Tribune Staff Reporter
THE public has been urged to support a law celebrating Bahamian national heroes which was shelved by the former administration.
Head of the National Heroes Committee, Fr Sebastian Campbell, noted that in March 2007 Parliament passed a bill declaring a National Heroes Day in October, making that month National History Month, and establishing a system of national honours.
Fr Campbell said: “Tragically the former government did nothing to enact this declaration; it remained on the shelf for five years even after the National Heroes Committee agitated for its implementation.
“Unfortunately, it was made a partisan issue even though Parliament had unanimously agreed to the same.”
However, he said, the Christie administration has already committed to moving forward with the plan.
“The National Heroes Committee, therefore, invites all Bahamians and friends to celebrate October as National History Month and the holiday as National Heroes Day,” he said.
He also called on the government to make its support of the effort official, saying: “A proclamation is requested as to this effect. Legislation ought to be fully in place as law well before October 2013.”
Fr Campbell and the committee will celebrate the nation’s national heroes tomorrow at 10.30am at Golden Gates World Outreach.
He said National History Month will be closed out on Friday, November 9 at 7pm at Christ Church Cathedral, when under the direction of Dr Cleveland Williams a requiem Musical Presentation will be rendered for all Bahamian fallen heroes.
“Meanwhile, we urge schools and other entitles to create celebrations of their own to highlight our national heroes,” Fr Campbell said.
He added that on Friday, October 12, there will be a Heroes March and a ceremony for the heroes of Fox Hill at St Pauls Baptist Church at 11am.
sansoucireader 12 years, 3 months ago
Before we can celebrate a 'national hero' we need to decide what makes someone a national hero. What qualifies someone to carry that title?
Katerina 10 years, 1 month ago
I think is a good thing to establish a Day For Heroes. Saving other people, dying in the war for your country, making something good for the community , these things qualifies someone to carry this kind of title.">Katy
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