No wind-up petition link to Aquapure


Tribune Business Reporter


AQUAPURE executives yesterday allayed concerns that the company was in financial distress following the publication of a winding-up petition, explaining it did not relate to the existing bottled water producer, but the previous company which they acquired the business from back in 2006.

A winding-up petition has been filed in the Supreme Court on behalf of Chris Darville Real Estate Company against Aquapure Water and P.J's Building Supplies Limited. The petition is to be heard before Justice Rhonda Bain, on August 20, 2012, at 2.30pm in the afternoon. Chris Darville Real Estate is being represented by the firm Graham, Thompson and Co.

Geoffrey Knowles, operations manager at Aquapure, now owned by KLG Investments, told Tribune Business: "We bought the assets of Aquapure Water; we didn't buy the company. I thought the company was wound up a long time ago.

"When we bought it we just bought the assets and formed a new company, KLG Investments, and we bought Aquapure as a brand name, a registered trade mark. People write cheques to us as Aquapure Water Ltd."

Aquapure was sold by the McSweeney family to the Bahamian investment consortium, KLG Investments, in May 2006. The McSweeneys had owned and operated the company since it was founded in 1973.

Ray Winder, managing partner at Deloitte and Touche (Bahamas) and one of the liquidators in the matter involving Aquapure Water Ltd, confirmed that the petition had nothing to do with the present company.


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