Bran to reject u-turn claim over marital rape law

DEMOCRATIC National Alliance leader Branville McCartney has scheduled a press conference for today to refute a Tribune headline he feels misrepresented his stance on the efforts to ban marital rape.


DNA Leader Branville McCartney

The headline, "U-turn for Bran on marital rape law", published last Friday, came after Mr McCartney first addressed the issue on the talk show Citizens' Review, then clarified his position in a statement the next day.

When asked by show host Erin Ferguson if the FNM's Bill outlawing rape in a marriage would be passed by a DNA government, Mr McCartney said: "No, sir. When you get married to a person, you are one."

Mr McCartney noted that rape in a marriage is hard to prove, but when told this is not a sufficient basis for its legality, he said: "I don't think it should be illegal. I maintain that. I don't think there should be an Act or law for raping a spouse."

Last Friday, the DNA leader qualified this categorical statement, saying the question of whether or not to outlaw rape in a marriage should be put to the wider public and decided through "mutual understanding and compromise".

Stressing that protecting women's rights is of "paramount importance" to the DNA, he suggested an administration headed by him would be willing to consider such legislation, but not in the form the FNM sought to pass it.

Mr McCartney added: "Re-education to build awareness is required before making decisions that affect our country's Christian values. We can no longer rush legislation because of international pressure without considering how it would affect our society."

  • See Insight on page B12


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