UPDATE: Police confirmed this morning that they have caught the two men wanted in connection with a string of armed robberies, burglary and rape.

Though police are being tight-lipped on other details, Superintendent Paul Rolle confirmed that the men had been picked up and are assisting officers their investigations.

More on this as information comes in to the newsroom.


POLICE want to quiz two men in connection with allegations of rape, burglary and armed robbery.

The public is being asked to help officers locate Donnavon Sturrup, 28, alias “Tinman”, of Union Village, and Enoch Eulin, 32, alias “Pumkin”, of Excellence Estates.

Both men are described as having a dark complexion, medium build, standing 5’ 11” tall.

Last night, police refused to describe the specific incidents the men are wanted in connection with.

However, a source inside the investigation said investigators were also eager to see if the suspects had information about the spree of home invasions and rapes reported in eastern and western New Providence over the past weeks.

Anyone who has information on the whereabouts of either man is asked to call 323-0853/4, 322-3816, 502-9910, or Crime Stoppers on 328-TIPS.

According to sources, police have formed a dedicated unit to find and arrest two serial rapists who have been terrorising women in the eastern and western areas for the past three weeks.

The men, who wore scarves around their faces, allegedly broke into the homes of women between 2am and 6am to rape them at gunpoint.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Anthony Ferguson urged members of the public to be more alert when heading home especially late at night and early in the morning.

“We would like residents and citizens as you move about to be aware if someone might be following you. If you see someone lurking around your streets, lurking around your premises or premises that are not occupied pick up the phone and call the police and we will be more than happy to respond. As I indicated we have stepped up patrols in these areas so the response time should be very quick. We would really like for people to call us. I believe this is the only way that we can solve these matters if we work together,” he said.

Meanwhile, police are questioning a man taken into custody in connection with the discovery of several stolen laptops, in an effort to determine if the items were taken from the homes of any reported rape victims.

ACP Ferguson said if there is any connection between the two investigations, officers are confident they will be able to update the public today.

The 24-year-old Apple Street man was detained around 2pm yesterday after Central Detective Unit officers executed a search warrant on a home on that street.


jt 12 years, 8 months ago

Good job RBPF. Now let's hurry up and let these guys out on bail so they can continue their spree.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago

GOOD JOB RBPF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

B_I_D___ 12 years, 8 months ago

@JT...most definitely, because according to the good Dr. their crimes are not severe enough and our prisons are far too harsh an environment...the safest place for these criminals is on the streets!!

lilbigga 12 years, 8 months ago

yhhh but who will we point the fingers too its the bahamain its them who made the choice to re-elect the PLP.

positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago

Would you not class rape as a violent and dangerous crime? Then how could you say their suspected crimes are not severe enough?

menolikey 12 years, 8 months ago

i thought the initial reports said the serial rapists were bright and tall? remind me what bright is again

positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago

Yes you right cause those two guys sure dont have a hint of brightness besides, which one would be the Jamaican.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago


positiveinput 12 years, 8 months ago

after reading your 'color wise or (especially) smart wise, I looked back at the picture and lmao. Good one.

oracleoctavia 12 years, 8 months ago

@JT and others....on behalf of Bahamian women not this time my brudda...I don't care how foolish members of this government may be they BETTER PROSECUTE these two heinous villains if they truly are the culprit...speedily and lose them in FOX HELL Prisons. I am for forgiveness but my Father says render to Caesar what is his PROSECUTE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

B_I_D___ 12 years, 8 months ago

@ positiveinput...guess you missed my sarcasm there in my post...next to murder, it ranks up there as one of the worst...maybe even worse than murder...at least your victim in a murder does not have to live with it for the rest of their lives. I do honestly hope they have the right guys with the DNA evidence to prove it, and that they did not just pull some known criminal elements off of the street and name them as the culprits. Already getting the sense here that 'crime news' is not being very forthcoming with the new government...guess they need to sugar coat their 100 days. Time will tell. Must be the new 'policy' with dealing with the press and what they are told and allowed to report.

gonewithit 12 years, 8 months ago

Our Judaical system is to slack in our small nation to even tolerate these crimes find theses men an do everyone a favor torture there ass an pardon my french kill them

Bril 12 years, 8 months ago

First thing. Innocent until proven guilty. These are heinous acts of violence but we must be certain that these are the right men. Second, we need to stop treating Fox Hill like its some hotel for these criminals. If you are going to be incarcerated on the tax-payers dime I would suggest we demand that they be worked to the bone. Hard labour, building seawalls and the like. Two young men who will most likely be in jail for 20+ years sitting on their duffs doing nothing. Make them do back breaking work for being menaces to society. Third, put them in solitary for the first 6 months to 1 year. Let them think long and hard about their acts. None of this nonsense about mother and family visits etc.

These fellas in Fox Hill still getting fry fish and peas and rice delivered. They might as well be out and go down the road to get it themselves. No comforts for criminals. If it were up to me they would eat porridge for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch and corn beef and white rice for dinner. No outside food and the comforts of daily living afforded to the rest of us who know how to behave in society.

JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

How To Create A Relatively Crime-Free Productive Bahamian Society Dear Mr Christie and cohorts, the three prong program outlined below must be implement over the course of the next six months, and it does not include the use of police men from other jurisdictions, just simple common sense which is not common. Effective immediately, convicted criminals shall be entitled to an appeal system that affords them no more than thirty extra days of the court’s time period – win, lose or draw. Justice must be swift and meaningful to all parties affected. Furthermore, upon conviction, a criminal shall surrenders most if not all of their citizenship rights regarding fair treatment as a human being and then ones only recourse shall be rehabilitation through daily hard labour and such relief as the cat-o’-nine tail shall offer. This means that in short order all convicted criminals shall be relegated to hard labour, toiling for ten hours daily on massive agricultural venues. Thereafter, never again shall a criminal receive or be motivated to seek a free lunch from society, but with humility that one will serve as a tool to resurrect and maintain a booming Bahamian agricultural industry. No wiggle room or special protection shall be provided for deviant police officers, prison officers, politicians, economist, bankers, religious personalities or entities, healthcare professionals, or secret order criminals. You stand now between a rock and a hard place. The first prong: a) A bill must be enacted into law which provides that any and all sentences for Torts that have a criminal aspect and/or any petty criminal acts shall require the convicted individual to serve a mandatory minimum term of 5 years hard labour on an Agricultural Chain Gang (ACG). For example, if an individual drives their car into a parked vehicle because of brakes failure, a civil wrong or tort has occurred. However, if that same person while driving a car experienced brake failure and crashes into a parked automobile, after having consumed more alcohol than the legal limit, not only has a tort been committed but also a crime. Should there be a chain gang for a Tort with a criminal aspect to it? Yes, because a chain gang would work wonders for the healing of the mind, body and spirit, while constantly reminding those convicts, their families and our nation of the seriousness of the gift of life! When forced to walk silently on egg shells or rice paper one acquires a higher sense of respect for self and others, at arms length. Hard labour while baking in the hot sun could serve to effectively rehabilitate a criminal or release them from their shackles through an untimely demise from sun stroke.

JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

Other minor infractions subjected to such an act of law will include shoplifting, purse snatching, simple assault, motor-vehicle theft, house breaking, receiving stolen goods, selling stolen goods, stealing from your employer, simple violations of public trust (lying to a police officer or an officer of the court) and all first time white collar offenders. Their work day will be from dusk to dawn.

b) Any and all convictions for violent crime such as murder and criminal homicide (voluntary manslaughter), forcible rape, aggravated assault, robbery and arson, gross violations of public trust (where a public official commits fraud, knowingly makes a false arrest, lies to the court or defrauds the general public in a harmful manner or where a person of the general public purges oneself in a court of law) they will begin by receiving a minimum sentence of thirty years with added time up and to a life sentence based on the severity, savageness and brutality of the event. Such violent or heinous criminal convicts will also be relegated to the ACG for the duration of their sentence. Nevertheless, where there is evidenced of criminal homicide or premeditated murder such person (s) when convicted shall be put to death by hanging or lethal injection, without preference, to any secret order affiliations which they might have nor shall they be entitled to receive any form of preferred treatment or mercy from the Privy Council, the United States or any other appeals court or body outside of the jurisdiction of the Bahamas. Neither shall we ask for or accept any advice from glory-seeking attorneys from Amnesty international regarding what is fair or just treatment for prisoners of our sovereign nation. If we do not stand on our own two feet we shall fall on our faces.

JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

The second prong Firstly you must use your new government’s power of eminent domain to seize and clear with tractors two five square miles tracts of land: one plot in Eleuthera (between Savannas Sound and Tarpum bay) and the other in Northern Abaco (just outside Coopers Town), which will be used as a key part of your crime prevention and reduction initial models. Upon each plot of land, during your first three months in office, you must immediately erect two buildings separated by about fifty yards: a modern prison and a prison guards’ housing quarters for officers while regulating the ACG prisoners. a) Each of the two prisons must be able to house five hundred prisoners in two person cells with basic amenities. There would be a dining room which could feed up to 200 inmates over the course of a twenty minute period, and a sewage system that could pump environmentally friendly waste into the ocean on the north side of each Island. b) The prison officers quarters shall be able to accommodate 150 prison guards, each living in a single bedroom with a private shower, toilet and television. Under normal conditions, in this three storied guards quarters there would only be 100 to 120 fit and on the ready, alert prison guards, reporting to a superior officer and a deputy on location at all times. c) There shall be a first aid centre where a doctor and a nurse shall provide reasonable care to a prisoner’s injuries upon the recommendation of the superior officer or his deputy. The doctor and nurse shall be afforded accommodations equal to those of the prison guards, along with a shared government vehicle for them to leave the compound and recreate from time to time in a local village, during the period of their renewable annual service contract.

JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

d) All prison guards shall be properly trained in jujitsu or aikido and in the effective and efficient use of three types of weapons: B&T TP 9mm; FN P90, and a double barrel shot gun, one of which they shall be required to carry during their work shift. Prison officers shall be rotated between the Fox hill, Abaco, and Eleuthera prison facilities every 90 days. They will be trained to shoot to kill if ever resisting prisoners pose a threat of escape through an uprising or insurrection or in any manner threaten the lives of officers. Where there are one or two rebellious inmates who are not killed on the spot, they shall be administered the cat-o-nine- tail with diligence, in an amount prescribed by the superior officer in charge at the time. Pain generally accelerates learning, as it was from the day of birth. This recommendation does not in anyway seek to imply a that the fathers and mothers of such rebels were bad parents or that they did not give all that they could towards guiding such resisters into the upright path. Therefore, our government shall especially remember such victimized mothers and give them on mothers day some flowers in honour of their past well intentions and in sympathy for their suffering, as their offsprings endures a life altering learning experience. e) Finally, as a facilitator, your government must help small business farmers with loans and technical know-how, for them to return to their farms and take pride in developing quality produce, which would ensure their continued success. Such a bold strategy would require the aid of Bahamian marketing experts committed under oath to establish premium buyers and guaranteeing the picking of mature shippable green fruit and vegetables destined for African, Canadian and European countries, by air or by sea. We as a nation shall commit to never again scorning or wasting food, but before any food products starts to spoil, we shall give it away to the needy.

JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

The Third Prong a) The Bahamas government should not encourage or force citizens to make any decisions on ill conceived referendums concerning oil drilling – after you have slept with the enemy (ruthless oil scavengers) regarding oil deposits that lay within the territory of the Bahamas – for the next ten years. With a scarcity of resources world wide, the price of such oil could only escalate in the next ten years. Why such an frantic big black gold oil rush? Does your oil masters that might have assisted you in the past elections have your head on a chopping block? Is there a time table for you to pay to the piper? Have you made promises to multi-nationals that you can not keep? My friend, If oil is there, it will be there until such time as we have succeeded in establishing a sustainable high quality of living for most Bahamian, based on our Agriculture and Fisheries industries. Those are the talents that God gave us Bahamians, and the same ones that have been neglected and squandered by politicians for far too long, under the guise of entertainment, tourism and having fun serving Lucifer- the father of the lie – while our people starve. “My people perish from a lack of knowledge”, Hosea 4:6 (KJV). b) The responsible thing to do is to immediately purchase four fit for purpose fishing trawlers between 150 to 200 feet long: one fishing vessel will operate out of each of four island Andros, Abaco, Nassau, and Eleuthera. All young Bahamians 21 or older will be eligible for training to be a crew member and/or work in the fishing industry. The fishermen onboard this fleet of Bahamian fishing boats shall be commissioned as look-outs or care takers of the fishing industry: this means that they shall be duty-bound by oath to alert the Royal Defence Force to any infringements, theft of fish or fishing opportunities that unauthorized fishing vessels, poachers, human traffickers, drug traffickers, arms traffickers or any illegalities that are being advanced within Bahamian territorial waters. This means that a six to eight week intensive, but thorough trawler operational training programs will have to be completed by the crew of new fishermen. Simultaneously, you must start the construction of one large scaled modern fish hatchery on each of the four above named islands, under the capable guidance of Bahamian oceanographers, marine life scientists, and environmental experts. The final aspect of the this third prong or degree program shall be the international marketing of our fish to a universe of discriminating fish lovers plates within 24 hours of being caught. This would require skilled marketing experts to establish contracts for daily purchases and prompt delivery of fresh Grouper, Jacks, Grunts, Porgies, Tuna, Blue Marlins, Sailfishes, Swordfishes, Turbots and Yellowtail Snappers to African, North American, European and Asian countries of the world.

JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

In conclusion, if you should let common sense, moral responsibility, and prudent judgement govern your actions, Mr Prime Minister, the Bahamian economic, political, and social system might be rescued from the jaws of self-destruction. A smile, sign, allegory or a pat on the back wont cut the mustard at this time. I say that to say this, we both know well the dangerous risks associated with the destruction of the tourism industry that could occur from oil drilling in our waters. Or have you quickly forgotten BP’s most recent blunders? Who got screwed the most by that event? Was it not the American fishermen, restaurant owners and small business men? Do you believe that the Bahamas will stand for such immediate foolishness? Are we to believe that as the Bahamian society accelerate along its course of disintegration due to bad judgements, that there will be some special safety line extended to you, yours, and our people by those ruthless, greed driven oil sharks during an inevitable crisis? Well, think again. Our hatcheries and agricultural activity shall guarantee us fish, fruits, vegetables , and employment for many life times to come, even after the oceans of the world are without fish in 2050. If we act responsibly now, we shall be able to not only feed our nation, but continue to assist in feeding the world at a premium with our fresh fruits, vegetables and fish products. “We’ve got to use what we’ve got to get just what we want!” The people want self sufficiency not elaborate excuses and this should be the aim of this government: next to zero unemployment. Such can be achieved not only through having large half full hotels, but through responsible and safe cultivation and maintenance of our fishing and agriculture resources. A near crime free society based on sensible, realistic opportunities for self actualization being afforded all members of our society, or the choice to suffer pain-filled consequences. And do remember, Sir, that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. One should be very careful with all the supposed money deals, glory and glamour that one might seemingly acquire, for if a man does not have peace of mind, then it was all for naught.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 8 months ago


JohnBrown 12 years, 8 months ago

Everything is always negotiable and renegotiable buddy unless you’re a broken wrist person, for there are no done deal only deal shakers, deal breakers...and/or sabotage. Look at Oslo, one man who was a Mason, slaughtered many forward thinking youthful leaders for a more harmonious society, while acting as a representative of the hidden conservative thoughts of that nation's upper classes. What happens if and when the same type of thing happens in reverse in our Bahamas because the masses got tired of being abused, neglected, rejected and humiliated with lies, and secrecy or when they finally awaken and feel the real and present threat of extinction, facing them. I wonder if this will be after nature rebels within the force of the next earthquake in Haiti, which would spark that one great thumping tsunami over our 21 by 7 miles landscape? Or will it be the destabilizing force of the oil drilling in the Bahamas that sparks a nationwide earthquake and then the end all tsunami? The Final Flight album was on sale 40 years ago. Were you ready then? And are you ready now? Then everybody get flat! Uuuummmmm!

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