Tribune Features Writer
BAHAMIAN civil engineer Racquel Greene’s recent accomplishment of being named ‘Employee of the Year’ at the Ministry of Works and Urban Development came after 16 years of hard work – years during which she had to constantly prove herself in a field dominated by men.
In addition to being named ‘Employee of the Year’ for 2012/13, Ms Greene was also selected as the first runner-up in the ‘National Public Service Officer of the Year’ category. Annually, Officers of the Year from the different government ministries compete before a panel of judges for the title of ‘National Public Officer of the Year’. This was Ms Greene’s first time being named ‘Employee of the Year’ and being nominated for the ‘National Public Officer of the Year’. Receiving accolades or a pat on the back was not something Ms Greene concerned herself with when she first started working as a civil, structural and building services engineer with the Ministry of Works and Urban Development in 1996. She focused her attention on making sure she possessed the skills necessary and was equipped for the task of supervising, designing and inspecting buildings and providing engineering.
Ms Greene supervises the air-conditioning workshop, which is responsible for the maintenance and servicing air-conditioning systems in more than 150 government buildings throughout New Providence and the Family Islands. She also designs and inspects structural, mechanical and electrical systems within government buildings.
“We have a number of women working in this section of the ministry, but the men outnumber the women by far,” Ms Greene said.
“The journey has come with its challenges. As a woman, people always question whether the knowledge you have is genuine. And in the beginning I had to prove I was capable of doing my job and completing the tasks I was given. After I did that they began to see that I was fit for the job.
“The journey has been such a humbling experience and everything we do is a team effort. Although I may be the one shining, the other people I work along with have a played pivotal part in us being able to achieve what we achieve on a daily basis,” she said.
Ms Greene’s success today as a civil engineer stemmed from interest she developed as a child. Ms Greene said she was known “Mrs Fix It”, even in her younger years. Whenever something went wrong with home appliances, she tried to rectify the problem.
“I was inquisitive. I wanted to know why things were not working. I always found a way to make them work. When my parents saw I had an interest in fixing things they steered me in that direction,” she said. Ms Greene’s first formal education in the field of engineering began in 1988, at the College of the Bahamas, where she obtained an Associate of Arts Degree in Construction Engineering. Eight years later she obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering with an emphasis in Structural Engineering at Howard University in Washington, DC.
In 2008, she went on to pursue a Master of Science in Building Services Engineering at the Loughborough University in the United Kingdom. She excelled and was graduated with a distinction in the programme. She was awarded a M.Sc. in Building Services Engineering and a monetary prize for the best dissertation for 2009. The dissertation explored the effects of carbon dioxide on students within the classrooms. As a part-time lecturer in the Natural Science and Technology School at COB, Ms Greene hopes to one day start her own programme for perspective engineering students.
“I am trying to do as much as I can. You cannot sit down and wait on things to happen for you, sometimes you have to get out there and make things happen on your own. I am interested in bringing people with me on this journey. It has been a wonderful experience so far,” Ms Greene told Tribune Woman.
Ms Greene is an engineer in training with the Florida Board of Professional Engineers since 2000. She is also a member of various civic and cultural organisations including Toastmasters International (District 47, Area F, Club 7178), the Bahamas Society of Engineers, American Society of Engineers, Institute of Civil Engineers and Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers. In most of these organisations, she helps the poor and assists in reading books to primary school children. She also provides Christmas presents to children in need and spends quality time with the children at the Ranfurly Home.
androsgyal 12 years, 4 months ago
To God Be the Glory!
AliciaO 12 years, 4 months ago
Congrats Kelli - hard work surely pays off - your Dad must be smiling with pride - keep up the great work - GO HOWARD!!! BISONS RULE!!!!
androsgyal 12 years, 4 months ago
Thank you Alicia!!!Blessings to you!
androsgyal 11 years, 9 months ago
Hi Dawson! Please be encouraged and press on!!!You dictate your future and what all you hope to accomplish!and it is never too late! Yes choose your school and discipline! and propel! and then watch the Lord put everything into perspective!monies, connections, people with the same drive and conviction, etc....!!!if there is any guidance I can provide to you as you pursue your dreams let me know!!!!I am glad my story encouraged you. Now i need you to make that change and I will be encouraged by You! So the ball is now in your court!!!Blessings!(smile)
leonardo85 11 years, 6 months ago
She must be feeling really great because of her achievement. It hardly matters what gender you belong to as long as you do a good job. I am associated with"> and so far I have never faced any biased attitude here.
karina 11 years, 1 month ago
I think Racquel Greene is an inspiration for all women, she is a talented and hardworking woman who deserves this award. She reminds me of a friend who is an engineer, she is now working with the reputed engineering firm Molded Extruded Specialties, this engineering service provider could be accessed online at…">
Marc 10 years, 1 month ago
She must be really good to be noticed in an industry that is a bit unusual for a woman, air conditioning systems can be very complicated. Most people would check out…"> trying to figure out what they need before going for such an investment, making a good choice is very important for everyone.
isabella 10 years, 1 month ago
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leonardo85 10 years, 1 month ago
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isabella 10 years, 1 month ago
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zinos85 10 years, 1 month ago
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tommglass 10 years ago
This proves that women can be as smart as men and they can take important decisions not only for their family, but also for the entire community. A woman shouldn't be seen as a pretty face, she should be treated as an equal member of the society. No matter if she applies daily makeup or goes regularly to a hair salon, like the one from…">…, she must be appreciated according to her mind and ideas.
tommglass 10 years ago
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