School's out: Art is in


Tribune Features Reporter

SCHOOLS are out for the Summer and many parents are looking for activities to keep their youngsters occupied.

As luck would have it, there are several Summer Art Camps being held in Nassau this year; camps that offer various programmes ranging from creative paintings to ceramics.

Bahamian mother, Michelle Smith said she is interested in sending her 10 year old son to a Summer program so he can further his already advanced creative skills.

"I want to enroll him in a Summer art programme because he is artistic and I think he would benefit from art classes outside of school, where he can focus just on his art work," she said.

Crystal Gibson added that she is looking forward to enrolling her 9 year old sister in a Summer art programme this year. She said it is time to put away the remote controls and dolls and pick up the paints and brushes.

"I think art would be a decent trade to learn for a child, instead of her just staying home and watching TV. I feel as if she can learn interesting things in an art programme and she can be kept occupied, while engaging in something creative and benefitial," said Ms Gibson.

Popopstudios is hosting an educational programme to cater to aspiring young artists between the ages of 8-17 years old, starting July 9. The camp will be divided into four weekly sessions with workdays starting at 9am and ending at 3pm.

According to the studio's website, during the camp students will be exposed to various disciplines and participate in both group and individual activities.

"Their experience will be enhanced by weekly trips to galleries and nature preserves with assignments being formatted to encompass dominant themes in the places visited. At the end of the month a one-day exhibition will be held showcasing the work that the children made over the course of the camp," the website stated.

The Place For Art, also hosting a camp based on the philosophy that "art is a process rather than a product. Once a child or adult begins to explore art, there is no turning back or stopping."

Beginning July 10, both adults and children can enjoy weeks of hands on art history with introductory calligraphy techniques and integrated art and coral reef study. As well as an overview of architecture and its history.

The Summer camp at J B Potter and Sculpture, which also starts in July, caters to children between the ages of 14 and 16. Once enrolled, the students will be taking part in art activities such as drawing, painting, sculpting, beach combing, shelling, boat building, tie dye and batik, found art and weaving.

There will also be adult ceramic classes, offering hand building techniques, wheel throwing and sculpture.


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