Foulkes says DNA surprised everyone


Dion Foulkes

FORMER Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes said the impact of the Democratic National Alliance on Monday's election took everyone by surprise.

Speaking outside FNM headquarters yesterday, Mr Foulkes said the FNM could have won as many as 23 seats were it not for the fledgling party's resonance with voters.

He said: "All of the polls indicated that it was going to be a very close election. I don't think anybody anticipated the amount of votes the DNA would have gotten in certain areas and that impacted in my estimation about 15 of our seats.

"In my view, I think we could have won an additional 15 seats if the DNA was not in the race, but you know this is a democracy and we have to accept the way things have worked out."

While final election numbers had yet to be released last night, the DNA seems to have attracted around 10,000 votes - more than any other third party in Bahamian history.

Speaking of the road ahead, Mr Foulkes said: "We are together as an organisation - we had a very successful meeting today with all of the candidates. The leader Mr Ingraham, he is in a very good mood and he is very optimistic about the future of the organisation and all of us are working together."

Asked if he would run for Parliament again, Mr Foulkes said: "It's much too early to address that - obviously I will have to discuss matters with wife, children, family and friends before.

"I would advise politicians generally not to make any decisions about their future right after a defeat."

Asked to name his most memorable experiences during his time as Minister of Labour, Mr Foulkes chose the time spent crafting the National Training Initiative, the Unemployment Benefit Programme, and the National Prescription Drug Plan in conjunction with the Ministry of Health.

"We did some big things that impacted the ordinary Bahamian in a positive way. I was very pleased that I was able to have great staff at the Department of Labour and the Department of Social Services, in the height of the great recession, to deliver services to the Bahamian people that kept this society afloat and kept families afloat," he said.

"I was also able to maintain industrial peace. We had no major industrial issues and leading up to the election I had all industrial matters resolved."


TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

Baby Hubert's DNA was the backfired plan to stop PM Christie that couldn't shoot straight. The 2102 General Elections is all daddy Hubert's genius which will remain pretty much untouchable for many elections to come. Comrades Carl talking and now Dion adding his two cents. For the sake of Jesus, since Hubert gone in hiding you just can't shut these mothers up.

BoopaDoop 12 years, 10 months ago

I don't think anyone can go head to head with you when it comes to endless babbling. Maybe you can take a long vacation now that the election is over. Your lips need a much deserved rest from all the kissing.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

tal russell do you have a job??????????????

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

It's shows my generosity by my even responding to a BoopaDoop. I tell you this. Jesus going come in the sleep to all of them FNM's for for character assignation attempts they made from day one of the General Elections, on the Hubert's long time, trusted law partner. Ain't nobody, going back to the biblical days of past, will ever remember seeing the look Jesus going give to them. If I was them I'd be careful which preacher's church they step into on a Sunday morning, cause he done preparing one mean-ass in your wretched faces sermon.

242 12 years, 10 months ago

come on now mind your punctuation and spelling and maybe we can understand the craziness you saying. What i don't get why the PLPs so angry if they win? or they just still in shock?

BoopaDoop 12 years, 10 months ago

Now you sound like the Opposition. You are still a Gold Digger, right? Seriously, you can take a vacation. The PLP is the new government. You can stop defending them now.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

thats lovely to know thats what are churches are about ,,,talrussell party of one your tables ready ,,will you need a high chair mam??

bahamamama 12 years, 10 months ago

What is TalRussell running on about? And why the PLPs keep mixing up religion and politics?

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

In the past few weeks Hubert has practiced irresponsible lies reaching the heights of sensationalism in his character assassination of his former, long-time, trusted law partner PM Christie. The mere fact that any of you would return here today is proof of the thousands of FNM's who are still guilty of association with this little-minded man. Grown members in and out of his government remained silent even though they knew Hubert’s lies defied common sense and decency. How dare you challenge me to extend an olive branch when just a few days ago the FNM regime’s leader was out there with the aid of their media friends and puppets at ZNS, feeding a steady diet of lies poisoning the minds of natives. What balls you have to come here to all of a sudden set boundaries of decency and fair play. I had no time for Hubert before and I certainly ain’t going to develop a new attitude toward him now that he and his regime have been so soundly rejected. You need to read Matthew 12:37 because God and I are on the same page about what needs to be done with this wretched FNM regime. “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Stick around for a few days I may just fill you in latter about what God really thinks about those who insult the dearly departed and their families.

BoopaDoop 12 years, 10 months ago

You haven't departed yet. Please, please, take a vacation or alternatively, join the Opposition since you still runnin' on.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

talrussell party of one your tables ready......

TalRussell 12 years, 10 months ago

Really, don't you think we have more important issues that need dealing with than wasting your time reliving the General Elections results you wanted, like creating jobs, dealing with the murderous thugs and protecting our national security.

concernedcitizen 12 years, 10 months ago

these level headed thoughts from the person that said in his previous comments,wait to see how God punishes those in the loyal opposition and how the preachers are going to lambast the fnm this sunday ,,whats up smallrussell did you get a ghost writer???

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