Sex attack on woman during blackout

A FORMER Parliamentarian was sexually assaulted and robbed early yesterday morning during an island-wide blackout, The Tribune has learned.

According to police sources, a masked man broke into the woman's residence around 5am, robbed and sexually assaulted her before escaping into the darkness.

According to a source, the assailant demanded she drop him somewhere after the assault, but when she got into her vehicle, the man ran away.

It is unclear what he stole from the residence.

Police refused to comment on the matter because of the sensitive nature.

No rape statistics have been released for the year however rape increased by 56 per cent least year compared to the same period in 2010.

According to statistics released by the police department, reported rapes in New Providence increased from 54 to 84 from 2010 to 2011. In the Family Islands, reported rapes also increased from nine to 15. In Grand Bahama, however, the number fell from 15 to eight.


carlh57 12 years, 3 months ago

guys, proof read your spelling!!!!

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