DNA pulled vote


Tribune Staff Reporter


WHILE the Democratic National Alliance was unsuccessful in becoming the next government of the Bahamas, the underestimated third party scored a significant and historic feat in the General Election.


DNA Leader Branville McCartney

The DNA, which celebrates its one year anniversary in three days, pulled more than 10,000 votes from the major parties and other independent candidates.

The party's highest scoring candidate was DNA leader Branville McCartney who garnered support from 1024 voters. He was unsuccessful in retaining his seat which was won by the PLP's Renward Wells. McCartney conceded later in the evening.

Next highest scorer for the DNA was deputy leader Chris Mortimer for Nassau Village who secured 833 votes. That seat was also won by the PLP.

Wallace Rolle for South Beach rounded out the third spot with 616 votes.

From the combined results, not including the family islands and three Grand Bahama seats, the DNA got 10,494 votes. McCartney will issue a statement today on the outcome of the elections.


BahamaSand 12 years, 10 months ago

That's significant 4 the first time party. I have faith in A completely new govt., 2017 is where it's at!

bahamiangal 12 years, 10 months ago

While the DNA didn't literally "pull votes" at the polls, they were a great assistance to the PLP with their anti-FNM campaigning. They got what they wanted - a "change", but not sure if it was the "change" they had in mind. Who knows though as we never really had a clear idea of HOW they planned to change things. Maybe they'll figure it all out in the next 5 years. Didn't Bran say he would step down as leader if he didn't win his seat?

Philosopher_King 12 years, 10 months ago

The DNA with a few exceptions was basically an unspectacular and unknown slate of candidates were still able to garner significant support considering the early developmental stages of the party. They need to continue to remain an intelligently vocal presence on the landscape and nurture their party’s philosophy. Many speculated that they were not going to be relevant at all this time around or just another flimsy attempt to form a 3rd party; when in fact in 9 short months they mostly ran an effective campaign in NP and accomplished way more than any 3rd party did previously. Image what they can do if they continue to court more polished candidates, energetic membership and craft a platform in line with the younger and disenfranchised voters aspirations for the country. We could be looking at possible coalition government in 2017 and who knows what beyond.

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

PM Christie will always be appreciative for Ingraham's role in the formation of the DNA. Talk about what was suppose to be a smart plan turning around to bite you in the ass?

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

Best way to describe Ingraham's slap in he face is that the natives decided not to present his FNM/UBP regime with a "transparency in government" award. Bran may not have won his seat but he sure as hell settle the score with his former boss Ingraham. If you don't love the irony in this you are humor dead.

notsogullible 12 years, 10 months ago

By the way ... ALL PLP's ... the PLP did not win the election. The DNA snatched the government from the FNM and handed it over to the PLP.

Philosopher_King 12 years, 10 months ago

This myth of the DNA causing the FNMs landslide defeat is only a balm to soothe the bleeding wounds. If you don’t wish for those wounds to become infected Just deal with the cause for your cut behind; that is many us have been starved for an alternative to both the tried and failed PLP and FNM. We are looking for leadership reflective of our generations’ belief that now is our time to craft the future we envision for the Bahamas we were once told we would someday inherit. I applaud PM Christie for recognizing this in part and attracting a cadre of young candidates to run this lap that were far superior to the boot lick lackeys The Dear Maximum Leader had following him around with their mouths pinned shut. The question is: will the PM now let them help lead and set the agenda or will the PLPs old guard come from out of the shadows to rule in the "all for me baby" style once again?

proudloudandfnm 12 years, 10 months ago

The DNA have to be more responsible! If they want change fine, make change from within. Third parties are never more than an annoyance, they will never win a GE. Bran and his group of dreamers caused us to lose many seats, we may not have won the GE but we would have a much more balanced HOA if not for the DNA. I pray the DNA is no longer come next election.

spoitier 12 years, 10 months ago

I think this is a learning experience for the DNA and Branville Mccartney, this country was really looking for an alternative to what we had and what we now have but Branville said somethings that hurt the party. Next election he would be more polish and know what to say and what to don't say for the most part and then the country would go in a different direction with the DNA providing the PLP doesn't do anything great. By the time next election comes around you would have students who is now in the 8th grade voting, so there is a lot more young people going to the poll in 2017 and I think even the older generation would say enough is enough if the PLP fail and give the DNA a chance rather than chasing the their tail with the FNM.

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