Ten questions for Perry Christie

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please publish these 10 questions for Mr Christie:

Dear Mr. Christie,

You say that we should vote for your party on May 7th. Would you please give us the respect of answering these questions before then?

  1. When you were Prime Minister did you meet with any of the principals or officers of the oil company you became a legal consultant to, and if so when and how often?

  2. When did you become a consultant for this oil company?

  3. When did it end?

  4. For the sake of transparency, would you give us a ball park figure of how much money you were paid for your services?

  5. Can you be more specific on the nature of the services you provided?

  6. You said you gave advice on "whether or not an application is ready." Can you tell us what kinds of applications?

  7. Is your Deputy Brave Davis still a legal consultant to this oil company?

  8. Did or does Mr. Davis have a "direct" relationship with the oil company and does this pose a potential conflict of interest for him?

  9. Why did you keep secret the work you were doing on behalf of a foreign oil company?

  10. Given your answers to these questions, how can you assure the Bahamian people that neither you nor your Deputy or the PLP will have any conflicts of interest in making decisions in relation to the oil company involved?

Thank you in advance for responding to these questions that many us would appreciate answers to before we vote next week.

Concerned Voter


April 30, 2012.


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