters in a poll on The Tribune's website.

A massive 90.7 per cent were against the move, following reports that Minister of National Security Dr Bernard Nottage and Minister of State for National Security Keith Bell are now carrying weapons.

Commenting on the poll, internet user 'Cookiemalone' said: "Don't you think the country is out of control as it is? Instead of moving forward we continue to move backwards. It's like living in the wild, wild west."

Another web user, "242" said: "If the minister is portraying that he doesn't feel safe, how is he going to convince the people that they are going to make the Bahamas safer?"

Web user 'Antoeknee' was one of the few in favour of the move - with restrictions: "I feel that any citizen should be allowed to protect themselves as long as they pass a Psych Exam, Health Exam and training for the weapon."

Logon to tribune242.com to cast your vote in a brand new poll.


Mr_Valcin 12 years, 3 months ago

if the minister doesn't feels safe and he has an armed guard/s already, how do you think we the general public feels? we literally live in a lawless land. we are over run by young arrogant men who don't have respect for themselves let alone others. having a gun to them is like having a thumb, its always there and they always carrying and don't hesitate to brandish or use it as well. i'm not asking i'm telling you for i live in the midst of it all out east. i am a family man, a law abiding citizen, and not afraid to defend myself if need be. but i want to be able to protect myself as well as my family. do not limit it only to ministers or business owners. home owners as well.

242 12 years, 3 months ago

"And the voice of the people....."

reclusev22 12 years, 3 months ago

To piggy back on what Mr.Valcin is saying I agree more than 100% with Civilians owning handguns, but like Keith Bell said "Not for everyone" which would exclude civilians with criminal, or mental illness records and those that cannot be trained to properly use the "said firearm". We must as a country move away from this ignorant narrow minded outlook on Guns and realize that guns are not evil and once issued to responsible and trained owners, are an asset to our society. I personally own guns and i have trained with every one of them on a professional level to ensure that I and my family are safe as i can possibly make them around me. Heck I even went to the extent of training with multiple handguns that I know our law enforcement use here(Glock17,Sig 226,M9 Berettas) just in case the day ever comes when i can own one. The reason crime is so high and robberies happen at the drop of a hat is because the mindset of the criminal is this "im the only one with a gun and these people are just easy targets" whereas if some of the population owned handguns and the criminals knew it their whole psychology changes, they will be more hesitant to rush up in a grocery store and rob it because they wouldn't know who has a gun from who doesn't inside the store. Predators prey on the weak and thats what criminals are, predators looking for a quick meal.

to be continued......

reclusev22 12 years, 3 months ago


Take for example the U.S yes you can buy virtually any gun but hey if you want to LEGALLY carry that hand gun with you just about every where you go, You have to first pass a Concealed Carry Course to understand the when, hows and what laws apply to the use of such an instrument. Also note that in states where they can conceal carry the muggings and crime rates are drastically lower than that of states that do not permit Civilians to conceal carry. i.e New York.

Another point is that generally speaking and you can check our statistics here in the Bahamas we don't kill people with our licensed shotguns and rifles despite the fact that many like myself carry them just bout everywhere we go, people that have licensed firearms don't go around just shooting for fun and flying off the handle because they had a fender bender and then it becomes a wild west scene...No in fact after you have already gone through all the red tape and proper channels to attain these weapons you then understand that it is for drastic times that you produce your firearm for self defense otherwise that $1000+ you already spent on this gun, will be confiscated and now destroyed by they new "gun masher" down at ISD(Internal Security Division).

Truth is stopping us as law abiding citizens from having handguns sure as hell aint stopping the criminals from having them. You can never "Control" something you prohibit, you only end up creating a black Market for it. So if we dont get over this "gun-phobia" our society will never get any better. I am NOT an officer and never was, im just a citizen that prefers not to be easy prey for the predators that lurk in the shadows of our streets and business places I believe in a proactive approach to addressing security and not the reactionary one that our Beloved Govt so likes to take. Anyway i will end by saying this "If guns are Outlawed then only outlaws will have guns".

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