Tribune Staff Reporter
THE "Real Talk Live" talk show audio tape will verify if the host made disparaging remarks about a Supreme Court judge on live radio.
Yesterday morning, Supreme Court Justice Stephen Isaacs ordered that a copy of the June 22, 2012 edition taping of Ortland Bodie Jr's live show be surrendered to the court to be played.
Attorney Keith Seymour, defending Mr Bodie Jr on the charge of contempt, asked the judge for an adjournment to listen to the tape as he had been retained the evening before yesterday's proceeding and needed time to prepare a defence.
Justice Isaacs, who was unable to listen to the show himself but heard of the alleged comments through daily listeners calling in distress, acknowledged the requests. He adjourned the matter to Monday, July 2.
In response to the writ filed against him on June 25, Mr Bodie Jr denied the allegations in an affidavit a day later.
He said he never made any sort of "disparaging" or "negative" remarks concerning Justice Isaacs, but also "profusely" apolgised for "any degree of embarrassment or umbrage."
In court yesterday, the judge read the notice of motion that sought to have Mr Bodie held in contempt and sent to Her Majesty's Prison for "publishing disparaging remarks" about the judge on radio regarding the case of Stephen Dwight Stubbs and others.
The grounds for the motion were that the remarks were "intended" to impede the administration of justice and scandalise the court.
The judge yesterday referred to Mr Bodie's apology in a local daily regarding the alleged comments. However, speaking on paragraph nine of the affidavit filed by the radio talk show host, the judge said: "That is not an apology, that is a denial."
Mr Seymour at this point explained that he had just been retained the day before.
Justice Isaacs told the attorney that the issue of the "alleged remarks" would be the perception the society has from them, as to them, it would mean the judge is "corrupt, a criminal."
"I sit here as the face of all judges even though this matter involves me," he said.
He also said that a late apology "may be rejected."
The attorney then asked for an adjournment to retrieve the tape from More 94.9 FM so that the truth would be revealed in the tape.
Justice Isaacs directed him to have a copy of the tape delivered to the court and adjourned the matter to July 2 at 10am.
TalRussell 12 years, 9 months ago
How in the hell can a judge haul a Comrade before his bench on "hearsay" evidence? Da judge need hang up he robes if he aint done knows why it is that "secondhand" hearsay evidence is normally too gossipy to admit as solid evidence?
But check this out; the judge say he heard it from multiple" "manymouths" and dat even worser bunch iffy admissible evidence. Da judge need knows first for he own self why he hauling the Comrade before him?
I say the judge case against the Comrade needs be dismissed, cause now the judge done admit he hear nothing for himself, but now he out there "fishing" for "real" evidence. to use against Comrade Ortland Jr.
How you can send a Comrade to Fox Hill, after you only now gone fishing for ya evidence? To me this da same as if you get undressed "after' you done had ya sex? Think da Judge goin haul me before he sentencing to jail bench?…
Hobo 12 years, 9 months ago
Wait a minute. He just say he will expose the judge and the judge has the power to bring him before the courts. If this is legal, then we gat some serious problems in this country.
It seems as if the judge in this case, whom my tax dollars help to pay, is saying he can't be questioned.
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