Killed while playing game of dominoes

A bullet hole in the windscreen of a car at the murder scene.

A bullet hole in the windscreen of a car at the murder scene.


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 29-year-old father was shot in the head while playing dominoes late Monday night.

Police said the victim, identified as Jasnell Edward Roberts of Carmichael Road, was outside a residence on Meadow Street around 10pm when he was approached by a gunman.

The man shot him once in the head before running into nearby bushes.

Mr Roberts was taken to hospital, but died of his injuries around 12.30 Tuesday morning.

He became the country’s 85th murder victim.

Police say they have no motive for the killing and are appealing to members of the public who may have information to contact them at 911 or 919, the Central Detective Unit at 502-9991 or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 328-TIPS.

Supt Stephen Dean revisited the scene yesterday with members of the press and Urban Renewal Officers.

He said police will canvass the entire area and knock on every door until they get the information they need to make an arrest.

“We also want to reassure residents that we are committed to working in partnership with them and we also want to find out if anyone has any information on who these suspects might be. We want to find the person responsible,” he said.

“We also want to put this warning out to persons who continue to commit crimes, particularly, or prolific offenders that walk around with firearms holding people and shooting people without any care or concern, the police will continue to target you.

“The police will continue to develop intelligence on you and we are going to get you. If you have not been visited by the police as yet, expect a visit very, very soon.”

Police are also still looking for the man who shot and killed a teenage boy last Friday.

Elijah Roberts, 19, was shot in the face as he sat in a car in front of his home.

The murder was the fifth in five days and the country’s 84th.

The incident took place around 11pm on Friday in Yellow Elder Gardens.

Police say Mr Roberts was in a blue Ford Taurus in front of his home at Majors Road when he got into an argument with another man.

The man shot him once in the jaw with the bullet exiting at the back of his head, killing him instantly.

The gunman fled on foot.

The teenager’s murder came less than 24 hours after a father of seven was gunned down off Soldier Road.

However, police say they have two men in custody for the shooting death of 50-year-old Own Julius Hanna and charges are expected to be filed this week.

Active investigation into all of these matters continues.


bookiedread 12 years, 6 months ago

Easy way to try and combat this crime problem is to take those same 200 officers around these schools and put them on this road to do what the people of the bahamas and not Bernard Nottage, is paying them to do.

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