Tribune Freeport Reporter
FREEPORT - FNM leader Dr Hubert Minnis was in Grand Bahama on Sunday to celebrate Father's Day with FNM supporters at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Pinder's Point.
It was his first visit to Grand Bahama since being chosen as party leader at the FNM's convention in May.
Dr Minnis said Bahamian society is under siege while families are in a state of decay and the nation is on the verge of social destruction.
He said the role of men in the family and the definition of fatherhood have evolved over the years.
"There is a shift from viewing fathers as primary breadwinners and disciplinarians, to recognising fathers as active and nurturing parents that help to foster a strong daily family life," he said.
However, Dr Minnis expressed concern over the change of the family's dynamic over the years.
He noted that many families depend on two incomes to survive, and that sometimes one parent has to hold two jobs to make ends meet.
"With this fundamental change in the family dynamic, there is a sense of despair due to the absence of both parents for an extended period of time from the family group," he said.
"Further exasperating this situation is the fact that many of us have moved from the communal living or neighbourhood life that we know of when I was growing up. We now live in silos, enclosing our yards, our homes, and our hearts."
After the service, Dr Minnis spoke with the media at the FNM Headquarters on West Atlantic Drive, where he met briefly with party supporters.
He noted that FNMs are very energised on Grand Bahama.
"I was very impressed; we had a very good meeting at the church hall. There were individuals there who left the party and now have returned.
"They are energised and ready to work as we move toward maintaining our seat in Abaco," Dr Minnis said.
When asked whether the party would ask FNM Cabinet minister Kenneth Russell to come back, Dr Minnis said the FNM has always maintained an "open tent" to all.
Mr Russell left the party shortly after a falling out with former prime minister and party leader Hubert Ingraham, who fired him from his Cabinet post as the Minister of Housing and National Insurance for a breach of Cabinet protocol.
Mr Minnis said: "We would not deny individuals. Political parties can only build and grow by new individuals coming in.
"You will have some people leave and that is the nature of things, but you must continue to invite individuals in - that's only way. So our tent is open for all, we will not send a personal invitation."
Observer 12 years, 9 months ago
What a revelation this is. To think about it, he was a member of the team that presided over the affairs of this country for the last five (5) years from 2007 to 2012.
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