WHILE political pundits have already started their scrutiny of the new government over the country's dismal crime situation, State National Security Minister Keith Bell yesterday said the PLP entered office on the cusp of an ongoing war.
Of the 59 recorded murders for the year, 17 took place this month. Police also took 23 men into custody after two rival gangs "shot up" a local night club early Tuesday morning ultimately killing one man who died in hospital and seriously injuring seven others.
Mr Bell said: "It isn't so much so under the PLP and I am not here for blaming, but the fact of the matter is that when the Progressive Liberal Party became the government on May 7, we met a war going on."
Crime in the country has also taken great precedence in the Christie administration's 100-day action plan.
The PLP pledged in the plan, to launch key elements of Project Safe Bahamas and Operation Cease Fire, including the reintroduction of Urban Renewal to immediately reinvigorate the fight against crime and violence.
"What we are now doing is implementing our strategies and initiatives. Our patrols, our aggressive intelligence gathering capabilities, and an introduction of our improved urban renewal initiative, which is our most comprehensive and preventative measure.
"So what you are going to see is a serious assault on crime."
Mr Bell further challenged the community to come forward with any information they might have that can assist authorities with their investigations.
"I will give you my cell number, 357-7999. Call me, call the police's crime tips or call the commissioner. Call someone and let them know what's happening because at the end of the day it is we who live here and our blood being spilled on the streets."
A more aggressive and co-ordinated effort with police patrols in the down town area, in inner city communities, and on the outskirts of the island are in the works through the police's "Saturation Patrol" initiative, Mr Bell said.
Almost two weeks ago, as the murder count stood at 53, National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage said seeing a reduction in crime was not only realistic, but necessary as the government moves forward.
positiveinput 12 years, 7 months ago
Wow, this man not only said call the police, he gave a direct contact to himself. This is a man whose showing the important of defeating crime (just hope you answer the phone now). Yes like stated the PLP met an ongoing crime splurge which within the following weeks or early months, we the Bahamian people are looking forward for you (the PLP) to reduce and cleanup. Its like buying a used car that already had problems, now it just up to you (PLP) to fix them like you said you could. Best of luck to you, we're depending on you guys.
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